Colonizing a new world

JANU: Seldom has there been more vigorous attempt to colonize a world filled with new adventures of potential and possibilities. This world we speak of belongs to a group, a cluster if you will, of stars and worlds 3.9 parsecs from the Earth. This world has been habitable for some time.

All of the beings who will populate, who will colonize this world are being transported there. Much of what has been learned from the human experience of the Earth will benefit this colony. We see an acceleration in evolution that will occur quickly compared to other worlds. The reason for this, our brother, is those who are awakening on other worlds will migrate there with a head start, so to speak.

Population density will be in the mere thousands to begin with but will soon grow, but not to the density of the Earth. The population will grow by design. This will be a population of enlightened beings, a kind of laboratory. Spontaneous pregnancy and birthing will eventually occur. These co-creators will manifest what they need, simply at first. Conscious beings outgrowing the need for the veil, you see. Much to be learned here. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2018 B                                                                              Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross