The nature of perpetual existence

JANU: We are enumerating once more the need for collective conditioning of the human psyche for larger explorations of life while involved with the Earth venue. What we promote here is the beginning of transition into something larger than human-centered consciousness, restoring, then, the embrace of larger realities.

So if not human-centered consciousness, our brother, then what? Your interest in exploring other cultures on other worlds is in this direction and we concur. Exploring life beyond current identity is revelatory and proceeds along the lines of an open and fluid identity, allowing for intimacy with more than a limited sense of self. What’s in store for these explorations is a growing confidence in the more eternal nature of life, the ongoingness of life beyond sojourns.

Human consciousness has been, in some ways, imprisoned and obsessed with a smaller world. How can self-esteem be based upon limitation and still evolve and grow? Explore the sense of life within you, unlimited life that reaches into the breadth of its own Nature, which is still growing. Perpetual existence is not in physical form, our brother, but in the collective consciousness of diverse life.

We beseech you then to explore the cultures of other worlds and other realities. We are one in this and will proceed as you wish. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2018                                                                                   Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross