Larger understanding of individuality

JANU: We are welcoming the opportunity to begin a discourse in a new direction, one of many to come. This direction being the embracing of significant new developments in the progression of sponsored life. Now, by ‘sponsorship’ we mean the integrity and desire of the True Nature. More to be revealed in this direction that accounts for coming changes in the relationships throughout the being.

If you realize the significance of the diversity of the nature of individual existence, this portends an evolution in consciousness as to the diversity of the collective life. So-called individual beings are not completely individual, you see. There is, in a sense, an overseer, a reality of presence that transcends but includes individuality. So it is with each one, you see. This new direction is embracing and relating to this reality, which affords a synergism of the Larger Life in the consciousness of the so-called individual.

Be it known that the Orders of Life will be better understood and related to and engaged. We of the Brotherhood of Light acknowledge this, for it is part of our existence as well. Everyone is related in the Larger Life and is known to each one superconsciously. Allow this reality to reveal itself to you, our brother, and in due course we shall respond as will you. Namaste.
Dec. 5, 2018                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross