The Larger Life includes everything

JANU:    Opportunity is the best descriptor of what we can achieve. Serving opportunities is part of the path of awakening. Practical application. “Application of what?” you ask. The application of wisdom born of insight into the nature of that that is, that is becoming. Humanity is included in this, for each one is in the process of becoming. Helping each other and inspiring each other to explore potential, to create and realize. What can you share with others other than that that you are and are exploring? Not to lead them so much as to inspire.

There is more to discovery than information and understanding. There is intimacy, compassion, love, patience, giving, and receiving. The art of listening is not just to hear but to connect, to experience the concerns and the potential of another. Relating to another does not mean agreeing with their current patterns, but allowing the flow of understanding from your own True Nature and, through that, theirs as well. No judgement here, or condemnation. No criticism. No opinion of shortcomings. No impatience with the steps taken on their path, including your own.

Time is not what is important here, but the realization of potential and the wisdom that comes from experience, the embracing of opportunities, the joy of discovery, the breath of freedom to explore. Understandings need not compete with each other; through the larger view, fulfill each other. Coexistence of the diversity of life seems incompatible; the larger your view, to be more inclusive.

The larger life you seek includes everything. Individuality is only part of this. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2018                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross