An introduction to the Larger Life

JANU: We are reminding you again of the virtue of awakening to the truth of your True Nature with so many divine qualities that are an inspiration to the incarnate life. Let it be known that each one has, at the source of their being, everything needed to understand, engage, and enrich life, including their own. The fundamental power in relating to the larger You is true peace, peace that is in harmony with fundamental reality of life. Returning to loving who you are beyond the limitations of incarnate identity. Individualism and oneness with the Family of Life coexist in peaceful harmony. One Life with many lives as its nature.

Be not owned by the limitations of social consciousness that is not conscious of the Larger Life. People fear for their existence, for their lives, for their sustenance without realizing they have the innate power to create. Create their circumstance and their experience in harmony with their own larger life. People search for answers. Understanding exists for everything. There are no secrets in the Larger Life.

Desire to awaken more fully. Decide to know. Choose to serve life. Be at peaceful harmony with your existence. Be not afraid to love each other and be kind. Namaste.
Jan. 24, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross