More on the nature of conscious union

JANU: The journey begins of discovery of the nature of being. The larger reality of our nature extends beyond limited concepts, the limited perceptions of incarnate consciousness including time/space, limits and borders, contained identities. The journey into incarnation, although engaged by many, is also avoided by many for it is an experience of limitation, confusion. Modeled by so many with alternatives to reality touted as if they were the way to achieve the return to the glory of the larger nature of being.

The journey of return to conscious union instills a fear of the unknown and the loss of identity one has become used to. The devil you know, so to speak. Embracing union into the larger reality of your own nature is the path of freedom, of a greater wisdom and more intimate relationship consciously with all of life. Why would one fear expanding a limited identity into one that is who you are? The conscious mind is just becoming more conscious, seeing life as it already is.

The journey into incarnate life and its consciousness, its identity, brings focus to that which is unlimited. Quite a shift, you see. The reality is one can be both because one is both, and more. Be steadfast, committed, patient, at peace, and grateful for what you have desired longer than you realize. Conscious union while incarnate is a journey many have taken and are still achieving. We are in good company. Namaste.
Oct. 7, 2019 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross