JANU: Charged is the vitality that brings essence to the surface for expression. What is this magical charge, then, that brings light to the human consciousness, to its understanding?
It is a deep love of life. An occasional rejuvenated sense of its presence and your oneness with it. A sense of home, always returning to its peace, to its naturalness, to its illumination, its wisdom and its love. At last, a way of life, a way of living that can be trusted and lived without fear. Always nurturing and revealing the true nature of existence. Never withheld, always available. Rich beyond imagination. A common ground with others.
Celebrate life as you may. Let your example inspire another. Let them know they are worthy of freedom from ignorance and that their life is larger than what they are aware of. Namaste.
Nov. 26, 2019 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross