Planting seed thoughts

JANU:  Understand this: those who live behind the veil look for proof of anything outside themselves. So, when challenged by the thought of another, the idea of another, they test that individual for proof to be convinced. It is the nature of the human veil experience, for direct knowing, conscious union with elements of life, is not a reality in their current experience. So, new ideas become entertainment for the intellect, to ponder, explore, dissect, analyze. But the intellect is being limited to the five senses. Now, this does not mean that occasionally, in unguarded moments, an individual cannot have an insight that is beyond the five senses. Whether they realize the source of this insight or not, the seed that is left may take root and have offspring.

So these ideas of these journeys are planted as seeds looking for fertile ground that they may bear fruit and populate the consciousness with their offspring. So, plant seeds, our brother. It is not your prerogative to force them to grow, only to share them. Allow the circumstances of the moment to trigger what seed thoughts are needed. This has merit, whether in a group setting or not. Yes, be like Johnny Appleseed and see what grows. Namaste.
Feb. 10, 2020 B                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross