Coexistence of spirit & incarnate life

JANU:   You call us the ‘spiritual being.’ And what does this mean? This is an attempt to identify ‘beingness’ as something removed from the human experience. The question might be “What is the source, the origin of physicality?” Are they really that separate? The perception of leaving one to embrace the other is an illusion. Merging the relationship of both to each other is closer to the truth.

The binary mind tends to understand by way of elements rather than unity. Limited identities. The physical body, the human consciousness, the incarnate life, and the Larger Life are one. A matter of perspective, from limited identity to oneness consciousness, all existing, coexisting, together. The human experience is as broad or narrow as one chooses, and that choice changes. Those who participate in the manipulation of realities to varying degrees are proof of this.

The so-called limitations of physicality are learned from those who are limited in their perception. This becomes the standard. But there are those among you who demonstrate otherwise, mainly through desire and repetition. But the perceived limitations of incarnate life are self-imposed, including ill health. Life patterns are the results of these experiences and limited perceptions.

How does one be convinced of, confident in, freedom to be? By choice. Experience is a great teacher. Choose to experience a measure of freedom. Love it into your life. Namaste.
June 10, 2020                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross