Evolution & quantum interconnectedness

JANU: Serving that which belongs to the destiny of humanity, short term and long term, is the goal here. The evolution of human consciousness, social narrative, has a vision associated with it that includes pastoral care but on an enlightened level. Part of this is the evolution of awakening to the qualities of life that best represent entanglement mentioned in quantum theory. This is one of life’s mechanisms for instantaneous connection, which affords mutual evolution. Not easy to perceive this while living in the midst of chaos, disharmony, and selfish motivations.

So, rise above distractions. See them for what they are, and embrace the evolution of humanity. It is a field of co-creativity, experience, lesson learning, and experimentation. Identify with resolutons. They always exist. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2020 BP                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross