Coexistence, conscious union, & service

JANU:    Coexistence of the realities of life demonstrate one Life with great diversity. Life creates its own building blocks, the bricks that make up the structure. And the bricks coexist, nurtured by the Larger Life.

When one feels alone, no matter how grand their pursuit, conscious union is missing. How does one recognize a conscious union experience and attune to it? Perception of a larger Life includes relationship with its diversity. Behind the veil, when one observes the struggles of another, they can choose to understand and experience to a degree with the revelation of understanding the experience of another, which is part of their integrity. The understanding does not necessarily mean agreeing with the circumstance. Empathy does not mean agreeing with or repatterning one’s truth. It means caring enough to be of service, not to control but be inspired by their True Nature.

Everyone is surrounded by opportunities to care and experience the insight that supports service. Remain peaceful with clarity of perception. Namaste.
Aug. 27, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross