Personal symbiosis

JANU:     Symbiosis exists between incarnate consciousness and the rest of the being. How can this not be true when the Larger Life and the incarnate life are one, each a part of the other? Opening the consciousness to the nature of this reveals something more than ‘anatomy as opposed to spirit.’ For physicality, with perceived boundaries and limits, exists through the presence of a larger reality. Perception of presence of the entire Nature opens the consciousness to the larger possibilities and variety of creativity as always being present.

Now, life communicates throughout its nature, but the language, so to speak, is diverse. The perception of structure and form in human language is limited. Consider how individuals communicate without words through a look, a motion, or feeling of shared understanding, and subtler ways yet. Do you recognize sharing understanding without limited structure and form happens through awakening? Be open to, sensitive to subtle powers of perception whether understood or not. ‘Deciding to know and then listening,’ when developed, seems only natural and easy.

The realization that your True Nature is you is an identity shift that brings liberation, freedom, and peace. Get to know yourself. Rely on who you are, where you are, and what you already know. Allow all of this to discover more and enrich life. Namaste.
May 4, 2022                                                  Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross