The nature of coexistence

JANU:    Coexistence,  then, the theme of your inquiry, is a subject that is transcended beyond the perceptions of individuality or borders or limitations, yet includes all of these in a symphony of life which, in its way, coexists with realities beyond framework. To be conscious in this way is possible in short glimpses as to the nature of existence. The infinite diversity of life expression is one in the sense of the source of existence, which is not contained in any framework of perception. Coexistence is understood by the reality of consciousness that can exhibit and contain, in a sense, collective reality as a unity of the diversity of life.

So let us proceed with a glimpse of this. Your True Nature has explored this understanding and experience and shares this. In the direction of pure being, to be at-one-with the diversity of Life and its eternal nature in the sense of without beginning or end. It is Pure Being, beyond any limitation or perception of not being. Time is an expression of limited perception, with the purpose of enriching life with a frame of reference for the unfoldment of evolution.

An expression worthy of exploration is: What is essential nature that is not separate from any expression, any reality? One can almost sense the vibrational reality as a tone. It has a ring to it of being life in motion, beyond perception. The source of manifestation in every dimensional reality, beyond any judgement, beyond merit.

This is but a glimpse to remember. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross

 Another series on the realities of coexistence can be found, more recently, at ” Coexistence and the veil and preceding three journeys.