Understanding the life of other worlds

JANU:   When one considers that other worlds are at great distance, we must realize that, in other realities, they are not. The differences have more to say than distances.

Understanding other worlds is served by understanding your own. For most of humanity, the Earth is an unknown world, when observing its many realities, for the Earth is more than a physical world, a physical planet. It is a world of energies moving on many realities, many levels with many characteristics and functions. Not to mention lifeforms. If a world were only physical, could such lifeforms exist and flourish? A parallel question is: Can one dimension exist without the rest? There is a hierarchy of life co-existing, interdependent, and mutual supporting.

Other worlds have co-dependencies as well, co-existences, the realities of life. The planets are a manifestation of these many realities and life exists as a complete system of life; therefore, a better understanding of these questions is based upon exploring this system of life: how it functions, re-creates itself, and its systemic  condition. So then, exploring other worlds is exploring this system of life, and, when doing so, you begin to understand your own system of life and the scope of its reality.

Now, there are balances of relationships in motion, changing, flowing, resulting in, among other things, worlds, lifeforms, the destinies of life. Building a foundation of understanding on this nature, when networking with another world, brings understanding to its diversity and the roots of its existence.  

So, how does one network with the Earth, when most of its reality is not understood? By observing it as a lifeform, complex, vibrant, vulnerable, changing its own self-perception, yet more aware of its enduring existence, and all that that includes, than its inhabitants. The Earth has memories that are accessible and are active and part of its presence in life. When have you considered the memories of another world that are vibrant as it processes its own existence in the life that it is?

So, you see, networking with other worlds is to network with the memories and the presence and the life that those worlds are, including your own. The Wheeyah Code helps prepare for this by learning the language of worlds, no longer isolated to your personal perceptions of life. Namaste.
Dec. 13, 2013                                            Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross