The genius within

JANU:   It is true. There exists within each one the genius of lifetimes and more. Reaching within one’s own being is with a desire to awaken, to become consciously whole again, to endure and master the challenges of life successfully. Experience brings wisdom and each one, in their True Nature, retains such wisdom. Wisdom applied to the moment awakens further insight into reality and its many faces.

Now, understand this: that whether conscious or not of the genius within and the True Nature that retains it, it is there, has always been there, and is available. The challenge and the opportunity exists with each incarnation, each lifetime, each journey into the ‘third’ dimension, of which there are many and to which your True Nature exists. This reality is so close and present that it would astound you how available it has always been. For even if your True Nature has yet to experience a part of life, it has access to it, can attune to it and discover its reality. We have demonstrated that. Any question on any subject with a true desire to know can be responded to with wisdom.

The current conscious awareness does not reveal all that you are. You have a larger life, always have, and always will. Each lifetime physically is temporary but you are not, for life exists ongoing, ever changing, ever evolving, and ever creating. Find fulfillment and freedom in the moment with each revelation and diversity of being.

There are no secrets in the Larger Life. That is an illusion of the limited third dimensional consciousness, for all of life knows all of life. Be the evolving genius that you are with each footstep you take on this path of awakening to the Larger Life. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2023                                                             Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross