Life exploring and evolving itself

JANU: “Manifesting Light” is an appropriate focus for individual and group work. Building an understanding of this concept of manifesting the Truth of Life: discovering it, understanding it, being it. And in such a way that another can achieve this in their own way and find inspiration in your journey as well. Manifesting Light has the diversity to be a product of everyone’s existence, for it is as diverse as the potential for Life itself. And the beauty of this endeavor is every aspect of it is connected, mutually supported, and evolutionary.

“Life” a word used by many with limited understanding, unconscious of true meaning of depth and breadth and potential. Good question: What is the history of Life? What has it accomplished? What can it be?

Exploration is an important aspect of evolution.  The desire to know, discover, and become is magical. Life exploring life is a reality, an understanding that opens doors unimagined yet.  Both an individual and collective pursuit.

Every journey begins with initiative and a first step. So, allow your desire to begin and Life will guide you. Namaste.
Mar. 30, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross