The expression of Truth

JANU:   The Truth comes out, is revealed, manifests, creates along the lines of natural expression. By this we mean: Life is, we are, but the diversity of existence includes relationships that seem otherwise. When making choices in one’s own creativity, imagination and desires at times seem to conflict with observable existence. How does one, then, determine, perceive, understand these diversities in any light available? The successes of creativity, in the form of motion that flows with the ongoingness of Life’s reality, is observable as well and brings about revelations of deeper understanding and creativity.

Life in motion is constantly changing. The experience is a great revealer. Different realities have different paths of existence and revelation. The veil serves a purpose through focus. The existence of diversity with focus is through identity. All of Life realities coexist but their path of evolution and motion can overwhelm the consciousness of each identity’s reality of perception; therefore, the existence of time, relativity, space.

The experience brings understanding but there are processes of assimilation. Impatience is not easy to rein in. Thinking only in terms of one sojourn, one can misunderstand these processes and become impatient. Wisdom breeds patience. A worthy goal, you see, to not only understand Life but gain wisdom of its unfoldment. Namaste.
May 3, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This relates directly to the previous journey and may make more sense if they are read together.