Appreciating life

JANU:  Peace comes to mind as gratitude builds for what has been given, what has been gained, and what will come. The patterns of life yield many things. Not only their existence, their relationships, but their potential as well. Each one is a life pattern. Each creature, each world, are patterns in motion comprised of countless elements of living qualities.

Appreciating life in this way helps one become aware of and sensitive to the vitality, the presence, and the essence of life. Find peace in all of this, as it flows and moves, changes and explores its own vitality. Acknowledge your own life reality. Allow your sense of identity to live as the universe of possibility, unknown potentials, and potentials achieved. Be grateful for the richness that you are and, in turn, the richness of others. The minutia of your opportunities to engage and let go of, for all of it is life.

Do not separate the significance of the elements of life into importance, worth, or beauty. Life is all of this. The gratitude and depth of understanding marches on. Namaste.
June 21, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross