Exploring more of life

JANU: Prolonged absence from conscious connection with the Larger Life, larger than the incarnate life—and by ‘larger’ we mean more complete, more layered, more diverse—leads to dissolution or lack of clear answers, as one wonders about ‘why?’

There are processes within quiet memory of experience prior to the incarnation that brought wisdom—and still doto the True Nature. That flow of experience and awakening seems dormant, but it is not. One of the joys of awakening to who you are becomes a journey that never ends, whether incarnate or not.

You request exploring more of life. There is much to explore on your current incarnation. The physical life is a pattern of existence that coexists with the rest of life. Explore your current sojourn in coexisting relationship with the so-called Larger Life. See them as one, intertwined, mutually influencing and benefiting from each other.

So, you see, exploring Larger Life includes the physical life as well. No part of life is excluded when exploring life. They are all connected. Awakening to these connections enhances the journey. Wisdom has its niche everywhere. The journey you seek, the revelation, the wisdom, the understanding, is all inclusive. Namaste.
June 1, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

A series of journeys on this topic was begun in 2020 but was very short-lived. This is a new start in a better direction so it seemed pertinent to continue in the same category.