Sharing wisdom with other worlds/realities

JANU:   The request for focus is sharing wisdom between other worlds and realities. There are two models for that. One is direct, one incarnate being to another. And the other is indirectly, by way of the wisdom of the subtler realities of Life or, we might say, wiser beings, spiritually.

Direct sharing does occur but not everywhere. In this dimension of physicality, the distance between those less mature helps ensure the maturity of sharing. The Family of Life, you see, has many levels, including many levels of maturity even in physicality. So, when pursuing sharing of wisdom (LINK to 26sep24), allow for it to take different forms depending upon conditions. We have enjoyed, in our journeys, several of these that have occurred when appropriate,* but there is much to be considered. We acknowledge the interest and the wisdom of such but must respect the wisdom of its implementation. The essence of the inquiry may or may not have a recognizable response. Similarly, when each person contemplates communication with another, evaluation takes place on the merit.

Develop maturity through sharing with your own True Nature that understands protocols. Explore one’s own motivations or inquiries. Namaste.
Oct. 17, 2024                                                                 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

*Some examples are First Contact, Lanto, and  Life on Other Worlds & Beyond


The nature of reality

JANU:    Life in motion is function and life functions. The imperative for this lies in the reality of the distortion of equilibrium in the generative phases of creation. We examine these for the purpose of the evolution of understanding into the nature of reality.

Identification, your experience with elements of reality, tends to obscure these understandings as they seem unrelated and out of sight. Eventually questions arise as to the nature of reality. One asks the purpose. The beingness of potential is an incentive. Even though form does not seem to explain causal reality, they are as one. Allow your consciousness to experience coexistence of the subtlest and grossest realities. There lies the solution to the challenge of relatability. Challenging an evolving perspective, a growing understanding and beingness. Not just being an element of reality, but one with its Nature. Allow this to unfold in harmony with the capacity to change. Namaste.
Oct. 15, 2024                                             Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

Further exploration of more of life

JANU:   Exploring more of life —an open-ended journey. Exploring an extension of reality for one’s existence and awareness reaches into a moving flow of life, ever-changing. You ask, “What influences these changes, gives them direction, continuity, coordination, and newness?”

The intricate complexities of creativity as a living reality is worthy of exploration on its own. What fuels or supports creativity? What is the source of creative imagination, insight, and desire to experience? How present is Life itself and the nature of what it is becoming? The opening door of your insight is symbolic of attitude touching reality, without fear or confusion but with confidence, expectation, and joy, expecting the beauty of life to be revealed, which includes your own journey, for the two are inseparable. Touching other expressions of life in motion opens the door further. Let us explore these at this time.

There are those whose natures seem to wander through realities of existence, borderless. Each experience guided by desire, imagination, and an intimate relationship with transformation and the protocols that are part of them. “Where does the identity lie,” you ask, “the individuality?” These are not concerns of these. Their identity, if you can call it that, is the composite of explorations and those yet to come.

The whole subject of identification has many layers of reality determined by choice. The choice of the moment composed of timelessness, beingness without limitation, dynamic and free. Being life in motion, not one point in life observing another point in life, but multiple realities coexisting in consciousness, in understanding, in intimacy.

Walk through this doorway at any time and leave limitation, including time, behind. It is only one of countless realities. Be free and explore. Namaste.
Oct. 6, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Exploring & understanding Truth of Life

JANU:    Your request is exploring, perceiving, understanding the Truth of Life. This subject includes layers of reality and their influences on each other. It includes life in motion, ever-changing and evolving, with countless currents. The reality of the perceiver can taint everything. So, to most, the Truth of Life has many faces. Which do you choose? Which do you prefer? Which are you willing to embrace?

Everyone has preferences, biases, circumstances. What is a truthful, clear, and precise observation? It is understanding not colored in any way. Embracing an observation reveals much, depending upon the observer. So how does one develop, mature, refine, and evolve the ability to see truth but by embracing, working with, becoming more familiar with the abilities of the True Nature, which is evolving as well.

The desire to know is the starting point. The patience to experience and understand takes commitment and renewal. The love and respect for life itself, no matter its expression, makes one a partner with the Truth. In large measure, one becomes an expression of the Truth of Life. The desire is continuous. Every moment is engagement. Every opportunity is a challenge. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


A focus for living

JANU:   Residency of incarnation proves useful when approached from the perspective of fulfilling the promise of life,  meaning fulfilling your True Nature and that exploration of life. Becoming one consciously across the seeming barriers of realities, so-called dimensions and their groupings of parameters of existence, supports the systems of life in terms of connection and continuity.

Now this seems quite vague and unrelatable to the incarnate identity. The path to this reality of life is enrichment by the elements and their experience and wisdom. How does one focus, then, only on one element of this, when becoming more conscious of so much more, but by acknowledging the over-reaching reality of life when exploring its elements and opportunities. Conscious union reveals more of  the overview of the larger system of life, but one matures into this through many sojourns, many journeys, and not just the physical.

The True Nature that we are experiences many of these and it continues. So, from one point of view, your journeys are many points of view. Patience, attentiveness, responsive willingness, understanding, and an overreaching love of life and the lives of many are some of the markers. Namaste.
Oct. 3, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Systems within Systems of Life

JANU:    The theme, as requested: understanding and experiencing life as systems within systems. Most are experiencing physicality along with elements of its reality, a time and space identity, limitation, evolution, expansion, change. Much to explore and experience.

There are realms of Systems of Life that are quite different and they coexist, connected in their own way to each other. Basking in this reality, one becomes closer to the natural order. Identity changes. The range of thinking, creativity, methods of exploration evolve.

The concept of dimensions comes into play. Some profess more than thirty of these. There are more even subtler, expanding to the point of borderless reality. The system of life to be thought of differently. Consciousness expands, but embracing larger realities becomes limited by previous acceptance of reality as perceived at the time. Each dimension, so to speak, a reality of life with much to be revealed.

The physical universe includes many universes and more. One may ask the point of such pursuit of awareness. It has been said many times: the more you identify with, the more diverse and complete your perspective on reality and any part of it; therefore, the more diverse and complete the relationship.

Every reality has systems coexisting within it. Your physical body is such a reality. Many systems coexisting, interconnected, interdependent. When these are in harmony with each other, peaceful coexistence ensues. But then one asks, “What of the challenges of life. the reversals?” They are steppingstones to be mastered, bringing change and evolution. They are an imperative to inspire change, to let go of old patterns. Thus eliminate quite a few and open to new ones, more expansive, more inclusive, more revealing. The evolution of life, the realization of potential, and on and on. Even the thoughts of evolving consciousness are a system of life, with their challenges and opportunities.

Perceiving in a larger way the reality of life touches and changes everything. So how can one be identified in only one way, interminably? A reluctance to change and evolve life is like swimming upstream at times, against the flow of evolution. A balance among these elements of change, identity, limitation, perception, flow, and obstacles perceived is life in motion. Accept challenges. Find the truth at the heart of these. Master them. Be grateful for them. Stay in motion: the grand journey of being. Namaste.
Sept. 17, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


The Now: The Source of Life

JANU:     We are exploring the Now, its nature. We are speaking here of life patterns of the past, life patterns to be, and the source of them. Enriching life comes through living it and its many realities. The past, to some measure, is known. The future is anticipated, based upon these and intuition of potential. The NOW reality is the eternal presence of life as a creator. Identifying with the past or the future is a limitation, with purpose. The Now reality in consciousness is freer than this. It is flowing with life in its motion of expression.

There is life more basic than past and future. It is more causal than even present. Source is a better word than Now. The physical universe has a source reality that transcends past and future, more causal. The past and future are expressions of it. Thinking of exploring the reality of the coexistence of the past and the future liberates one from identity with either. They are creations continuing to create.

What is their nature? What continues their reality? What is the source of their vitality? Including your own True Nature. Lingering in this perspective of inquiry awakens consciousness to Source of Life, yet it is omnipresent in all life patterns in motion. It is pure being and it is not well described as “it” for ‘its success’ suggests boundaries and limitations. What is there, we ask, that is not the Source of Life or part of it?

A life expression being conscious as the Source of Life is challenged by identity with any one expression from it. The purpose of the veil, you see, among others. Being conscious as Now liberates. Namaste.
Sept. 4, 2024                                                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


What is awakening?

JANU: Where is the passion, then, to awaken? The joy of discovery, the freedom of understanding, the love of service, the enrichment of life? Awakening is a natural process, available to everyone. “Awakening to what?” many may ask. The Truth of Life, of one’s existence, of relationships, each other and the rest of life.

Awakening brings peace through revelation. It brings harmony to all the systems of life. No longer contradicting each other, but working together in harmony, every one of them evolving. There are systems of life beyond the physical body. Awakening touches them as well. Life without this is like a dream state, full of confusion, contradictions, misrepresentations, misinterpretations. Life can be exhausting, instead of invigorating.

True power is life in motion, evolving. What is the connection, the coexistence of everything? What is the reality? Who are you? What are you? What can you be? Deciding to know is a step on the path of awakening, without preferences in the face of the Truth of Life.

Simple joys, if only for a moment, have far reaching effects. They are a wonderful foundation for awakening. Find them in your own life. Inspire them in others. Namaste.
Sept. 2, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

See also: categories Elements of awakening, Footsteps on the path of Awakening and collections Awakening-a series, The Awakening of Humanity, Awakening into the Larger Life, Awakening and the Human Journey. Or just explore this website!


Mastering change through awakening

JANU:    The realization of the coexistence of challenges and evolution, the flow of life, opens the door to a deeper understanding of co-creation and these challenges to evolution. Awakening affords the opportunity to manage change, challenges, without waiting for the destructive hurdles that can ensue forcing change. So change in harmony with the flow of life is the key, through insight, understanding and acceptance.

The destructive side of challenges is cause and effect, from life patterns that have become fixed. Frequent inquiry into the need for change and the openness to understand it and embrace it is a more peaceful path in the flow of life. Learn the signs, the language of change: encouragements, the insights, and the desire. You are life in motion.

Challenge thoughts and desires of sameness, continuations of any one pattern in life. Become a conscious being in motion, not blindly but with insight and wisdom. Your True Nature is the doorway to achieve this. It is you. Awaken to the larger reality of being. Namaste.
Aug. 31, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Systems of life 

JANU:  The tree is an example of your request to explore life and serve as well. The tree explores its environment, takes from the earth and gives to it, is nourished by it, the Earth. And serves the Earth with vegetation, organic material. A system of life that endures. Humanity and the like do this as well. The efforts at refinement have eddies in the current of life that seem like reversals, contradictions, and destructive. The physical universe is the same.

A system of life includes change, evolution, modification, energy expenditure, all of these things and more. But life goes on. Realizing potential is not a path without these things, but the potential is Life in motion as it is realized. So where is the fault in life’s processes? What ideal might you profess that is superior?

Your True Nature evolves as well, realizes potential, changes, creates, enriches, and is nourished by the processes of life. Timelessness and time/space coexist. Enlightenment reveals this, and its benefits, the processes, the evolution and the enrichment of each other. Viewing life in new ways from time to time is challenging and calls for the patience for insight to reveal its nature. Namaste.
Aug. 30, 2024                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross