An approach to engagement of opportunities

JANU: The phrase this evening, the theme, is looking directly into the eye of each opportunity. Now, opportunities on these journeys are contact, engagement with many parts of life. When embracing or looking into the eye of an opportunity, whether another life or part of the structure of life, the gaze of your attention is not to penetrate or be forceful in any way, but to be alert and allow the truth of each existence to be as it is. Gentle honesty and patience without fear or forcefulness. What you present is the truth of who you are and life responds in kind. This sets the stage or the atmosphere for the exchange of understanding and experience. Looking opportunity in the eye, so to speak, is a candid and honest point of view. Allow opportunity to reveal what it will. There are no secrets, but there is integrity.

For this evening’s journey, there is an opportunity to experience a Council of Elders as they consider our journeys of association and collaboration. They meet you eye to eye, with their honesty and integrity, and they welcome your participation. Our journeys are not the first they’ve considered, and they are aware of compatibility with others who journey and are considering opportunities of mutual engagement.

Be not concerned whether your peers understand you or not. They have their destiny as well. The most you can do or be is true to your own. Life is aware of all destinies, our brother, and wastes no opportunities. Be alert to these associations. Namaste.
July 6, 2016 B                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.