Regaining confidence in living

JANU: Reaching into the depths of the human aspect of consciousness, let there be known that anxieties as such are born of a depletion of confidence in one’s identity, that identity being fallible, subject to disturbing emotions and perspectives. The remedy for this is success in the life in the sense of compatibility, creativity, and accomplishment. One purpose in incarnating is to achieve these experiences, you see, bring them into the fore of awareness, building confidence based on experience to evolve and embrace more of life.

The most fulfilling support that anyone can realize is their True Nature, for it has the advantage of vast experience and wisdom, and resources with the Family of Life. Taking nothing away from the human identity, but embellishing it with insight. The human might ask, “Why would the True Nature do this?” For the simple reason, our brother, that the True Nature is you and you are it and are one. Do you not encourage the health and prosperity of the physical body as a vehicle for experiencing of life successfully? Well, the human consciousness is such an expression of life, interfacing with physical reality to evolve and enrich the reality of all that you are.

Confidence in the moment, in the future, in existence is encouraged and inspired by all that you are. Restoring confidence in life is part of the path of awakening, for your vision becomes clearer, encompasses more, and understands the layers of reality. No one is permanently consigned to the darkness of life. The Light has always existed and attracts the consciousness into awakening. Namaste.
Oct. 10, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life Set 1 contains all prior attunements in this series.