Recognizing opportunities for growth

JANU: We are searching that which belongs to the progression of human development and consciousness and society. What we see here is the endurance of prolonged desire for a better life. Even though concepts may prove limited, they are the catalyst to move humanity forward or, should we say, in a more conscious direction. The reason, partially, for continued mayhem, warring, and mistreatment of each other is ignorance of the tools, if you will, needed to re-create circumstance that is more rewarding. So, humans live in fear of dire consequences, lacking confidence in their own power to create change.

We of the Brotherhood have long been proponents of individual insights into the presence of the Larger Life where the creative forces reside. These forces coexist with the incarnate life, so the creation of new life patterns is always available. These opportunities are seldom recognized for what they are: brief moments of insight; or the unexplained synchronicity of events; the appearance of opportunities unpredicted and unexplained; a piece of literature, an overheard phrase or comment triggering query into possibilities not thought of. The opportunities abound and are catalysts for inquiry, if the interest is there.

For many, the Larger Life seems unreal, if not impossible, based on current veiled experience. Inner promptings to explore and discover touch the consciousness. Seed thoughts, if you will. Recognizing these as having value is part of the process. Humanity is evolving, as is all of life. Benefit from the rewards of journeying together. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019 B                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross