Time and timelessness

JANU: We are celebrating, if you will, each step, each achievement in understanding the natural path of awakening. These subtle movements are more profound than you know. Very subtle but powerful. The finite human measuring stick of a sojourn produces a sense of racing against time to achieve dreams and goals. A larger perspective of life and existence tempers this, realizing that the journey is not limited to one sojourn. It goes on and on.

Time and timelessness coexist in their domains of realization. Allow timelessness to bring a sense of peace as one walks through life. Many of our achievements together are not new to your experience but are being enhanced by reliving them. Balance and clarity, focus, peace, willingness, ‘allowing’ allows a flow of life through you without turbulence, the restrictions of frustration, impatience, forcing and willfulness. Some have a sense that these elements of impatience bring a sense of purpose, control, ‘aliveness,’ when, in fact, their purpose is limiting and self-defeating.

We speak of the power to create. To create what, in what manner, and with what result? Your life is more powerful and productive, meaningful, when all that you are is in harmony, cooperation, synergism. Timelessness, unlimited mind, open heart, joy in living, love of self and others, understanding, united within your consciousness, within your being, is a wonderful journey. Be in peace, our brother. Namaste.

Sept. 22, 2015                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The essence of life

JANU:    This evening’s focus is the essence of life. Essential life is represented by its imperative to exist. Realizing its potential is an extension of this. And the power to create is the faculty. The power to change and adapt is part of its wisdom. The power to think, process, experience, understand, and appreciate relationships is life owning its creations, absorbing them, building its foundation for re-creation simultaneously. There is a feedback system, a circle of life, what you have called the looping reality of life. Creation, manifestation, assimilation, re-creation changing and flowing in harmony with its own being. Everyone is part of this. Everyone’s True Nature is part of this.

This is essential ‘isness’ that allows all creation without judgment, condemnation. Pure ‘isness.’ No right or wrong. Complete freedom to be. Fully vital. Unlimited by any creation or reality. The true essence of life is present and essential for the singularity to all of the universes and beyond. Each one plays their role, serving the essence of life, contributing, magnifying, expanding. No one is insignificant, neither person or creature or nature.

This is conveyed to encourage an awakening of the sense of the reality of the essence of each one’s being. No one is smaller or larger, in significance, to another. The essence of your being, your significance, your contribution to life is eternal. Stand firmly in the Truth of your being, with an open mind, an open heart, and a loving spirit. Namaste.

Sept. 25, 2015 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


More on the Family of Life revealed

JANU: We are assembling at this time that which is needed and belongs to human destiny. What we speak of here is the assemblage of those who guide the destiny of humanity according to the principles of life of divine guidance. Human destiny as such belongs to humanity, of course, but something even larger as well. The purpose of this assemblage at this time is not so much to control human destiny but to review the result of the guidance. This is accomplished peacefully, serving the flow of life and its evolution. The service of this assemblage is not limited to the Earth, but reassembles in different configurations. These are determined by the destinies of other worlds and groups of sentient life.

When we speak of the Family of Life, it is vast indeed. Always in flux, adapting to changing needs. This assemblage is composed of patterns of life, more than individual beings. The difference is profound but these patterns of life are more causal than manifestations. Now, humanity does not pander to the authority of these, but is blessed by them. The purpose of this visit and our speaking of it is to expand awareness of the Family of Life, putting your own existence in perspective.

So, you see, the term ‘humanity’ includes more than the physical body, but the consciousness as well and the patterns of life that are part of this consciousness. You are connected in so many ways, serving life and being served by it, at the same time. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 28, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The Order of Melchizedek

JANU: The priesthood of Melchizedek, an ancient tradition, is a divine steppingstone to the realization of the commitment to the path of the larger life. This priesthood was inspired through Melchizedek and is a life pattern older than that and is still evolving. The elements of this spread far and wide and service is a strong theme.

It is not an exclusive group nor membership. It is open universally to those of that commitment to the larger life. It is not a destination, but is the journey and is part of the flow of life and that lends its support by way of the accumulated wisdom of many.

Look not for a ceremony of membership here but a gentle awakening to a tradition of becoming. This is not something you teach to another; it is something you allow. No need to preach to life of what is in your heart. All is known, our brother, even as it occurs. The greatest teacher is within each one. Your example can inspire another to listen within. Radiating the truth you are becoming is a silent service that enriches life. Namaste.

Sept. 21, 2015                                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The larger life is real

JANU: It is real, our brother, this thing called ‘direct knowing.’ The larger life is real. The possibilities are unlimited for understanding and manifestation. The lowering of the veil reduces the set of possibilities for the purpose of simplifying exploring life. Fewer distractions from the combination, the co-existence of so many realities. So, the presence of the veil, you see, is determined by the desire to be more than you know.

From the larger point of view, even ignorance is real, within the parameters of its existence. The reality of life itself is real. Anything you can think of can exist under the right conditions. This is the purview of co-creators. And why are you called such? Because you are one with all of life. There is connection, intimacy of reality, a consciousness that can attune to anything, with harmonious wisdom to do so. Being unaware of such things at the moment does not negate their existence.

We have examined many elements of human consciousness and their possibilities. Many more to come. What we are building is a broad foundation for maturity and the evolution of consciousness. The larger life is very sane, our brother, and moving from limited to unlimited consciousness brings greater sanity. Everything improves.

Many have gone on before, demonstrating these principles, these changes, these awakenings, and have shared them, in one way or another. Dedicated, committed, and tireless beings, who devote their sojourns to lift humanity. So continue our commitment together to bring understanding and inspiration that each one learn to achieve the genius within them and find greater freedom and ownership of who they are. Namaste.

Oct. 2, 2015 B                                                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Shared destinies

JANU: The change that is coming to humanity, which we all welcome, is to be aware of, to some degree, the larger life, and human consciousness moving in the direction of a respect for life and the realization that its potential is affected by its choices. Wondering about a better life slowly giving way to knowing what potentials exist. Humanity is not the first to create a better life. We are all in existence to benefit each other, to earn and own our achievements and to share them. There are others who have achieved some of what humanity dreams of, hopes for. Just as every part of your physical body benefits from the rest, the destiny of humanity can include the destiny of others.

How does one, then, share their destiny with another’s destiny? By becoming conscious of each other, open to the larger life and to walk that path. Loving life or any part of it brings it to you and you to it. Sharing destinies also includes your communities, your neighbors, your friends. Place your attention upon the larger life, and by this we mean life larger than you. Have a sharing consciousness. Grow more sensitive to life’s impressions, patterns, energies. Inspirations have many sources and you are one of them, to another.

Life is more connected than you realize. Isolation is an illusion. Uniqueness and universality co-exist. The fear of losing uniqueness is not well founded, especially when consciousness matures, evolves, to being a part of, one with, collective life. There is benefit in pursuing your goals, your dreams, with the vaster resource and wisdom of the larger life. You still pick and choose which portions of this wisdom and experience to take advantage of. And when you do, your endeavors enrich these sources. They are blessed by your application of their achievements. Individual uniqueness is not lost in cooperation with, collaboration with others, but all benefit.

Share your destiny with that of another in an open and free way, requiring nothing of each other. Do so in harmony with life, openly and freely, as you stand in your integrity and enjoy living. Namaste.

Sept. 26, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Challenges are Life’s keys to awakening

JANU:    Why not consider a clear presence of your True Nature in the ability to penetrate the challenges of life in a discrete and forthright manner? So that any challenge that presents itself triggers an inner awareness to understand and absorb the opportunity it presents on the path of awakening, transforming the fear and trepidation of coming challenges into anticipated and enriching experience. Challenges are not a minefield on the path of life. They are patterns of life created, inspired, and attracted by the steps you take, the emotions you feel, the thoughts you process, as you create every day as a result of living. This includes family, our brother. Many challenges, many opportunities to grow through experience.

Rarely will you meet in life another individual that doesn’t challenge you in one way or another. Challenges bring change, which progresses your life and the lives of others. Always in motion. Needless to say, as challenges are presented, you are free to choose your response. Include sensitivity to the needs of others when choosing for, ultimately, you are connected and so are they. Challenges are opportunities to change, to serve, to grow.

Challenges include not just people but perceptions, nature, survival, and the awakening of your being. Conscious integration and your ability to create. It’s all connected, our brother, interactive, co-dependent. And it is the symphony of life, every note of it. Challenges are life’s keys to awakening. Accept them in this light. Namaste.

Sept. 25, 2015                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastering disease

JANU: Events that pertain to remission of disease in the human journey, collectively and individually, must be mapped as a contingency for disease no longer being created by humanity. How thoroughly entrenched the experience and idea of disease is in the human psyche. It is feared deeply, seen as something unbeckoned, the cause of which is little understood. How many can imagine a life without it, no longer the cause for death or suffering? Some on one level deny it, but on another level expect it as a common and normal occurrence.

There are many who have passed on in your world that were healthy but chose to leave. Being comprised of many systems existing in cooperation to experience incarnate life, ending the sojourn is a coordinated experience as well. This pattern of life is also subject to unenlightened fears, unwise decisions, mismanagement of resources and expressions. Entertain, if you will, a life well managed, insightful, generous, and loving. Humanity has all of these choices to make. How well does anyone understand in each day their opportunities to choose?

Understanding the opportunities of each choice, choose to own each day and all that it contains. Your life is connected to everything. All the systems of your being are one. Your choices will be made in the best understanding available to you at any point in your awakening. Consider with some care what drives your decision-making, your relationship with life and each other. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 22, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Two benefits of connection with your True Nature

Sanity, stability, peace in a changing world

JANU: We are enumerating once more the beginning of the design for a foundation of sanity in a life pulled in so many directions: interests that come and go, the desires of others, a changing world, patterns of behavior of nations and peoples and nature. Where does personal stability find its foundation? Is there anything sane amidst the seeming chaos of life? Sanity comes from a perspective that allows a life to be whatever it chooses, but observing with eyes that can see a much larger life, bringing the diversity of life into a perspective that understands the reason for it, the roots of consciousness, the range of possibilities to be explored. So embracing change does not mean embracing life without the wisdom of your True Nature.

Understand that the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are not fixed. So review at times and explore what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a sane perspective. Refresh your point of view as you observe life and your own path and what guides it. Open to the wisdom of your True Nature and its vast experience and intimate knowledge and relationship with the flow of life. And, yes, even sanity is an emotion, for it is based upon a changing life. Adapting to change with wisdom and a love of life can provide stability that brings peace that is changing as well.

Achieving this understanding in the life is the result of a growing relationship in intimacy with who you truly are. Life has been at this a long time, our brother, and is doing well. Namaste.

Sept. 29, 2015 B

Choosing wealth and power

JANU: Many people salivate, so to speak, over the notion of newfound wealth financially. More so than being conscious, in harmony with their own True Nature. One is for power and comfort, the other a nebulous notion of unknown benefit. How is one to find meaning and desire in the latter? The miracle that life is even goes unnoticed.

We are not suggesting that life is one or the other. Life is everything, all experiences, all achievements. Why not genius, service, love of life, a more open and growing consciousness, and a peaceful and comfortable incarnate life that includes serving life? A relationship with others that benefits everyone, in one way or another.

When one begins to understand and experience their connection with a larger life, the truth behind everything, their values change. Their understanding of True Power emerges. When the quest and achievement of wealth consume the life, your time and energy, it is missing balance with the larger life. When one sees these physical achievements as but instruments to achieve larger goals that include the betterment of yourself and others, inner satisfaction takes on new meaning, and your thoughts on the eternal as is your role in life. To quote Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “Life is worth living.” What is wealth, then, that quickens the heart, brings comfort and peace? Choose wisely. Namaste.

Sept. 30, 2015 B                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The third aspect of awakening

JANU: For this moment’s discourse, awakening is considered the conscious union of the elements of the True Nature. And that is the realization of many layers and elements of being that some would call ‘the Divine within.’ Yes, you are one being, one being made of many realities. As you ply away your daily interests, the coordination of your entire being is taking place. You are, indeed, a system of life. The balance and harmony of these systems is essential for your daily interests and well-being.

From the conscious merging of the realities of your nature, these systems of life—especially in the denser reality—must find the coordination of peace for the insights and the wisdom to be available to the conscious mind for a fuller and more balanced life. If your attention lingers only on the incarnate life, that is what you will see. Placing your attention upon the larger life that you are allows you to see and understand and experience in a larger way. Wondering about who you are and why you are here becomes more clear, and influences your decisions, your comments, your attitude, and your commitments. No longer understanding life as a guessing game, but enriched by direct knowing and experience.

Number three, then, a growing embrace and relationship in a conscious way with the scope and complexity of who you are, what you can be. Dwell on this reality in your ponderings. This is more real than you might know. And we are one. Namaste.

Oct. 4, 2015                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

While this has not been addressed specifically as a series, some prior attunements have addressed the conscious connection with your own True Nature. Be sure to check out the categories: True Nature and Incarnate Life & Elements of Awakening as well as these posts: Elements of Awakening, and Oneness.