Awakening is a process

JANU: For this evening’s journey, let us pursue a natural course of events that lead to awakening. We do not speak of awakening here as a single event, but the process of evolving consciousness of and as the True Nature. Moments of unexplained insight that prove to be true. Moments of inspiring another that prove helpful. Moments of unusual peace within the being. Moments of desire to know more, not for entertainment but to embrace more of life in the richness that brings. Moments of deep concern for the healing and well-being of another, not for self-aggrandizement but a sincere wish for their freedom. Moments of caring for the Earth and its creatures. Moments of appreciating someone’s endeavor. Moments of loving a child and their smile and their happiness and their growth. A desire to be part of life and serve it. And the growing memory that you have been this before and will be again. Unlimited mind and freedom to enrich life, not on your own but in harmony with the Family of Life.

Awakening is all of this and much more. This is not an ego quest, but an appreciation of life. Namaste.

Aug. 7, 2015 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The many paths of awakening

JANU: Be aware that the relationships possible consciously, and unconsciously, between people and their True Natures are by no means limited to our style and form of communication. When you wish for awakening for others, in your perception allow them the freedom to experience the manner that serves them best. Enhance your ability to perceive these many forms of awakening to better understand and evolve your own. Awakening, our brother, is a journey without end. Even when discarnate the journey continues.

There are those who instinctively sense the wisdom, or lack thereof, of a decision. This is their form of awakening.

There are those who work closely with nature, which opens the path of awakening in that arena of life.

There are those who are mathematicians, scientists, researchers, physicians, and awakening occurs on that path to enhance the human condition. Astronomers, stargazers if you will, wonder intensely and deeply at the unknown realities of life beyond the Earth, and include the Earth as well. This opens their path of awakening.

Musicians, artists are constantly attuning themselves to their path of creativity and their True Natures are right there with them, bringing enlightenment and the personal rewards that come with accomplishment, bringing confidence to go further.

How many pursue the inner life their entire sojourn to experience and understand and share their insights?

Awakening is everywhere, in countless forms and venues of discovery, creation, and service. So, you see, even the path of awakening is a world of its own. So allow blessings to be what they need to be, unlimited in their diversity as they enhance life and enrich it. Namaste, our brother.

Aug. 4, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The resiliency of the human spirit

JANU: We are impressed once more by the resiliency of the human spirit. Many such encounters have the designation of ‘born again,’ renewal of the confidence within to endure and rise above. This is part of the nature of the True Nature, which is who you are.

The incarnate life, personality, ego, without a strong connection, suffers from the sense of being alone and, in certain ways, identifies with the vagaries of life. When the human consciousness comes to a point of being overwhelmed, it lets go of identification only with incarnate life and being, and is open to the truth within the True Nature. This condition, or relationship, is available not just in times of crisis but all the time. But the pressures of living make it easy to forget.

So, instead of a life from one crisis to another, open to the middle ground, the path of balance, evenmindedness, patience, and an acceptance of the love from life that is always yours. When you perceive life more in this way, you are more understanding of the conditions around you and that others endure, making it easier to inspire, lift consciousness, be encouraging. Serving the awakening of humanity, our brother, is what this is all about. Everything in the life is served, enhanced, uplifted as one awakens more and more. The challenges of life are nowhere near as powerful as the power within.

Awakening may slow from time to time. The distractions are many. Be patient with yourself and others. Process the challenges, but always return to your awakening, your True Nature, the larger Life, and the awesome power of true love. Be at peace. Namaste.

Aug. 1, 2015                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Creating a brighter future

JANU:    Welcome, then, to this new avenue of pursuit for humanity, creating a bright future even as we speak. How does one, then, describe a brighter future than the present? It is accomplished, our brother, by being one with the present and enriching and enhancing it in so many ways: owning the conditions that have been created by humanity and choosing alternatives by identifying, recognizing the elements of life already contributing to these alternatives. So, you see, creating a brighter future is already in progress.

Support everything you perceive within and without that looks like the path to a brighter future. Encourage current contributions, individually and socially. When observing a moment such as this, allow the consciousness to expand and touch every such moment with support. Be more observant in the unfolding of each day. These many sparks of Light, so to speak, at work then in your consciousness that they synergistically grow and evolve and mature. Contribute to the raising of human consciousness with fresh insights, new understandings, and the description of possibilities to be taken advantage of. Endeavor to be always truthful and honest, with sensitivity to the consciousness of others.

These moments of Light are of equal worth, not holding one moment of enlightenment worth more than another. That kind of judgement divides and stratifies, does not unite into oneness. Even a brief moment of uplift or happiness brought to another is a pearl and has results past the moment. The creation of a moment of happiness continues on.

Anticipate solutions to challenges. Expect them. Remember, peace is not the absence of activity, but activity that is in harmony with all of life. So be at peace and enjoy life more and more. All of the systems of your being will be brought into harmony. Inspire others in the same way. Namaste.

July 27, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Perceptions of form to formlessness

JANU: We are hammering out, if you will, any challenges to understanding the True Nature of manifest reality and the so-called nonphysical. What we are reaching for in understanding here, our brother, is that the difference in these realities is not all that different, having once referred to physicality as more realities than you might imagine, and this is true by way of the reason of oneness. You frequently query about how to comprehend individuality in a nonphysical reality. That is accomplished, our brother by—or should we say, through—the shape of consciousness. Now, shape is a limited term here but a beginning to your understanding.

When one has inner vision that penetrates the subtler realities of life, one can see images that represent individuals, but they are subject to change. And there are many factors involved, depending upon consciousness of observer and observed, but as realities become finer and finer, there are processes for former structure that are quite different. Humanity is strongly oriented upon visual imagery. One must realize that the imagery produced by consciousness-shaping is fluid and changes due to the need for recognition and the relationships involved.

Moving on, our brother, reality exists beyond any form or structure that a human would identify. De-humanizing your perspective to be more facile is one of the many processes that accompany moving the mind beyond physicality with a much larger perspective. You are learning that life is far more complex and still in motion, but all of this is taken in stride and becomes a natural perception of life, to the degree one allows it or desires it.

Allow the awakening to a grander reality of life expressions. Be patient with your discoveries. Allow this to normally occur. And, yes, you have known and experienced all of this before. Understanding, appreciating, and exploring oneness is a journey of its own. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 13, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding the Big Bang

JANU: We are taking a shift in perspective for this morning’s journey. There is what you might call a ‘back door’ approach to life, allowing perceptions to shift to the unexplored alternative views to what seems straightforward. You ask, “What is the nature of the ‘back door’ approach?” It is one that leaves established perceptions and finds its way free of the subterfuge piled upon direct perception by personality and ego and the more common perceptions of others.

For example, let us reach into the seeming abyss of the unknown, the whole concept of right and wrong, religion, spirituality, and find a truer balance, peace, symmetry, and freedom of perception. Your origin of the universe, physically, and other realities, aspects, subtler creations, the Big Bang theory, so to speak, misunderstood.

There is a reality called pre-creation. It lays the foundation for manifestation. As with any human creation, physically it begins with an idea, a seed thought, a moment of insight. Such it was with the beginning of the known universe for what you would call design and planning. Duration in time and space but a moment, but rich in elements and considerations. We are speaking of origin here, not explosive episodes in the manifestation. Even a solar explosion, if you will, a nova, is a long time in the creating. So, you see, these seemingly violent events are the culmination of eons upon eons of preparation. So see not the Big Bang as the beginning of things but a culmination in evolution.

So choose to perceive what leads up to these culminations. As has been said, “Then you know the rest of the story.” And even after the culminations, a protracted evolution of life continues. Life is a process, our brother. Settling for Big Bang scenarios hides the beauty, the dynamics, and the understanding of a wondrous life process. A consciousness that is timeless can perceive all. Namaste.

July 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A circumspect way of living

JANU: For this evening’s journey, what we consider is be alert to your considerations whenever engaging on a path. Hesitating when making a decision and being open to the many elements of that decision means directing your thoughts and emotions in the directions of considerations. Slowing down impulsive motivations does not mean a lack of profound commitment to choices. A more measured approach to life, that includes insight and inspiration, is a wiser course.

When facing an impulsive decision, consider options. Even though you desire something strongly, back up a little, you see, and when it becomes clear to do so, let it go or embrace it. Hindsight is a valuable experience in this; when remembered, can bring balance to decision-making. A course may be profitable but timing can be important as well and resources can change. Namaste.

July 14, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


A network of service

JANU: The theme for this evening is service. Forming a network of service, etherically, that combines to unite the lives of everyone in one form of service or another. The forms of which you might not even recognize as such, for each one has their own slant on life and ability. The degree of suffering in the world is by human choice, not clearly understanding the ramifications of their choices. We are not qualifying the type of service, just the expression of it.

It is true; one feels better about themselves and their life when helping others. There is a reason for this. It is a basic nature in life that renders one in harmony with natural True Peace and natural uplift, as life responds to the service. A moment of connection with uplift and joy, even a moment of rest from the stress of living, restores faith and confidence in solutions. This network of service brings a general reality of peace for others to draw upon. When considering reality on this scale of service, there is much inspiration and even planning. But planning is only the beginning, our brother. Insight, inspiration, and follow through every day become the norm.

There is plenty of opportunity to go around, our brother. Becoming an Angel of Light, so to speak, in the human drama is a very real consideration. Laughter does not come amiss, even lighthearted banter. Humanity can transform itself, more rapidly than you might consider. Good lighthearted feeling is contagious. Do your best and we will explore this further. Namaste.

July 22, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Committing to a brighter future

JANU: We are committed to a clearer view of humanity’s contribution to a brighter future. Let us swing the pendulum towards the brighter side of the human future: loving service, personal commitment, group resolve, caring for each other individually and collectively, with the strength and courage that comes from within the True Nature. There are countless examples of this in humanity around the world. Let us focus our attention on these and support them and inspire human creativity, patience, and love for each other.

We have spoken before of the power of your attention making you connected with whatever your attention is on. Choose wisely the life and connections you desire. Commit to these, not only in understanding but the growing presence in the life of humanity, and leave behind everything else. This is how you reshape your future, create the one you desire, letting go of the alternatives.

Seek out harmonious solutions to challenges. Lift your consciousness into true freedom. There will still be challenges but commit to finding harmonious solutions that are wise, inspire others, and bring humanity together as a blessing to each other and as service to life. Choose to see more of these human contributions. Recognize them and encourage them.

Creating a more encouraging life in the present and the future has countless rewards and so many already want this, you see. In many cases, it is not changing minds but encouraging what already exists in the hearts and minds of so many. A growing mass consciousness is a powerful thing indeed. Destructive energies have no future, nothing to hook into or express through, without people. So, in a sense, be against nothing. Be clear as a bell about what you are for. And commit your life to those. Everyone is capable of this.

Accept social consciousness into your model for living that support your dreams, aspirations, inner desires for peace, harmony, creativity, and successful living. See these qualities wherever they exist and support them. Life is designed to allow either path. Choose wisely. Enjoy the uplift and nurture it. Namaste.

July 26, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is accelerating

JANU:    With so many pouring into life their commitment, their love, and their service, how can there be any doubt of the future of the awakening of humanity? At this point, it is like a snowball rolling down a hill, growing with each moment. Victory after victory of countless challenges, humanity is awakening.

This can only mean a better future. The scope of human creativity and contribution to each other and to life has only been just tapped. It is comforting at times to be at peace with your life to the point where you look back and in the present and see the progress. The noisy despots, the confused and disconnected desperate members of society, are as sheep wondering alone to be guided and encouraged back into the flock, for they are part of the human collective. Many such realities are being directed into the Light, primarily by their own True Natures.

So let us create an atmosphere, socially and in consciousness, that encourages this change. Hold to your commitments and be open to new ones, as the flow of life continues unabated. Namaste.

July 24, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross