What is wisdom?

JANU:    Wisdom has many faces, yet recognizable for its reasonableness, its simple ability to resolve, provide understanding, to make sense out of scattered thoughts. Always ultimately calming, the simplest, most profound solution in a complex situation. The bringer of peace, the tamer of life, the revealer of truth. The result of experience, the circle of life, the universal communicator. Namaste.
Feb. 2, 2021                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Practice intuitive communication

JANU:     Intuition is the doorway into insight revelations, one of many languages for communication. We call our attention to this as we move beyond only words in our journeys, for this path is less ambiguous and meaning can be more direct.

So, this communication model is served by a peaceful presence, sweetened with joy or happiness. Practice intuitive abilities. Yes, even with creatures, for they have responsive consciousness. Some might call this telepathy but it is deeper than that. Not limited to ambiguous words. And intuition is not limited by time/space. It transcends these. So practice this. Be sensitive to direct knowing, not just in receiving but in two-way communication. Decide to know, in other words. Practice this. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2021                                                    Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Allow blessings to flow through you

JANU:    Wishing another well without reservation, meaning it, being in joy for them. The world of your memory of mutual service has this quality and still does. Allowing a blessing, insight, wisdom, patience and love to move through you to benefit another, a circumstance, or creature, any part of life is basic to enrich and evolve life. This is love manifest and enriches life beyond measure.

People who love their gardens and nurture them do this without thinking. Many examples exist. There are those who express this quality of being without being noticed. They give freely and find peace and joy in it. An entire world is worthy of such blessing. Namaste.
Jan. 20, 2021 B                                                                              Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Reality, possibilities, opportunities 

JANU: Reality cannot be contained in limited verbiage, for reality is created by countless sources continuously. So, when pondering possibilities as to the nature of life and its expressions, one must be universally open-minded and model possibilities after what is already known. Freedom of being speaks to this. Are there limitations to imagination, to wonderings, to evolution, to outcomes? Allow possibilities to reveal themselves by paying attention with an open mind. Otherwise, you limit your understandings and perceptions, and realities escape your notice as well as their opportunities. Namaste.
Jan. 19, 2021 B                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


A time of reckoning

JANU:     The target for today resembles an arbitrary group of discontents, transferring their own confusion, bitterness, and anger to those who find fault with it. The so-called Republican Party has had, threading through it, mis-direction, loss of individual identity and integrity, dissatisfaction, and transferred blame. This form of avoidance and denial has been festering for years. The Party has no leadership to change this course. The atmosphere, politically, discourages individual integrity.

The John F. Kennedy book, Profiles in Courage, is a worthy read.

A time of reckoning has ensued, and not just for politics. Social and individual integrity are being challenged as never before with the pandemic. Courage, integrity without fear, is called for. Fear pollutes integrity and honesty and truth-telling. Fear encourages denial and blame transference. Find the fear and you know where to begin. Namaste.
Jan. 27, 2021                                                               Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross




JANU:  Resilience when it comes to this pandemic is born of the desire to continue, to engage life and grow or evolve. Short-term and long-term resilience allows for solution finding, and the patience to demonstrate it. This pandemic experience for humanity has tested this, and still does. Encouraging each other to be resilient is a uniting influence.

For some, it is an opportunity to take advantage, being their form of resilience. Mutual resilience, to the benefit of all, is restorative. But when at the expense of others is ultimately self-destructive. Individual consciousness cannot see this. Awakened universal consciousness sees this naturally. Choose wisely the focus of consciousness in your relationships, in your behavior. Namaste.
Jan. 26, 2021                                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Potential, challenges, and evolution

JANU:    Salient points to be made regarding the present and future and the Now of each. Re-emergence of valued ideals inherent in the True Nature of humanity once again finding expression, on display, challenged, tested, and evolved. Rigorous are the challenges and they must be, for they solidify potential and expression. They test resolve and creativity and promote mastership. The path ahead is not free of uncertain footing, stumbles, missteps, but includes moments of achievement, wonder and amazement and clarity. Only to be met with more challenges, for the fruits of these challenges, when well met, are rewarding. Such is the nature of expression and evolution.

The entire universe evolves in this manner, from the creation and endurance of worlds to their recycling. Find confidence in this, clarity and strength, and meet it head on.
Jan. 22, 2021                                                       Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Loving from perspective of integrated being

JANU:    Loving others from the perspective of integrated being–True Nature engaged–allows perception of them as oneself. What they are living is only part of who they are and temporary. This allows others in their own consciousness to be perceived without bias, but within their understanding. Holding each other dear as a complete being encourages embracing life, including incarnate life, with a growing clarity. Everyone benefits. Move slowly but consistently in this direction. Namaste.
Dec. 16, 2020 B                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Penetrating insight

JANU:    Penetrating insight is a gift in the sense that it predisposes one to wisdom on any subject or circumstance. Insight is to be understood as a predominance of sensitivity to elements of reality that keeps pace with its evolving changes. This includes insight into one’s own nature, motivations, agendas, predispositions, biases, behavior, perceptions. Awakening turned inward helps clear the path of evolution in consciousness and the True Nature.

Some perceive that close scrutiny does not allow for so-called wiggle room of experimentation, excursions into possibilities. Not true, for this so-called wiggle room in the journeys of life allows for its diversity to bring flavor, texture, and substance to Life itself. So, let us be mindful on these journeys of understanding that tolerance and discipline go hand in hand.

We are one on every step of the way. Namaste.
Dec. 9, 2020                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Being an explorer

JANU:    Exploring can be an artform. It calls upon intuitive ability, a harmonious relationship with life forces, open-mindedness, and respect for the nature of things. You call yourself an explorer; you aspire to this. Allow these qualities, and more, to exist. Nothing is permanently out of reach. Explore limitations in perceptions, confidence, and understanding. Let us explore at this time.

Creativity occurs on many levels, in many ways. Creating happiness and peace of mind, even if only for a moment, is creativity. Bringing that to the experience of another creates that in both at the same time. It has memory, healing properties, peace of mind, confidence in the joy of living. It inspires the same thing in another, for it is natural to share joy, humor, light-heartedness, possibilities. Be mindful of this when walking this path. There are many forms of service that enrich life. None are insignificant. Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2020 B                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross