JANU: The target for today resembles an arbitrary group of discontents, transferring their own confusion, bitterness, and anger to those who find fault with it. The so-called Republican Party has had, threading through it, mis-direction, loss of individual identity and integrity, dissatisfaction, and transferred blame. This form of avoidance and denial has been festering for years. The Party has no leadership to change this course. The atmosphere, politically, discourages individual integrity.
The John F. Kennedy book, Profiles in Courage, is a worthy read.
A time of reckoning has ensued, and not just for politics. Social and individual integrity are being challenged as never before with the pandemic. Courage, integrity without fear, is called for. Fear pollutes integrity and honesty and truth-telling. Fear encourages denial and blame transference. Find the fear and you know where to begin. Namaste.
Jan. 27, 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross