Explore depth & scope of the moment

JANU: We are engaging, if you will, pre-destiny but carefully, with caution. This is a larger perspective than moment by moment free will and choice. Life is predestined to be, but that includes limitlessness and an evolving potential. Many of these principles to understand Life, its origins, its continuation, are beyond the scope of the seeming minutia of life.

So where does the flow of life come into this? It is life in motion, which is part of the foundation of becoming. What this means, our brother, is that understanding Life cannot be limited to one realm of it, one set of parameters of existence, or even physicality.

What is vitality? The reason for the question is to explore unlimited identity, then move beyond it. Does one have to identify with any limitation in order to explore it, understand it? The binary incarnate life has a limited range of coexistent realities. So stretching one’s consciousness has merit up to a point, but possibly a wiser pursuit is focusing upon the reality of the moment. Be alert to your interests, being elements of distraction from the moment. Namaste.
June 1, 2020 BP                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life has meaning and purpose

JANU: The circle of life goes round and round, but in the process becomes richer and richer, deeper, more integrated in its expanding diversity. There is beauty in the process of awakening. Every element adds freedom and sovereignty and self-realization and new relationship with the True Nature. Awakening is not a straight line, many changes of direction. At times, a sense of traveling in circles.

The outer and the inner life merge. Identity expands, no longer alone in life but more and more one with it. Witnessing and understanding the nature of another is endearing. Caring for another is an opportunity to become a blessing for another, characterized by love, wisdom, and the true power of Life itself. No longer just one human to another, but something larger.

These realizations are not new. They have always been part of the potential of life. We talk of peace and freedom and awakening and consciousness. They are connected. Life has meaning and purpose. Choose to own it. Namaste.
May 20, 2020 BP                                                         Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Be and express the Life that you are

JANU:   Performance, then, is based upon capability, commitment, and unification of the elements of being. We survey this by bringing about conscious appraisal and understanding as to the group reality of integrated consciousness. The presence you sense is, of course, you, the larger you, the more unified you, the overseer of the human journey. So let us oversee this one together.

What we see here is a predominance of the pursuit of integration, the correlation of experiences, the subconscious capabilities of restoration, and the prolonged endurance of challenges. As it is said, what does not destroy you makes you stronger. And we are strong. One must choose to engage the opportunities that present themselves with wisdom. Obstacles to this are fears, anger, frustration, uncertainty, confusion, and doubt. Commitment to positive outcome is essential.

Restoring equilibrium, balance, throughout the systems is a return to the more natural state of being. Beyond the words, identify with and experience integrity of being to serve the fulfillment of chosen destiny. Realignment ensues, as does clarity and purpose.

You ask of love. It is the nature of all life to be and fulfill potential. The physical journey is as much a part of life as any other part. Bring the clarity of peace to others as well. Honor the tapestry of life by weaving your own into the fabric of existence. Be and express the life that you are. Namaste.
Mar. 23, 2020 P                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Live free

JANU:    Profound is the experience of total freedom. “Freedom from what?” you may ask. From ritual, from common life patterns, from repetition, from identity, from expectations of others, from isolation, from the limitations of time and space, from mis-emotion. Being at peace is freedom: freedom to be, freedom from the sense of loss. Everything you need, you already have through your True Nature. You have access to any part of life. Be at peace about possessions, security, and well-being. Leave ignorance behind. Embrace enlightenment. Live free. Namaste.
May 26, 2020 BP                                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Manipulation of life patterns

JANU:    Realization not only of potential but of the manipulation of one’s life expression gives more freedom to be that must carry the wisdom of the larger consciousness of the True Nature. So, in choosing this path of discovery, do so as a united being, for there are outcomes, influences, that the human consciousness is unaware of.

Altering manifestation gives rise to unlimited creativity but wisdom is in harmony with the influence on other life patterns. Life is a system, an integration of coexisting creativity. Choose wisely what you ask for. One does not walk through life in isolation. This is not the nature of existence. Everything is connected, yet there is still freedom for creativity. Use projection to see possible outcomes with the manifestation of potential. Listen to the wisdom of your True Nature. Continue to explore and discover. This serves evolution and enriches life. Namaste.
May 13, 2020 BP                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This is the part of a series on dealing with one’s life patterns. As this has been discussed in earlier journeys, you may wish to check “Life patterns-Fluid identity” as well as return for the next four posts.


Manifesting miracles

JANU: Peace resembles most closely life beyond the veil. Time/space is a reality as part of the Larger Life, to be explored, understood. You ask for conscious reunion. Time/space is part of this, not as an entity but as an attribute of the Larger Life.

Mastership means being at one with it. The challenges in the physical body are best seen as opportunities to merge, consciously, the physical experience with the Larger Life. Challenges of the moment seen more clearly from the larger perspective. The wisdom and the motivations for them are indicators, are feedback as to relationships. Choose to master these challenges. It is part of the reason for their existence. Let us accomplish this with one voice, so to speak. Manifesting so-called miracles is normal. Namaste.
Mar. 9, 2020 BP                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Exploring life systems 

JANU: Rambling can be a distraction. Even when searching the so-called unknown, focus can be revealed for there are elements of your being with many interests. The quest to awaken can touch the jewel of Life and any of its facets. Which one shines in you?

Exploring inner space brings a peace. But focus can be more than one-pointed. Systems of life can be a focus. Invisible service is a system of life. Angelic Host another system. Many involved with the ongoing creation of an evolving universe. Learn of the systems of life.

So, let us focus upon awakening of humanity. Humanity is held in an embrace by those who cherish the raising of consciousness.

Let invisible service be one system. Direct example another. Evolving traditions another. Record keeping, including memories, form foundations to build upon. Humans tend not to have considered themselves as nature, but nature includes all of the Earth. So Earth is a system of life, of which humanity is a part. Explore this as a system. Namaste.
June 2, 2020 BP                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

 The reader may also wish to check out the Category “Life systems.”


Loving a life: basis for wise blessing

JANU: We are enlisting, if you will, those qualities, those forces of life in existence, pronounced as blessings, predetermined to accomplish tasks that bring peace, balance, order, symmetry, and well-being, along with the wisdom gained from experience. To be in harmony with this is a worthy achievement, and worthy of its benefit to others, and the creatures of the world, as well. The protocols of life must agree. By this we mean: combine with, be in harmony with all circumstances.

Loving the life of another is the foundation, for this is in harmony with wise service. Confidence in the outcome is justified because a love of life is employed. And what is more natural than this? Namaste.

Oct. 9, 2020 B                                                      Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Right or wrong, good or bad?

JANU:  The question is, in human society, is there right and wrong? In the larger view of life, from that perspective, is there good or bad? Is there a balanced perspective of understanding this?  The rules that people create to cover themselves, to enforce patterns of behavior and relationships, originate influenced by more than social consciousness. There is accumulated wisdom in the memories and consciousness of countless experiences by those who have incarnated, and those who have discarnated, and many with other experiences. So the answers to these questions arise from many sources.

Life is, and belongs to its potential, and evolves its relationships to bring about the expression of its potential. Whether joy or pain, whether survival or moving on, Life continues. The countless variations in expression are life in motion. How can one determine which is motion is to be and which is not? But the freedom exists for the individual and group determination.

Learn from choices. Evolve potential. Be patient with each other. Make allowances. Grow in wisdom. Be at peace. Find a way. Honor life. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2020  B                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The nature of communication

JANU:    Music, then, as communication must be understood in a different way than just entertainment. It is, after all, vibration and vibration takes many forms. What responds to vibration in the human being on various levels? By various attributes, the physical body does, emotions do, visual sense does, hearing does, and even taste can be influenced. How is this transmitted to meaning, understanding? Repetition of particular experience with each vibration is a beginning. Audible words influence in this way, which are vibration, patterns, with repetition associated with particular meaning, begins language communication. Art can influence in this way, as well. Music does, as well. Vibrational communication becomes more complex by employing several of these at once, in combination, forming patterns once more.

It is possible in consciousness, energetically, to stimulate in this way, once associations are made by the receiver and the sender. When this is accomplished, proximity physically becomes less important or necessary. But this takes practice. A kind of telepathy. Deception and ambiguity are more easily detected and more difficult to convey. Direct knowing can also be direct experiencing, to include meaning, intent, emotion, pain or pleasure, many human perceptions, that of animals as well, and other creatures. Namaste.
Oct. 2, 2020 B                                           Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross