The Science of Life: life processes

JANU:    [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-science-of-life-the-art-of-survival”]The Science of Life[/p2p] as a journey of understanding brings forth into the awareness, the consciousness, many things, including the past memories—and not just of this journey or sojourn—to be explored, understood, and resolved, and make their contribution to moving forward.

The term “science of life” suggests an examination of how life functions and the process of its existence. What we shall examine today is not ‘essential nature’ but is how it processes its many elements of reality. Now, the primary concern of human beings is being human, but there is much more. Your science is beginning to understand the nature and process of the creation of worlds, their endurance, and their demise.

But what of worlds that are not physical, or limited to that, are more energetic or ethereal if you will, and the beings that associate with these? Their experiences are quite different, but it is still life process, moving in the direction away from the recycling of ‘beginning and ending’ into the path of changing into variations on various themes, self-determination of transformations, the ‘art of becoming’ if you will.

And then there are those who exist or process life in more than one reality at a time, including those who associate with these worlds. Simultaneous multiple existence. Life streams that move in life this way enjoy, if you will, multiple experiences and interactions, simultaneously. They see life altogether differently than humanity does. Their thoughts and processes are not shaped by a sense of time and space and those limitations. Its processes are vaster and more encompassing. When one is conscious in this way, physical existence is a very small part of reality. The concept of lifetimes is left behind, for there is only life and it is eternal, renewing, with endless possibilities.

May 9, 2014                                                   Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey: The origin of humanity

JANU:    Enveloping the journey today is one who has profound knowledge of the human journey and speaks from the perspective of visiting humanity a number of times and, in a way, represents the archive of this focus.

KEEPERS OF THE HUMAN ARCHIVE:  In the tradition of these journeys: greetings, our brother. We are enamored of, so to speak, the achievements of humanity, the dark journeys as well as the ones of Light, and would lay down the portion of the foundation of understanding of that adventure.

Humanity began on your world with a tradition of imprint as existence elsewhere. Those beings who chose to participate in this agreed upon a path of discovery and eventual contribution to life. And, yes, it was an experiment of sorts. And this one who speaks was present during that discussion and agreement. The foundation we would expose or convey at this time is the foundation that began that decision to commence the human journey.

Three worlds were involved with this experiment, two of which were in the southern, so-called, portion of your sky, one in the north. They came together with an idea that there was a need in life, among other worlds and in the subtle realities of life, for a focus of what you call ‘brotherhood’: common service and a bringing of Light, the truth of the existence of others to their consciousness. For a civilization to carry this mission, there had to be a shaping of life to be on a world undisturbed for a period of time. The Earth was chosen from several candidates. As has been revealed before, other worlds were chosen as well, but with enough separation of distance, if you will, that each would find their own way and the qualities developed would have a chance to develop without interference or modification, for collectively these qualities were needed intact, if you will.

So, the adventure was begun on your Earth and we observed this. The moments of guidance and contribution were from these beings that began this adventure. And, yes, there was a ‘Ring Pass Not’ invoked in the beginnings. These few worlds were closely monitored and we observed with them, from time to time, and we were the record keepers. The archive of which you speak was of our creation, for the destiny of these human worlds was of significance and the learning through observation would serve other adventures as well, other projects.

Humanity emerged on the human worlds in different ways. Your scientific recorded history of the development on your Earth still has many gaps, if you will. And the history of humanity in its beginning development is much older than your science is aware of. There were exchanges between these human worlds in the form of beings reincarnating on one world or another. Therefore, imprinted within the human record in consciousness are the traits of some of these worlds, which may contribute here and there. Some of the DNA and evolution in Earth humanity is a contribution from these imprints. And this is how humanity on several human worlds form a bond or link to each other, for the collective evolution remains a collective one.

We have seen this evolution on these worlds and it is recorded. As the consciousness of each being evolves and opens and awakens, this record can be known and understood. Return as you may with this series.

May 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Maya Angelou

Editor’s Note:  Maya Angelou passed away on May 28, 2014. She was a remarkable person, who stood in her integrity and always spoke truth, from her heart. It was truly an honor to have her join our journeys. The reader is also encouraged to investigate the profound legacy of her own writings.

 A Tribute

JANU:   We are serving then this evening one who belongs to a larger destiny than one lifetime. The passing of Maya Angelou this day is of one who has served the awakening of humanity for thirteen sojourns. She brings with her an entourage of those she has benefited and those who have enlightened her. Her legacy will last long into the future for she will continue to serve humanity while out of the physical body. She will inspire many around the world into a larger understanding, each according to their capability. Collectively, she enhances life. She has channeled higher consciousness a good portion of her lifetime. Yes, she is known on other worlds, by a different name, of course. And her origins are not of the Earth. She leaves this life with a love for people and a wisdom not many will achieve, for now. We honor her on her journey. Namaste, our brother. May 28, 2014 B

 A message from Maya Angelou

JANU:    We have a request, our brother, from Maya Angelou, who wishes to speak at this time regarding the future of humanity. Let us welcome her with honors.

MAYA:  I am Maya and you are correct. I do love life and people. My presence in the world was a blessing for me as well. It taught me many things but, in particular, the power of love as a foundation for understanding peace and the beauty of life. The inspirations you mentioned came from the people that I met, for their lives were an inspiration. And all lives are, when you have the capability of seeing them clearly. Once again, founded in love. That is the empathy of life and that I hoped to bring to the consciousness of humanity: a growing empathy for each other. For where is wisdom without it? Do not judge each other harshly. Let forgiveness be a ready tool or feature of your life.

We all sing as one on this side of life, brother, as you are learning. Thank you for the invitation to visit. May we do so again. I am with you and I am Maya and we are one.

May 29, 2014                                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What is an open mind?

JANU:   An open mind, indeed, is a worthy ongoing goal in the quest for life. It is a critical element in mastery of the challenges of life and we agree that it is to be developed for the benefit of humanity. What contributes to a closed mind might be explored as a beginning understanding of what is an open mind.

A closed mind lives in fear of anything new, unknown, challenging, and that challenges the comfort of a world of consciousness limited to what is known and safe. A closed mind can be compared to the limiting consciousness as relates to personal exercise, for many know of its benefit but still avoid it because it requires commitment, effort, follow through, regularity and, for effectiveness, a more detailed understanding of the physical body and the mind/body connection.

An open mind requires the commitment to the pursuit of understanding, taking the time to do this, the ability to focus and follow through. On certain levels, it does require effort, our brother, exercising the brain/mind connection and then, with the new information gathered and understood, decisions to be made as to application, modification of old ways, analysis, and the peace to absorb and evolve thoughts, emotions, passions, and a changing perception of reality. An opened mind serves all of the bodies, brings freedom to their evolution and sense of peace in any situation. An open mind recovers lost information and understanding of past relationships and the service they can bring to the moment. An open mind is more tolerant of others because of the understanding and allows for intimacy of relationship with those who differ from you. An open mind leaves one free to praise another, uplift, encourage, and inspire, for an open mind understands the benefit to everyone. An open mind embraces the future with enthusiasm, anticipation, and expectancy that the beauty of life is endless. An open mind partners with the other species of life, the other minds awakening to a grander life. An open mind moves beyond association to partnership, intimacy, and appreciation of oneness.

An open mind is the beginning for countless adventures and a relationship with all of life, not just abstractly but ‘at one with.’ An open mind and awakening go hand in hand.

May 10, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Transitional Migration: A life process

JANU: All of life migrates from one state to another as it evolves. How can it be otherwise, for what then would evolution be? Now, this movement through life has many interesting variables, for it is not just the movement from one state to another with complete isolation of each. Your patterns of carryover are elements in the foundation of any changed state of being.

How does one, then, sort through these influences, these carryover patterns in their current state, to maximize their use and use them to discover new possibilities beyond these patterns? For even those around you, who may communicate with you and you with them, will remember previous states of evolution and tend to see you in this way, pulling you back, so to speak, from a new expression of life. To be in control of these influences, one must have a foundation of being an anchor in their True Nature. Seeing clearly that all of these influences are but shadows, nuances, as one progresses. Now, one may choose to progress, so to speak, in the direction of old patterns from various motives of fear, comfort, or certainty of the future, and the preferences of others.

Though initially this series focused upon the transition from one incarnation to another, one life to another, but these can be understood more clearly at times with the transitions from day to day, from job to job, from relationship to relationship. One may even observe that they are unclear about why what they have chosen to leave behind in a new relationship seems to be still there. The difference is the consciousness employed, of ownership of being, and freedom to be.

Migration is always appropriate, for this is life in motion, but can take on unlimited possibilities, nuances, and patterns of previous existences, even the patterns of others as they demonstrate their successes in their migrations. How many children have aspired to be one profession or another of the adults they observe and are enamored of, which may or may not be reality for them?

So, change and migration are one, our brother. Even from the morning to the evening, migrations occur, usually without planning or conscious appreciation or in-depth understanding. For humanity has yet to achieve ownership of its being, mastership of its destiny, and the wise choosing of their path in life, even from moment to moment. We all are challenged with this, our brother, and grow in wisdom through the experiences and the observation of others’ experiences. So this is a process of life, with rich reward. A core experience is in each day that can be identified as migration in life. Plumb the depths of meaning and possibility as you consider these.

Apr. 17, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Nesters

JANU: I am Janu speaking, arranging then this morning for our journey that which belongs to a group of “nesters” that exist along the ridge of the Himalayas and have determined to embrace the Earth, the world, the collective of its being, as proactive service. From their point of view, in their connection with life, they see for themselves coming down the mountain and walking among people, and the conflicts of the day, as futile compared to their vantage point. Some would see as isolation, withdrawal. They see as proactive and effective.

These Nesters have a tradition that is unique for it is ancient in the sense of a continuing tradition, even though many have come and gone. Yes, they are incarnate, our brother, but they are not alone. They have gathered a view of life on many levels and have become a channel, a doorway, a window for the Great Ones not incarnate to serve the Earth. This is their calling, and this calling they have met. They are serene, indeed, and are a blessing to the Earth.

Their origins are by no means limited to that of the Earth. And they are oneness indeed. We honor them and support their service. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Collaborative Journeying: the Star Journeyers

JANU:    For today’s journey, let us consider the numerous opportunities for collaborative journeying. Not all journeying resembles this morning’s setting and not all journeyers are incarnate; in fact, most are not. Today we will connect with a journeyer of the stars, one who embraces life on that scale and sees life from that perspective. This one belongs to a group of journeyers who explore the universe and encourage each other to embrace more. Having been one of these, in some ways, we return to this setting and explore our experiences and understanding with these.

STAR JOURNEYER: Yes, greetings, our brother. Returning we have, and welcome your collaboration with the Star Journeyers. Now, we use that name as focal points for our exploration of life, but we have other areas of interest as well, as you well know. This journey of yours this morning, and this connection, will return the memories of many others, for this has become a natural environment for you and one in which you are very comfortable. And you know this to be true.

Consider, then, the service to your world where you now reside from this perspective of life and its vastness and richness and countless journeyers. There are realities of life here that can expand human consciousness, leaving behind the miseries of your frustrations, illnesses, conflicts, depressions, and isolation. So journey well and lift the consciousness of humanity as you may, to enjoy the journeyers of the stars and many others in a life of greater freedom, peace of mind, and joy for living. Yes, we love humanity and many other cultures, worlds, beings. From this perspective of life, one embraces the variations with the theme of “We are one.”

Apr. 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Nature of Life: what lies beyond what we call life?

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, handing over today the reins—although not completely—to the collective that is life, to reveal itself to your understanding and maturing, illuminating the path to the mastering of the Truth of your being. We will convey what’s being shown you.

Up to now, you have been considering the physical manifestations of creation as a guide for understanding the nature of life. We will extend this to, at this time, the subtler creations of life and the nature of their destinies. Let us consider, then, those you have encountered of a non-physical nature, exploring their future. (see Lanto) These beings, collectively, in these subtler realms of life, embrace what has seemingly been dormant for them, but has been part of their nature from the beginning. So this element of life’s nature is that of having in reserve more of the truth of its nature in the form of potential and, ultimately, realization, in countless forms and venues of life. Life is a composite of these, the essence of which has always been full of vitality and so-called miracles of expression. For who can see an individual’s full potential, other than Life itself? For only it is aware of all that can be expressed and experienced.

Now you ask, “In the Nature of Life, can there be unrealized potential that is unknown, even from other universes?” From Life’s point of view, the answer is ‘No,’ our brother, but this question hints at “What is there beyond the life that we are considering at this time?” One must keep an open mind to this possibility, for there is a larger truth here where the answer is ‘yes’ to the question, which adds to the definition of life that is beyond but co-existing, although ‘existing’ as not the best word here.

With this added dimension of understanding to the Nature of Life, let us take the time to consider our perspective. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 29, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Observing each other’s lifestyle for mutual benefit

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us embark upon the tale of two worlds, beset with struggle, conflict, much unrest. Then they discovered each other and prolonged their struggles until one could see the futility in the other of such behavior, and communicated this to each other. Realizing that, together, with one observing and one portraying, they could do better. So they used this relationship to monitor each other’s progress, inspire each other, taking counsel from each other, and achieved a greatness in their cultures never even dreamed of.

They have taken this principle to other worlds as an example of what can be achieved and have inspired many to pair up, if you will, to help each other. For, you see, even in the human environment, it is easier to see the faults or difficulties in another than in yourself. The challenge and the opportunity is to see the wisdom in the counsel of another reflecting to you what they observe, and both parties growing in their honesty of their mutual appraisals and perceptions.

Coupling in your culture, marriage if you will, can have this scenario as well. We see this opportunity missed in many of your couplings around the world. Would that it be taught more clearly and carefully and effectively, one to another. This principle occurs whether the coupling is heterosexual or not. This is not the issue.

So be at peace with relationships in difficulty, realizing that this principle is yet to be applied. Namaste.

Mar. 26, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Art of Communication is enhanced by the Art of Oneness

JANU:   The art of communication as such commands an intimacy with life that leads to, borders upon, oneness, for oneness is, our brother, ultimate communication. For how can there not be mutual knowing when observers, communicators, are in intimate oneness? So the art of communication includes this as a foundation. Within this premise, this foundation, the art of communication includes having something to communicate of interest to each other.

Now, individually speaking, all do not share the same interest at the same time. So one who has come to know a Truth of Life may accomplish only exposure to a possibility to another. The oneness sensitivity reveals the interests of another, revealing that the participants in communication have the possibility of sharing an interest. Now, from the individuality human perspective, communication is a process of give and take by comparison to more instantaneous communication of direct knowing and intimacy of oneness. Sharing is instantaneous and far more complete, for each party receiving information becomes aware of it as their own. So the [p2p type=”slug” value=”the-art-of-communication-reconnecting”]reconnecting [/p2p] mentioned previously  is the path to oneness. And even oneness, our brother, has many nuances, levels of reality and intimacy, and evolves. Even in instantaneous reality, life is process: instantaneous from one perspective, evolving and changing from another.

Now, when two species encounter each other with different cultures, backgrounds, philosophies, language, and some with no language—for they are telepathic and communicate in other ways, as well—what is the foundation for communication? Once again, the intimacy of oneness comes into play, a degree of it, at least, our brother. And there are degrees of oneness, for it can be applied universally, individually, and by reason of need and choice.

So today’s theme is oneness as a vehicle for communication. Oneness can be assigned to or focused upon any part of life or all of life, to any degree. So, you see, our brother, the Art of Oneness is a reality as well and worthy of exploration. So, communicate at will, our brother, with any part of life, even your own nature that at times seems illusive and not understood.

Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

Mar. 25, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross