A civilization on Mars

Editor’s Note: This was discovered in some early untranscribed journeys. It reflects curiousity stemming from the discovery, and subsequent theorizing, of the ‘face’ on the Sedona (Cydonia) Plain.

JANU:   This exploration leads to a profound encounter with those Orders of Life throughout the universe that bring understanding to the fore for examination. Let us proceed then on this journey and its encounters, exploring then this afternoon the magnificent ruins that exist on Mars in the southern hemisphere.

These ruins, and we do not mean the Sedona Plain here, give rise to the notion that ancient cultures did exist on this world. Suborning testimony to the contrary, these ruins when examined reveal a culture, a society largely unknown to those involved with the plain at Sedona. These ruins appear as fissures but were, indeed, subterranean caverns that housed numbers of dwellings and peoples against a hostile environment, for Mars was such during their time.

This culture existed in this area 75,000 years ago, for approximately 700 of your years, their years being somewhat different. We would estimate that to be approximately correct. The 75,000 refers to their years, local time.

These people were accustomed to many types of encounters with the natural forces, and became accustomed to frigid temperatures from your standards, that challenged their technology to produce abundant resources. Their habitats were nearly a mile below the planet’s surface and took advantage of geothermal energy and subterranean pressures. Their view of life consisted mainly of survival, record-keeping, and perpetuating the species. Their origins weighed heavily against them for their planetary type of origin was somewhat different. Mars became a resting place for these travelers.

What remains at this time are a number of elliptical bubbles or dwellings of this configuration that seem partially embedded in the strata of Mars. There are nearly 5000 of these dwellings and they consist mainly of a clear glass-like substance that has the ability to modify its light transmissive properties.

The movement to the surface towards the end of their presence on Mars, in these fissures, was brought about by shifts in the crust of Mars, bringing instability to these habitats. The technology they utilized was removed. They began a trek to the north and encountered a famine and perished in six to seven years, Mars time.

They were known as the Kulsa and their planet of origin was marked by Copernicus. Their arrival on Mars was unintended and was meant to be a rendezvous with another culture from their world. This never took place. Bringing then into focus that which accounts for the prolapse of many cultures signifies or reveals the reality that the cultures of many worlds were never indigenous but the result of many off-world activities for many purposes. Your Earth included, only yours is far more complex and intentional.
Jan. 13, 2003 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

The reader might also wish to check out Exploring Mars and Mars  as well as Legacies of Past Civilizations and origins & evolution of the solar system.


The Archive of Knowledge of the Human Journey: The origin of humanity

JANU:    Enveloping the journey today is one who has profound knowledge of the human journey and speaks from the perspective of visiting humanity a number of times and, in a way, represents the archive of this focus.

KEEPERS OF THE HUMAN ARCHIVE:  In the tradition of these journeys: greetings, our brother. We are enamored of, so to speak, the achievements of humanity, the dark journeys as well as the ones of Light, and would lay down the portion of the foundation of understanding of that adventure.

Humanity began on your world with a tradition of imprint as existence elsewhere. Those beings who chose to participate in this agreed upon a path of discovery and eventual contribution to life. And, yes, it was an experiment of sorts. And this one who speaks was present during that discussion and agreement. The foundation we would expose or convey at this time is the foundation that began that decision to commence the human journey.

Three worlds were involved with this experiment, two of which were in the southern, so-called, portion of your sky, one in the north. They came together with an idea that there was a need in life, among other worlds and in the subtle realities of life, for a focus of what you call ‘brotherhood’: common service and a bringing of Light, the truth of the existence of others to their consciousness. For a civilization to carry this mission, there had to be a shaping of life to be on a world undisturbed for a period of time. The Earth was chosen from several candidates. As has been revealed before, other worlds were chosen as well, but with enough separation of distance, if you will, that each would find their own way and the qualities developed would have a chance to develop without interference or modification, for collectively these qualities were needed intact, if you will.

So, the adventure was begun on your Earth and we observed this. The moments of guidance and contribution were from these beings that began this adventure. And, yes, there was a ‘Ring Pass Not’ invoked in the beginnings. These few worlds were closely monitored and we observed with them, from time to time, and we were the record keepers. The archive of which you speak was of our creation, for the destiny of these human worlds was of significance and the learning through observation would serve other adventures as well, other projects.

Humanity emerged on the human worlds in different ways. Your scientific recorded history of the development on your Earth still has many gaps, if you will. And the history of humanity in its beginning development is much older than your science is aware of. There were exchanges between these human worlds in the form of beings reincarnating on one world or another. Therefore, imprinted within the human record in consciousness are the traits of some of these worlds, which may contribute here and there. Some of the DNA and evolution in Earth humanity is a contribution from these imprints. And this is how humanity on several human worlds form a bond or link to each other, for the collective evolution remains a collective one.

We have seen this evolution on these worlds and it is recorded. As the consciousness of each being evolves and opens and awakens, this record can be known and understood. Return as you may with this series.

May 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross