Why the great pyramid at Giza was built

JANU: At first, our brother, the pyramid at Giza was built to represent an archaic principle of the foundation of the law of a sun god or deity by an ancient civilization not of the Earth. It is a leftover, carryover of an ancient culture and philosophy from another world. This culture identified itself as the ‘Bizzareen.’ Each representative of that culture that came to Earth was adept at this kind of construction and its purpose. Each block was formed according to a pattern that existed from previous constructions. The ability to manifest constructions from available material, not by mechanical means, is an art not possessed by native culture.

Four sided pyramids were not the only construction model. The number of sides varied, according to its purpose. You have been told there was another one like this on another world. There are a number of these, for that culture visited many worlds, and still exists on a few.

The so-called ‘laws’ of their sun deity had to do with the art of the ability to create, and not just pyramids, you see. But these skills were represented in the pyramid configurations internally. These beings would create an energetic reality exactly duplicating the assembled patterns for construction, and material was altered and re-assembled in that location through consciousness of high precision. This structure, when engaged in consciousness, allowed precise configuration of consciousness to manipulate energy, dematerialize and materialize.

So, you see, our brother, your earlier insight into its construction of being from the top down in fire, or what appeared to be, is explained. Thus the name ‘pyramid,’ you see.

Many accomplishments of creation were accomplished by way of this structure. The formation of the Earth, energetically, was aided. Other worlds have had this assistance. This structure is older than human knowledge. No equipment was used in its construction. It is far more than the physical construction. It is home to many types of energy which are linked to other worlds. Linking of consciousnesses involved in its creation is beyond human understanding. It was built to serve the Earth longer than humanity will have need of it. It is true that it was never designed to be entered physically, only in consciousness. Created by ‘fire’ from the top down, only not fire as most understand it. That was the appearance. You ask if it is still in use as originally designed. It hasn’t been, our brother, for some time. It could be re-built if needed.

There is much more to understand. Namaste, our brother.

Mar. 4, 2016 B                                                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Being part of the family of life

JANU: Be it known that in many of your so-called ‘ancient’ cultures, the Egyptians in particular but others as well, seed thoughts were introduced that developed into those cultures. Humanity chooses to think of itself as alone, separate, self-determining and take full credit for all they have achieved. And rightly so, to a degree. However, much of what has been gained was planted here on the Earth by other beings and cultures from other realities, and we do not mean only other worlds. At times, tracing the origins of a culture to its beginning appears possible but it is not. Not with conventional means. Consider America, if you will, and the involvement of St. Germaine, though not incarnate at the time. There are many such examples hidden from history and intended that it be this way.

Humanity is a larger part of life, by reason that its participation in life will eventually bring more and more influence to others who share it. Humanity’s growing ability to explore off world is monitored and guided at times, as a child is guarded against impulsive wanderings and touching things. Guidance and restrictions are put in place that the child continue to evolve yet survive the experimentation. So it is with humanity, and humanity has wandered near the brink, from time to time. Should the child complain of interference of free will in the presence of parental guidance and protection? Humanity is in the same situation.

As we have said, humanity is part of a larger life, a larger family of life, and always has been. Wise is the child that respects and looks for the wisdom of the parent. Would that humanity do the same with the wiser ones who serve their evolution. There will always be wisdom in existence greater than your own. Wise is the one who engages this wisdom, always free to accept it or not.

So, when one takes credit for achievement, take a moment and consider all that was involved. You are part of a larger life, whether you are aware of it or not. This is part of your survival and your achievements. Namaste.

Nov. 3, 2015                                                                    Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Seeing the truth behind wars and terrorism

JANU:    These journeys into legacies of past civilizations represent much of what is to come for humanity, for even then there was knowledge of human potential and interaction with the larger life. This legacy was deposited here by representatives of its origin.

This legacy can best be described as fortuitous for humanity, for it brings fortune upon those who endeavor to exact the best of themselves and humanity for world peace. For without it the waste of resources, time, energy, and lives would interfere with humanity’s immediate future. To bring about world peace, humanity must collectively value this above the disturbances and conflicts.

Now, those consumed with the fear of wars and the like blocking their vision, their clarity of workable alternatives, this legacy inspires or encourages humanity to see the beginnings of a viable alternative and demand it of their leaders through non-participation with their decisions of force and destruction, warring, and the economies of these. For where would the current wars be, without the colossal funding borne on the backs of the people who want a better life? This legacy brings clarity to the public perception of the truth behind wars, terrorism, and the like, those who instigate such, and their hidden agendas. Once again, the importance of awakening for the public, the masses, to see the truth, for the leaders of these conflicts are not so inclined to withdraw.

The people are beginning to exercise their power in areas of conflict around the world, but this will grow. Nonviolent non-cooperation will be a component. The True Nature of humanity is in harmony with the ideals of this legacy and is the authority for these changes.

Apr. 19, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The songs of life

JANU:  The legacy we speak of for today, has to do with the so-called ‘song of life.’ There is a tradition throughout the Earth, with all manifestations, that there be the song, or signature, or vibrational pattern in emanation of life, unique to each element. The legacy today is this reality, not caused by the legacy but the shaper of it, the shaper of the legacy.

There is inherent within the song of Earth, a pattern to be attuned to, that helps direct attention to the song of any part of life: individually, collectively, entire civilizations, nature, any part of the planet. This legacy pattern continues and is supported to this day by those who learned of and observed the Earth’s complex vitality and the manifestations. This pattern acts like a focusing lens to those who have attention upon the living presence of every part of life. You think humanity is the only source of inquiring mind and consciousness. It is not. Every part of life of the Earth has this capability and has demonstrated interest and benefit.

So the pattern here helps reveal the songs of life for connection, understanding, and mutual support. For when collective synergism takes place, creativity blossoms in ways that benefit all of life. And how many actually are conscious of their own song of life? This is a grand legacy for humanity, for moving into full consciousness. Discover your own song of life, placing your attention on it and allowing this patterned legacy to focus your connection and awareness.

Aug. 1, 2013                                                   Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross