JANU: Service itself is a grand perspective on life. It demonstrates its true nature and its potential. Service unites life and facilitates its supporting itself in all of its nuance of existence. True service is recognized for what it is by all of life. It does not need to convince that it serves of its purpose. And true service emulates the core nature that gives life to all aspects of creation.
What we serve this afternoon is the understanding of service throughout humanity and inspire the other kingdoms of nature in this way of relating to life and of honoring your being. Even explorers and pioneers in the fields of life of human endeavors serve life by bringing awareness of its depth and reality to the fore. The true explorer has a consciousness that is open to unknown possibilities and therefore new understandings and sensitivity to that that is discovered.
These qualities can be lived in discovering your neighbor and discovering a stranger and discovering who you are. Even service of long standing in one element of life has discovery of limitless possibilities. Each embrace of life through service leads to greater revelation, not only of that served but of your nature and your growing capacity to connect with life.
True service is true love in action, even as the source of life serves you, for true service does not require payment or recognition or adulation or worship, and neither does the source of your life. True service demonstrates the flow of life and no deficiency is left in the one who serves, when that service is in harmony with the flow of life. One no longer needs to appraise whether that given to another has been restored, for that given to another does not originate in the giver. What originates in the giver is the willingness to give.
We would instill these qualities in humanity, nestled in the qualities of the true heart, free of prejudice and compromising agenda. This one perspective alone opens the door of opportunity to the rest of life. And now, allow your heart to communicate this truth to the hearts of humanity.
Let us continue in this way of exploration through service. Until next time, good afternoon and namaste.
May 8, 1998 C Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.