JANU: The Light is a revealer of the Truth of Life. It is not to be manipulated or colored in any way by bias or preference or condemnation. It is to be honored and respected for its nature. And each one’s observation based on their own powers of discernment is the result. So be it. Challenges and opportunities revealed. Solutions revealed. Outcomes owned. Wisdom gained. Experience is the teacher. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
Category: The Human Condition
Finding meaning in challenges|
Editor’s Note: This was done shortly after the devastation Hurricane Helene caused near my home.
JANU: A tsunami brings change. A hurricane brings change. The elements of existence are modified to embrace life and new opportunities in a better way. Change is unsettling, brings confusion, wonder about outcome and how to deal with it, the expense of resources, the recovery of peace of mind, compassion for the neighbor.
Ongoingness, continuation has two faces, at least. One is everything the same, again and again. The other is the letting go of patterns to embrace new ones, to explore and discover their potential, to understand, to make the most of it to gain wisdom. For more challenges and changes are coming, the method of evolution. Find peace and confidence that Life is alive and well and evolving. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
Message for Humanity: Choose your life wisely
JANU: Peace seems to be an overused word with confusion as to depth, meaning, and true power. As one observes humanity and today’s human environment and social realities, it’s not easy to see vast examples. One asks the question “Why is there so much anger and struggle for power and dominance, when working together for mutual benefit could create so much more that benefits everyone?”
From one point of view, it has to do with enlightenment, awakening to the larger life, not only of humanity but individually as well. Humanity’s potential is coupled inextricably with its true nature. Everyone has present within themselves larger, simpler, more powerful, and constructive understanding as to the nature of their own life and Life itself.
When one observes another or themselves gaining a moment of true understanding and freedom, the joy is obvious. When one gains power over others, power that takes and consumes, revelation is not the same. But that scenario seems more available when one is angry, frustrated, and impoverished, than the beauty and power of the inner and larger life, a loving life with patience, tolerance, and love.
How does one, then, embrace the difference, to the benefit themselves and others? By desiring it more than anything, recognizing its significance an unlimited possibilities. Seeing results little by little that bring encouragement and inspiration. Choose, with wisdom that evolves, the life of your desires and all that goes with it. The inner life is filled with simple solutions that are powerful, not complications or manipulations but a light of clarity. Easier to reveal to others, mostly by example.
The Family of Life, so to speak, in its way, is eternal, omnipresent, and evolving. Choose wisely. Your choice is not alone. You are loved. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
Message for Humanity: The power within
JANU: The term ‘inner power’ can easily be misinterpreted to resemble the unenlightened pursuit of power. True power is not limited to some vague and mysterious and elusive inner reality. It is at the heart of everything and universally present. Your existence is testimony to this. Some call it the ‘flow of life.’ True power creates, resolves, brings clarity, continuation, evolution, peace, solutions, harmony. The source of true power is Life itself. And what isn’t Life?
The illusions of power can obscure this reality for they do not require awakening harmony with all life and they are short-lived and have a price. True power is always available, costs nothing but allowing. When conflict and confusion and frustration are present, opening to the power within, so to speak, and allowing it into your consciousness brings simplicity to complexity. And simplicity touches more of life, brings clarity to see through confusion and the illusions of external power. Obedience, servitude, cost, compromise are not the attributes of the results of true power. False power does not bring joy, peace of mind, happiness to all that it touches. Recognize the difference by the results.
At this time, many are looking for leadership. Use this to find wisdom in those who would lead. Call upon the wisdom in your own True Nature as an example. You are more than you know, but the knowing is there. Choose your life wisely. Namaste.
Aug. 14, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
Message for Humanity: Self-worth
JANU: The human perception of self-worth is the request for focus of exploration of understanding and remedy. This is a dark area for many and societal circumstance paints a dark picture. Hard to shine a light in and illuminate.
What we speak to here is intrinsic worth that one may or may not be aware of. Eternal worth, perpetual worth just by being. Difficult to shake off the life patterns of other’s perception of personal interpretation of relationships. Part of the worth of being is potential. Potential of Life itself and all it can be. One does not own life. One is life. And what would creation be without it?
Now we speak here not just of human beings but all of life. How does one find freedom from misinterpretation but by expanding the ability and the experience of self-love. “And what is meant by ‘love’?” you ask. The intimacy of connection into a purpose, the joy that we discover in ourselves and each other. Your True Nature loves you without question. How could it not? You are it. How can you not love another? For you are One.
The circumstances of life are just the steppingstones on the path of discovery, creativity, rebuilding, modification, experimentation. Experiment freely with an evolving purpose and love of life, but grow in knowing your Nature. Conscious union with the larger You is the journey worth taking. And that journey is filled with adventure and discovery. The freedom of understanding that comes is more powerful than any fear, confusion, frustration, disappointment. They fade in the light of the Truth of Life.
Choose to live in freedom and be all you can be. Love each other and allow them their freedom as well, in your own perception of life. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
The range of wisdom
JANU: Wisdom, for the future of this country, comes on the heels of experience. Advocating for this relies upon clarity of perspective. Regional wisdom is influenced by perspectives of other populations. Collective wisdom is influenced by awakening. Motivation for this requires a larger view of destiny. The inner sight forecasts the potential. Individual contribution is coupled with commitment. The form of commitment depends upon observation and The NOW of reality and the freedom of choice. Patience is long-term in the allowing of change. Timelessness brings peace. Find joy in potential. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
Choosing leaders
JANU: The struggle for power has two faces. One is greed. The other is service. The physical faces are clear around the world. The ones of service look for opportunity that has the potential for success. The ones of greed see success in confusion, manipulation of truth, the weakness of others. Observing each pattern for its truth is the discernment needed.
Greed or service—two sides of the same coin of human consciousness. The choice is clear when looking for leadership and the choice has always been with the individual. They both require commitment. The results are opposite. The leaders of the world are not the only ones facing the choice. The challenge is universal. The details can be complicated and have many faces, many representations, and sometimes the motivations are mixed.
An increasing sensitivity in consciousness of the difference in every situation is useful. The inner wisdom of the True Nature, of experience, is a resource to draw upon. Do not underestimate insight and your True Nature. Anger and frustration cloud the mind, the judgement, block wisdom. Be at peace always and the clarity will come. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross
Self-governing—collective social gov’t
JANU: Self-governing for a society entails a measure of awakening through conscious union. It can begin with a desire to find common ground with others. What do you have in common as a foundation for mutual benefit? Reaching into the vast possibilities, embrace a model that evolves, changes, grows, realizing a greater and greater potential. What relationships and structures can benefit everyone, appropriate to each one’s potential? Discovering the reality of mutual connection, perceiving with a perspective of understanding coexistence of individuality and common good or benefit.
The imposition of laws and regulations imposed by a few does not carry the insight of collective consciousness, integration, and the wisdom each one possesses from within. In a world of many creatures, “nature” if you will, the benefit in productive consciousness effects all nature, for it is all connected. Even the behaviors of creatures of the world will evolve. Humanity will come to realize these many levels of contribution to the rest of nature. The direction this takes is a choice. Humanity unawakened does not realize it is not alone in this. All of life is in motion, attempting to realize its potential and evolve into new possibilities, new achievements which set the foundation for even more.
Self-governing is much more than current politics and legalities. Everyone is involved, learning, growing, understanding, and awakening to a larger life. By any comparison, many are still in slumber. The veil is not fixed or permanent. It is temporary. Self-determination and awakening move beyond any limitation, based in a growing wisdom as to the nature of Life. Each one has a legacy of insightful wisdom, of experience, memories. This of course takes initiative, assumption of responsibility, standing in your truth, and exploring it. This is government by the people who have common ground in their True Natures. Namaste.
Oct. 12, 2023 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross
A vision for human civilization
JANU: Recovering principles once established takes a willingness to change, to let go of the distractions called ‘power,’ personal aggrandizement, conflicting ideologies that separate rather than unite. Fundamental principles and philosophies, whether in government, commerce, religion, the arts, divide rather than coordinate capabilities, wisdom, intelligence, and caring.
There are geniuses and wisdoms, experiences, motivations for excellence scattered throughout humanity. Supporting and encouraging each other, let each skill support each other bringing about opportunities not anticipated or envisioned. Competition to exceed, to excel, must be perceived in a different light, with a fundamental motivation to advance individual and collective civilization. Each one’s dreams can contribute to opportunity.
Let this be a driving force and watch hunger, deprivation, disease, hopelessness, frustration, self-condemnation fall by the wayside. Hope and opportunity must be real and understood more and more by those in all walks of life, in all degrees of achievement, in countless dreams and visions. This direction of thinking and being and expressing is a new path and adventure for many but it is within them to achieve. All of life supports this. All of life benefits. Begin today. Namaste.
Mar. 11, 2023 Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross
Coordination & cooperation-elements of brotherhood
JANU: Coordination and cooperation is part of brotherhood, of working together to achieve a goal. That is the theme here, embracing the challenges of achieving objectives. It takes patience, understanding, caring, and skill. Calling on the true powers of life, those that are benevolent, wise, and enduring. Honoring the natural resources of another, who is also challenged. Managing the objective and clearly understanding the objective and its layers of reality. Be at peace in this in the days to come. Much to be gained and learned. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2022 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross