New Journeys

Happiness and co-creation

JANU:    Happiness. What does it mean? What is its source? What is its endurance? What is its origin? How does it communicate? Happiness is not only contentment with what is achieved, but confidence in what can be achieved. Continued happiness, without change, breeds complacency and boredom. So even happiness, you see, has evolutionary change. So choosing to be happy is a co-creative reality, as is complacency and boredom, dismay, discouragement, endless repetition.

So if choosing to be happy is a reality and has existence, what is its nature? Is it more than the human condition? Is it founded in the structure of life? Or is it only a creation of desire and consciousness? What does it serve? And why does it seem temporary and only circumstantially available? It is a function of co-creative choice and the freedom to be. Any relationship with life, under any condition of consciousness, any state of being, and it is by choice.

So, when surveying your existence, your experiences, your circumstance, you choose happiness or wait for it. Enlightenment can be seen the same way. It is a co-creative choice, with its own reward. Mis-emotions fall into this category, you see. Freedom is powerful in the sense of the exercise of co-creation. Co-creation without disadvantaging others or manipulation or interference, but being part of the circumstance of their happiness, their freedom, brings a joy and a contentment. Namaste.
May 28, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This is an expansion of  the concept of happiness  presented earlier in  Happiness: allowed not created, and Awakening: Happiness, among others.


Ethics and integrity

JANU:    How, then, does one precipitate manifestation of ethical behavior, which is subject to interpretation? By combining essential elements of life that perpetuate or continue its evolution. Consideration of the structures of natural life. Realizing that nothing is fixed, but in motion, means being conscious in the moment and attuned to the flow of life. One tends to think of terms such as ethics and integrity, truthfulness, as fixed realities, true to their nature, or a perception of their nature. Once again, intuition—an inner sense of these things—with motivations that are clear and understood guides the way.

Honoring relationship with the Larger Life supports a knowingness to proceed with any endeavor. Develop sensitivity to be conscious of the source of intuition by the manifestation of its life patterns. Intuition, application and experience, direct observation, short and long term outcomes, life unfolding around and through you. Life is more fluid than any preordination. Doing your best, whatever form that takes, Life benefits from it. Namaste.
May 19, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU:     Exploring is the theme for today, though the subject is reality. When everything that is only exists within the parameters of its existence, are the parameters real? What does reality mean? How can it be described or defined? Can words accomplish this? Are words real? Not in every reality. Even in physical life, their meaning can be ambiguous, and only have meaning that’s ascribed to them. So, what is real and what is not? Is a thought real, and in what sense? Thoughts come and go, and change on a dime, so to speak. Is life for real? And what does that mean? If life records itself, and nothing is lost, then what is retrieved or saved?

Reality exists in the moment and expresses from moment to moment, but even that moment passes into memory and life’s own recording, called ‘life patterns.’ So, how does one become conscious in the moment, so that past and future exist as one? Let us take the chime of a bell. In time it sustains its tone, briefly, but its pattern is recorded in its substance, in that which vibrates with it. But whether rung or not, is it still a bell? Whether an individual is conscious or not, what is still real?  Does ‘eternity’ have any meaning, any reality of the moment in the so-called Now?

Taking all of this into consideration, where is the merit, the nature, the essence? Even the question suggests presence, position, location, time. Parameters of the limited existence, the limitation of words. Is ‘pure being’ part of this or does it somehow find itself a part of unlimited reality? What then is without limit, parameters of existence, boundaries, unique description? What then has value, meaning, and purpose?

The Truth of Life, the so-called Light. What is true and what is not? Or does reality include them both? Deciding to know is the challenge and opportunity for revelation. Namaste.
May 13, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Eyes of peace

JANU: Peace, then, are the eyes to have, observing humanity and its society. You see and perceive what your focus is, so choose wisely what dominates your perception when observing human incarnate reality. It is, of course, a mixture of the spectrum of life, but the spectrum is evolving and enlightened focused perception is attuned to these elements of evolution. What your attention is on you give life to. An attribute of co-creating. So choose to be aware of the elements of evolution in humanity and give them life, for they will raise up the mixture and the mixture evolves. The beauty of life becomes more clear and one becomes filled with hope and confidence in the potential of humanity and life is enriched, all of life. Peace is a powerful reality. Use it often as humanity renews itself. Namaste.
May 18, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a process

JANU:    Gradual support for the awakening of humanity is being in the flow. It allows all life its journey of process. Process enriches the journey, the awakening. Awakening begins in an instant but continues as a process so that potential is fulfilled and all of life has the opportunity to be touched. Such is the nature of a symphony.

So put your attention and commitment to the process of awakening. See its beauty, its changes, the amazing diversity of process. It is not just humanity’s awakening. In time, conscious awareness of the other realities of life beyond humanity and the Earth will become part of the mix, if you will. Many lessons to be learned, perspectives. Life is growing, expanding, deepening. Namaste.
May 20, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Wisdom vs. ignorance—awakening vs. the veil

JANU:     Reconsider, then, the merits of the awakening of humanity or an individual. How well understood is the veil experience, in its potential? Gaining the wisdom through application and experience is not quite the same as direct access. However, one might consider that wisdom gained in other sojourns is still wisdom gained through application and experience. Recording a resource of these gains is part of awakening. And what does this say about sharing wisdom? It speaks to the collective reality of a species, whether incarnate or not. So, some may say “Let the chips fall where they may.” Direct access, to a degree, may be part of the journey, the Tapestry of Life.

How does one explore and maximize potential? Are all opportunities orderly, with tight protocols? Apparently not. Gaining access is one consideration. When gained, making use of these is another, and, at times, simultaneous. When one awakens in the morning, so to speak, from an evening’s slumber, life from that point is still choices and interpretation. So, does awakening have potential for self-destruction? Not to the True Nature, it doesn’t. But it can alter greatly the incarnate life.

Wisdom has merit. Does ignorance? One has a possibility of evolution, but does the other? Namaste.
May 18, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Exploring beauty

JANU:   Beauty is evolving in the human experience ever since the beginning or its existence, and yes, human experience goes beyond the Earth. Beauty is part of potential. It is part of the mixture of creativity. It evolves as part of all evolution. Beauty has a theme, a tempo, a pulse of life. It rises to the surface of experience and creativity, inspired by the True Nature.

Beauty is exuberant and peaceful, inspirational and never lost. It is part of the fabric of Life, its tapestry, and can find expression always. Loving your own existence and using it to enrich the life of another. Empathy with the creatures of the world, all of them. Non-physical life has its beauty as well, and they are connected to the physical expression.

Be not limited by awareness of physical beauty. Consciousness extends far beyond this. Allow the awareness to embrace more of life and know of its beauty. Life allows, through love, all expressions of being. Explore the beauty of life, a journey without end. Namaste.
May 11, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Living in beauty

JANU: Yes, a worthy attribute of consciousness: finding the beauty, the potential, and expression of each one’s life. In your experience, the magic of music, the symphony, the orchestra, the musicians, and the music, the impact on the listeners, the shared joy of many, and the residual in the life patterns of each. These experiences unite, inspire, encourage, bring hope, and promote self-determination to participate in some way. For some, it is art. Anything of the harmonious creative nature, with unique expression, that enriches life. For some, it is romance. For others, it is philosophy, for others, the healing arts, and for others, inspired spiritual understanding.

Exploring the human drama brings reason and understanding and even empathy, for no matter how unusual, there is connection and memory for there are stored life patterns and shared life patterns and much memory. These are external joyous relationships that can be found within through awakening to the True Nature. The life patterns and memories there transcend time and circumstance and are not limited to the Earth experience.

What is beauty, then? A worthy question. It is harmony, enrichment, purity, symmetry, and uniqueness. It is relationships throughout life with meaning and depth, that shine light, the Truth of Life, on everything, many times unnoticed in the brash cacophony of discordant confusion. Why not take a moment each day to discover beauty, to experience it, and even participate? Decide to be, living in beauty. Namaste.
May 11, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Circumstance: product of our creations

JANU:    Let us examine that which portends to be the potential future of humanity on the Earth. The rigors of the current pandemic are a precursor to a transition from self-destruction in the form of political, military, and the social advantage-taking motivated by the quest for power. Life is not indifferent when it comes to course changes, redirection, and endurance. Correlation between symptoms and causation requires some insight, introspection, and soul-searching, if you will.

It is no accident that humanity is the dominant group being challenged. Its responsibility for self-destructive behavior and stressing nature in the planet is not without consequences. The motivations for wars still exist, even between their outbreaks. The peace sought for is not the lack of violence, but the alternative to these motivations. If a more enlightened species were encountered, would they be understood? Are the eyes of the beholder capable of seeing life as it truly is? If this were so, why does the Earth violence continue?

Much to be considered here. A species of co-creators creates its own circumstance. Humanity would do well to accept ownership of its creation. Namaste.
May 22, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Questions to ponder about life

JANU:    Return to the scene of the formation of worlds, the population of same, the journey of consciousness through the evolution of species, experience the planetary life and the embrace of the diversity of universes. How does one appraise this scope of life, its maturity and wisdom, its experiences, and attach significance? What is the justification for all of it? What does it serve? What benefits? Why is there creation? What is the destiny of everything?

The answer to these questions is resolved in the nature of being. “And what is this?” you ask. “What is essential nature?” There is much reinventing of the wheel, so to speak, with refinements. If the essence of the nature of life is realization of its potential, is there an alternative? And what is the source of this potential? Is it, itself, evolving? From what to what? What is the nature of pure being? Is even that in motion and changing? What is life?

Not only be open to questions, but to their resolution as well. Namaste.
May 6, 2020                                                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross