New Journeys

Evolutionary triggers of Earth and humanity

JANU:   Patterned after a legacy of other worlds, the awakening of Earth humanity reflects this legacy. Most of this legacy comes from worlds similar to Earth in terms of human existence, although completely different societies, by reason of compatibility of life patterns. In due course, humanity of Earth’s life patterns will be open to a consciousness that can assimilate those of other species of life, leading to collaborations.

But on the homefront, so to speak, the pace of evolution is not linear. Witness the exponential advancements scientifically, philosophically, and culturally. The journey of humanity, its relationship with the Earth life form, planetarily speaking, is a rocky one. Earth’s existence as a host for humanity and other species has its destiny of potential as well, although tested dearly. It will survive as an interactive existence.

Where we are going here with this, is a reformation, so to speak, that has been seeded in the consciousness of humanity and the Earth, a significant shift in the human/Earth relationship. The destinies of the two have trigger points, mutual evolution. Each has its own language, or should we say languages. Not easily finding common ground. This is why the the Wheeyah Codes legacy was created. The wisdom behind these is based upon long experience. Namaste.
May 5, 2020                                                                                   Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life is ‘NOW’

JANU:   Paranormal is an interesting term. One side of it, in the common understanding, is a bit vague, meaning that which parallels the common experience and perception. In a more enlightened view, paranormal is the awakened state of consciousness, of which the common view is a limited understanding and by no means ‘normal.’

A valid question is “Why the difference in perspective, in consciousness?” It is useful to a point in exploration of physical life. It brings focus and identification with the physical human experience, but brings ignorance of the Larger Life, to be rediscovered through experience and the wisdom gained.

So, you see, there is no wrongness in any state of awakening. It is a process with a destiny of its own. Find no fault with limited understanding. It is life unfolding in a natural way, not controlled by perceptions of time. Guided by the freedom to be, it is a journey of enriching and serving life.

Miss not its opportunities through impatience. Reach not only for the stars, but everything in between. Dwelling in the past and the future can miss the richness of the moment. Life is Now. Namaste.
May 7, 2020 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The source of true power

JANU:   Remembering, when so-called catastrophe strikes, there seems to be a recalcitrance to the former confidence in the future. Confidence is fueled by a clarity of vision and experience in the moment. Second-guessing the future based upon past challenges keeps the consciousness swinging between the two. Neither one is what is being dealt with in the moment and that is where the power is. The power to create, to manifest, to modify, to refine is in the moment. Progressions add depth to understanding the reality of the moment. Understanding supports confidence, for it is the platform for planning and structuring response.

The so-called Now reality is part of this. Living in the moment does not ignore the reality of past and future, but owns them. It is the source of that reality. They draw their power to exist from this central reality of being. True power is without limit when engaged in this way. The true source of miracles, you see. Namaste.
Apr. 29, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Awakening and the Family of Life

JANU:   Thoughtfulness, then, lends itself to achievement. Achievement lends itself to, or encourages, continuation. Continuation is in harmony with the nature of Life. Let each one have introspection in this time of challenge, deprivation, isolation, fear and uncertainty; have the blessing of insight, the true power of life itself; the freedom to choose and care for each other. The Truth of Life will always win, so to speak, for every life pattern is birthed from this.

You ask, “What sustains hope and confidence?” The True Nature does. The quest for the awakening of humanity has this as its goal, no matter the form or the timing. This is the time for inner strength, insight, and experiencing directly the love of Life. The human condition does not define one but is an opportunity to express and apply what one is. Finding richness, purpose and meaning, and strength in each other unites humanity with a bond that overcomes challenge.

Consciousness, awareness, understanding supports mastership of wise choice and co-creation. Choose to know and experience who and what you are and your potential. These things are greater than any creation. Any creation can be mastered. The Family of Life has accomplished this many times, and will continue to do so. Rejoin this family consciously through awakening. Namaste.
May 4, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Human heritage in the Larger Life

JANU:   Ingénue is the first word of this theme, having to do with the prevailing course of destiny, the purpose of which is to foretell and fulfill the heritage of the human journey. “What heritage?” you ask. “Not from this world,” we would answer. Humanity’s heritage has been and is being formed on other worlds, rich in powers of superhuman consciousness. Humanity struggles with this legacy through its own superstitions, disbelief, fantasies, and selfish motivations. The Earth contains many inspirations for humanity to excel, most of which have been ignored to this point or corrupted.

The current pandemic is an opportunity to reset, recalibrate, refocus, repatterning so that destiny and potential and heritage find each other. The realities of other human experiences on other worlds can be attuned to and furthermore joined in with, to the benefit of all.

Let us turn our attention to those that administer insights for the challenges involved do not totally originate with humanity and its journeys. They have their counterpart in other cultures, other journeys of destiny. Humanity has yet to identify with the reality that it is connected in any way with other cultures, other realities and destinies in the larger Family of Life, not to mention all of the Larger Life. One of the purposes of the awakening of humanity is to reveal this, open the consciousness to much larger possibilities and understanding and command of opportunities to evolve and serve life.

Humanity’s potential is richer than current human consciousness, which would bring light to current pettiness and limitation. How can one make choices that are wise without awareness of the choices, you see? Namaste.
Apr. 27, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life will continue beyond Covid-19

JANU:     At these times, regret is a dominant emotion. The sense of loss, lack of opportunity, fear, and uncertainty. You might ask, “What is an alternative to this, in the face of these challenges, that can be productive and overcome them?” It is the experience of the presence of the Larger Life and its endurance and dominance over that that challenges it. The opportunities still exist but must be embraced and fulfilled. Hard to see when these other fears are so loud.

Realization that one’s life continues no matter what is something not only to hang onto but to live as. Each victory, no matter how seemingly small, catapults one into identifying with the potential of Life itself. The many by far overcoming this illness and virus are testimony to this. Everyone will survive this, whether leaving the body or not. Consciousness continues, as does discovery, understanding, and love. The body is temporary. The being is not, and there will be other experiences, other journeys to walk. Take good care of this one. Do not fear the next.  These changes have been experienced before, and life goes on, including your own.

The Family of Life is rich with the memory of this, these experiences. Allow your awareness and sense of being to expand. Every moment is precious. There will always be more, in one form or another. Choose to understand the nature of every experience and gain wisdom from it. Namaste.
Apr. 28, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Does the veil exist in other dimensions?

JANU:   As you have asked, there is a counterpart between dimensions of life to the veil experience in the third dimension, although not the same. Each octave of life has a tone, so to speak, a vibrational pattern, limits of its reality. A natural occurrence as part of the original outcomes of realization for each reality, you see. It helps maintain integrity of one reality in the presence of another, for all of life coexists. Each octave of life has its own richness, accumulations of life patterns as a result of consciousness engagement with each one.

Yes, it is possible to transcend these natural borders, if you will, by way of awakening as your True Nature, for the True Nature is not so limited but has its own limitations.

One of the dynamics of dimensional realities is that they are always evolving and changing, but the integrity of the veil equivalence keeps the evolution within the range of that octave of life. Those who occupy these realities grow into awareness of their presence but most do not wander from one to another, for each one has its own opportunities and challenges. And these opportunities and challenges serve each one’s evolution and awakening.

So the quest for awareness does not end with transition. The story of life is far larger than you realize and it is expanding. Enjoy the quest in wonder, wherever your consciousness resides. Be at peace with where you are at. Find peace in the knowledge that there is more. Namaste.
Apr. 7, 2020 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


A larger perspective of life

JANU:    Conscious reunion is the theme, otherwise called awakening of humanity. All of life has a True Nature. The Larger Life embraces this and all of life has its causal reality. And even that has a ‘Larger Life.’ ‘Tis good to discuss reality beyond this. It seems pointless to the binary consciousness as the realities are beyond comprehension, but the nature of the consciousness is part of this.

You ask, “What is the merit of understanding this?” The merit is: the perspective to place everything in a larger context, without limit. Doing so embraces an evolution of consciousness in harmony with the flow of life. A freedom without limitation to be, to realize potential, to serve, to evolve. If the merit in this is not obvious, it will be one day. Continue to wonder, to open the mind to understand more, to be all you can be. We are one in this. Namaste.
Apr. 6, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Restitution normally means recovery of losses but in the Larger Life what can be lost? Some might say ‘opportunities’ but they come again. Some might say ‘honor and tribute’ but that is bestowed from within. Some might say ‘memories’ but they are recorded in the True Nature for recall at any time. Some might say ‘loss of life’ but the individual lives on when leaving the physical body.

Awakening reveals the larger picture and can bring understanding and peace when facing so-called loss. One can truly restore oneself by way of a larger view of life. Peace and namaste.
Mar. 5, 2020                                                                    Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Understanding predetermination

JANU: Predetermination seems to fly in the face of free will. One has to realize that the human centered consciousness exercises choice, but that choice is within a scope of possibilities the True Nature embraces. As life is in motion, predetermination refers to orders of creativity and relationships. Outcomes of choice range far and wide but life, so to speak, is as circles within circles within circles of possibilities. So choice comes face to face with its own potential.

So, the question becomes: Is your identity limited? Is your consciousness aware of the full nature of being and the potentials of choices? One is not compelled to a limited identity, a limited awareness, a limited command. Becoming more aware of the choices available allows for focusing and refinement.

Existence is a composite of so many realities, all coexisting. The True Nature, which is who you are, what you are, can manage existence. Namaste.
Mar. 13, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross