New Journeys

What is truth and what is not?

JANU:    We are enumerating once more the value of truth. The question always remains: What is truth and what isn’t? For everyone, their truth is theirs, unique in its way, applicable to their circumstance and consciousness, to their exposure and ownership of their being and their experience. Truth evolves, because life evolves. The conditions and circumstance, content, the creations, everything changes. Truth is part of this, and must change with it.

So, how does one discern truth for themselves? It is accomplished through discernment, which is rooted in the wisdom of the True Nature, which has access to all the individual has known and experienced, as well as the rest of the Larger Life and an understanding and connection with the flow of life. The history of life, its potential, its trends and patterns. Innate in each one is this discernment; and, of course, every truth is proven through application, experience, observation, and what it creates. So, even understanding evolves, for what is being understood is changing. What is true for one may make no sense to another, yet each has their grasp of truth. All part of life, all combined into one life, one reality of being. This is how diverse life is.

What is true and what is not? Always a valid question, subject to perception. So let us approach sharing with others in this way. Each have their truth. Temporary though it may be, it is valid at that moment. Exposing truths to each other must be met with tolerance, as much understanding as possible, and respect for each other, for there is much to learn from each one. And, in an unlimited way, truth is explored. Thank you and namaste
July 22, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The blessing of challenges

JANU:    Challenges exist as opportunity to be understood, used in practice, demonstrated as inspiration to others. Every challenge coexists with the solution. The opportunity here is to experience the relationship, develop access to the solution, employ and gain wisdom from the experience of the resolution. Whether on a small personal scale or globally, humanity has that option. Life is balanced in that way. Creativity and destruction coexist. The solution in this is evolution. The byproduct is wisdom.

This is why the physical existence exists as it is. It is a bipolar opportunity for life to evolve. Yes, there are counterparts to this in the subtler realms of life with their own complexities, nuances, layers and levels of reality. But what you gain here in this area has its application in your approach to life, your engagement of life when discarnate. So see recycling of life, life’s expression, in this new way. The life path and destiny of individuals has this theme as well. Your own physical existence operates in this way.

Develop perception to understand this balance, witness its presence, and employ it. Life is more meaningful in this way, more productive, more understandable. Namaste.
July 16, 2019                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


A living adventure

JANU:    As you bring order into your physical life, whether it be materials or procedures or relationships, there is benefit to bringing order to your awakening, your Larger Life relationships, explorations, discoveries, understandings, and service. One does not arrange the existence of these things, but chooses those that are relatable, contribute to the evolution of consciousness, and promote a loving relationship with life. For, make no mistake, the Larger Life is life in motion, evolving, realizing potential, creating, recycling.

Now, there already exists much order in the Larger Life, for many have participated and are participating. Let it reveal its order to you. Understand it. Perceive its merits. This experience can enhance your own immeasurably. Attune beyond time/space, not to the exclusion of it, but to the Larger Life it is a part of, in the nature of the coexistence.

Now, life is so diverse it may not seem ordered in your perception, for life is not linear but simultaneous. Many coexisting realities interfacing in their own way. A certain spontaneity in perception is compatible with this reality. A first time experience does not mean the reality of it has never existed before. Experiences yet to come are proof of pre-existence, present and future existence of countless realities. So, the element of adventure, surprise, and fascinating discoveries is real. Be open to journeys of this nature. Anticipate more to come. Find peace and confidence in the ever present nature of life. Namaste.
July 12, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Let go of limiting memories

JANU: We are working this evening with those who adopt a position or policy of rendering encouragement to the consciousness of those who seek the truth of who they are. Now, encouragement is a delicate matter for it must honor the right of everyone to choose their way. But service is possible when you consider or open to those you serve, as partners in life in the journey of discovery.

To be considered in this are the memories of those who are their identification for the time being. To let go of a memory with no idea of its alternative can leave one feeling disconnected from who they thought they were. So what replaces a memory, that uplifts and encourages? It is a new understanding released to the consciousness as the mask of the memory lets go. One may not need to think an elevation in consciousness causes limbo or a void of emptiness. Thoughts can be rich with depth, importance to the individual, and a sense of relate-ability to others, but true insight is revelatory beyond thought. It opens the venue of consciousness to direct knowing, with clarity and unlimited depth.

So let us consider this evening, in our service, to bring encouragement to gently let go of limitation, no matter how familiar it may be, and breathe in insight, inspiration, and a growing freedom of a larger sense of being, and a realization that this next rung in the ladder, so to speak, allows for a grander view as each rung does. One sees more of life in new light, including all you have known before. So, this evening we encourage the next rung on the ladder of everyone’s choosing into freedom.

Thank you, and namaste.
April 9, 2013 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


There is genius in everyone

JANU: A good theme, you see, for presentation of the expansion of consciousness reality is that there is genius in everyone. And there is. The genius they are conscious of in their human existence, and the genius of their Nature in the Larger Life. Let us bring it to the fore, then, this understanding as a key to, a catalyst to an expanding conversation into exploring life. Genius as a personal experience is a grand inspiration.

This awakening, piece by piece, plants seed thoughts that grow and their offspring are more seeds. And as the garden grows, so does its diversity, its strength, its endurance, its potential. So, plant seeds. Allow them to grow wherever they find fertile soil. Nourish them in your own journey of awakening by employing what they produce.

Life beyond the five senses of the physical life includes them as well. And, as those senses mature, the five senses are no longer a limitation, limited to misinterpretation, blind to subtleties, but partners in the journey of awakening, for the physical existence and its opportunities are connected to, and are included in, the Larger Life.

Genius in everyone. Accessing this is a reason for awakening. Namaste.
July 9, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Fulfilling the promise of life

JANU:    Finalizing an understanding is the application of it. It gives the truth wings, so to speak, to fly in and about and through the realities of existence. Incarnate consciousness currently is a grand opportunity to apply an understanding. We of the Brotherhood of Light are doing this with you, on these journeys. Challenging, yes. Confusing at times, for the understanding as it applies to physical existence is yet to be revealed fully. That’s a process of revelation through experience.

Awakening into the Larger Life is a grand adventure. It is a consciousness exploration. Explorers traditionally do not understand, before exploring, everything that will occur or be discovered. They have an idea, an inspiration, an inkling, if you will, that the journey has grand potential and is worth the effort. Even to the risk of their existence, you see. They are that driven, that committed. Even if no one learns of their adventure, they are convinced it needs doing.

The Larger Life is an adventure without limit and constantly changing, evolving. And the exploration enriches it, for others explore as well and collectively they are Life in motion, realizing its potential, and evolving. Being an explorer on this path is not easy but what grander journey, what more rewarding journey is there? Now, there are explorations within explorations within explorations. All are worthy and contribute. Are we describing an ultimate exploration? No. What we are describing is new thresholds in discovery that enhance the existence and fulfill the promise of life. Namaste.
July 5, 2019 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Resolving the past to gain freedom

JANU: That which is presented is a discourse reaching into the nuance of life that pertains to the so-called past. Now, remembering your understanding of the past as it exists in the moment, let us explore this, for there is need for service here.

The past lives in the memory—cell memory, etheric memory, planetary memory—and can be relived in the mind, in the heart, and in the body. For virtually everyone, there is need for healing, resolution, balancing, wisdom gaining, understanding through the memory of the so-called past. For many, it is filled with regret, frustration, a sense of lack, guilt. So understanding the path taken as the past must be revisited, experiencing not only so-called negatives, but the positives as well. For through the understanding of these comes the self-forgiveness and the understanding of all that was involved. For these memories and their passions still live within the being, and the visiting of the past must be balanced with experiencing all that was gained through giving and receiving.

And through this process will be gained the freedom, the true freedom, to embrace the future in a manner that does not resemble the past and those limitations. For the past and the future live in the present and are connected there. The future cannot be used successfully when using it is an attempt to distance oneself from their past. They are one and they live, they coexist. So embrace the past, no matter what it entails, and resolve it, bringing balance to the relationship of the two and the resulting freedom.

This evening we serve this reality. Choose to see, choose to know, choose to understand, choose to own all that you have been, and enjoy the freedom. Namaste
Nov. 13, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Rebirth and conscious re-union

JANU: Rebirth and reunion, conscious reunion,* is an underlying theme when presenting unalterable truth, when extending identity to live the Larger Life consciously while incarnate. The miraculous benefits of conscious reunion are not limited to life beyond the physical body, but wherever the consciousness resides, the Larger Life coexists.

Experiencing coexistence with more than the physical reality is a major step in expanding your identity to include all that you are. Living under the veil serves its purpose but it’s limiting and confusing. Instinctively, each one seeks wisdom, a guiding hand through confusion and unanswered questions. All of this exists, and much more, in the Larger Life. Separate from you only by the perception of separation, through the veil experience. In truth, you coexist with all of life, whether conscious of it or not. And consciousness is the key.

So conscious reunion is so much more than you understand, fulfills your destiny, your potential, and your ability to enrich life and each other. It is like rebirth. Experiencing unlimited reality, freedom to be whatever, to gain insight into any interest, to experience with integrity. Helping others without interfering is a delicate balance. To have discernment as to usefulness when observing something new, something different, speaks to maturity, wisdom, experience of ownership of what you gain. This understanding is not to escape from the opportunities of incarnate life, but to enrich it. Grow in awareness of beauty and potential of physical life, remembering that it coexists, is integrated with the rest of life. Any sense of separation is an illusion from the veil experience, which is temporary and gives way to enlightened consciousness. Namaste.
July 3, 2019                                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

*Conscious union has been discussed in many past journeys. The use of the word “reunion” is to emphasize the fact that this union has occurred before and will occur again, and, in point of fact, has never ceased except in our physical consciousness.


The journey of awakening

JANU:     We are accustomed to the procedure of the awakening of the species—in this case, humanity. Troubling, then, for those who begin to see the light, so to speak, and shine that light upon their perception of society around them, and their own limitations within themselves, meaning the one who is awakening. The tendency to perceive awakening as an abrupt miraculous opening of awareness and consciousness does not understand the nature of it in application. Now, there are many variations on this theme, but there is always a correlation between maturity, wisdom, and the availability of deeper and deeper insights.

In a sense, Life meters out power to its elements. Beyond the limitations of time/space, potentials and destinies are known. Progressions of behavior and performance reveal the wisdom of choices and their outcomes. There is nothing haphazard about life. Its movement, its unfoldment, sometimes called the flow of life, is a progression of realities, interactions, outcomes.

“What is wisdom, then,” you ask, “in the guidance of perception and decision-making?” It shapes perception, understanding, and appreciation of the Larger Life and all of its components, venues, if you will. So the quest for awakening and its realization hinges upon these elements, these factors, and the opportunities that are created. What a grand symphony of process! Constantly changing, evolving, creating, re-creating. Transformation, renewal, forgiveness, and love.

Embrace awakening and enjoy the journey. Namaste.
June 28, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Observing with no frame of reference

JANU:    This evening’s journey represents the best tradition of service as it pertains to the scale of life. When examining or considering this scale, from the smallest particle to the largest venue, from the human perspective, there exist elements of life not limited to this point of view. These elements of life coexist with your dimensional reality and they are life elements that perceive life in a completely different manner, but they are life nonetheless, and we serve them as well. For there is a common thread to all of life, but life possesses aspects of itself that do not know of each other’s existence.

What we serve this evening is an awareness in this area of understanding. There is wisdom in these isolations of life, and there is wisdom in bridging this isolation at times. This evening’s encounter becomes the bridge. And in this case, service includes mutual enlightenment, expansion of consciousness, and life touching life, even as we speak.   (Extended pause)

These elements of life do not think as you do or have any of the senses of perception that you do. The awareness of their existence is more in the direction of a sense of each other as part of a greater more inclusive being aligned with a peace that knows no fear. These elements of life are not consumed with power, possessions, construction, technology, craft for exploration. Their existence is better understood as pure being without form.

This evening’s journey is an exercise in opening to life that outwardly seems to have no familiarity, but can be known. So what frame of reference does one use to explore a reality that seems to have none, yet is reality in its own being, and part of life? Much to consider here, and namaste.
Sept. 25, 2012 B                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.