New Journeys


JANU:    Your use of the word ‘master’ poses interesting questions. What is a master, then? Someone with great command of some part of life or their own? Does ‘master’ speak of humility, of love and respect for the Larger Life or the life of another? Is one a master of their own destiny? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ for their destiny is yet to be revealed. Yet their destiny thus far they have created, whether conscious or not. What better describes one’s journey, their consciousness, their ability? Is it not that of a journeyer, an explorer, participant in the flow of life, always learning, always serving, always enriching?

One grows into mastery, but it is a journey without end. Awakening is the path of mastery, a path without end, for life is evolving, always changing. One may see another as a ‘master.’ All that means is that they perceive this one more in command of life than they are. Conscious union with all of life and your own True Nature fulfills one’s destiny. As Kahlil Gibran wrote, “Let the greatest among you be the servant of all.” Namaste.
June 27, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Who or what am I?

JANU: Identity, then, is a worthy journey in understanding and experience. The question “Who am I? What am I?” originates in the perceptions of physical identity. The words do not capture the reality of the larger existence.

“So, what words would capture this?” you ask. They would be words like ‘essential nature,’ ‘unlimited being,’ ‘peaceful embrace’ of any reality, ‘explorer and lover of life’—all of life. Someone who cherishes the essential nature of another, whether it be creature, sentient being, part of nature, or an entire world and beyond. An identity that cannot be identified but can be understood and experienced and shared.

This is your nature, and ours as well. Namaste.
June 24, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The nature of the third dimension

JANU: Service this evening begins with an announcement that there is a clarification to be had of your density of life, sometimes called ‘the third dimension’ although a limited, unenlightened term.

Your density–which in reality is variable, with many layers of vibration or frequency, and many energies, some gross and some very subtle–your density belongs to a group of densities that are by no means isolated but co-exist. The fabric of life allows there to be connection and communication between all densities; therefore, your perception of the so-called third dimension can be on the small side, you see. Third dimensional understanding would best be re-named ‘a moment of physicality in a crystalline reality.’

Service, then this evening, is to bring enlightenment in this area of understanding. For the consciousness to be engaged in multi-dimensional understanding, there must be a multi-dimensional perspective of co-existence, of integration, of synergism, and of common purpose. A oneness with all of life in your perceptions allows this to be. We would have you see it in this way, for there are opportunities throughout reality to be engaged and witnessing life from a physicality perspective will not get you there.

We know you understand this. It is our endeavor this evening to bring clarity to this, for you and other observers. We trust there is clarity here, in this introduction. Namaste.
Aug. 28, 2012 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

Ed. note: This is one of the earlier presentations of the concept of coexistence, which has been much explored in recent years. Search the term ‘coexistence’ to see the many journeys concerning this idea.

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


More on the joy of awakening

JANU:    It is joyous to experience the freedom, the understanding, the intimacy with the Larger Life, and the physical life as well. Intimacy with all of life includes the physical life, filled with coexisting realities. The joy of awakening is the sense of sovereignty, of being whole, no longer frail and subject to the vagaries of unenlightened existence. Finding the loving nature of everything, including your own. Peace in the midst of change, everything in motion, which speaks to the permanence of life. The conflicts that ensue when one attempts to hold on to life as it is in the moment and not let it flow and be part of that flow. The freedom to be and experience change as a breath of fresh air, renewing, rejuvenating, liberating, revitalizing, and revealing. The joy of discovering and understanding and, above all, intimacy with the true nature of life.

Yes, there is joy to be had. Experiencing life is an adventure. What lies beyond the horizon, connecting with others in new ways, finding freedom together. Namaste.
June 24, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Life allows all things. Choose wisely.

JANU:    We are remembering when there were among us those that serve the Light in dominant ways, that prolonged the future expression of potential. Doing this by way of the pretense that there will always be one.

Now, by ‘pretense’ we mean: performing or functioning as if your goal was already being accomplished, removing all doubt or hesitation. “Fake it ‘til you make it” is an oversimplification but carries the idea. These beings still exist, performing as they may. Their legacy is this understanding that in life all things are possible and to navigate your existence with this in mind.

There are protocols that respect the freedom of choice of each one and the freedom to change their choices as they see fit. Creatures of the Earth deserve the same respect. The evolution of human relationship to these creatures, and to nature, is by no means at an end. Now, the wisdom to pursue this comes from experience, not just human experience, but the wisdom and experience of the entire being. And not just your being, but the beingness of all the expressions of life.

All things are possible. Life allows this. Choose wisely. Namaste.

June 18, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Goal-centered exploration is the theme here. “What is wise goal setting, then?” you ask. It is that which is in harmony with a growing consciousness of integrity. Exploring the truth of life. Self-observation and discernment. An openness to understanding and experiencing the nature of life and its   creations. The relationships between all of the elements of life and their integrity. The larger views of life, potential, destiny, achievements. Freedom of sovereignty and choice. A desire to serve and enrich life, meaning everyone and everything in it.

A worthy question for everyone: What are your goals in your life? How clearly to you understand them? What has been achieved up to this point, and how well do you understand these achievements and their potential? Life can appear as a grab bag, of sorts, of possibilities. The organization of these is lack of consciousness, wisdom, maturity, and understanding of that which engages them. Life is not linear or empirical. It is coexistent, simultaneous, and progressive. Even the consciousness of your body has goals of survival, well-being, service to the occupant, enriching life as it may, and living its integrity, and responding to the life patterns of the occupant.

Measuring all of this is through observation and experience of the results of these interactions and manifestations. That is the mirror of life. And, as with a mirror, life reflects you to see who you are, the results of your choices and interactions on every level. Acknowledge your coexistence and listen. Namaste.
June 17, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Honoring those who gave to humanity

JANU:    We have in hand this evening, so to speak, a preferable outcome for the joining together of discrete moments in the history of humanity.

Now, what do we mean by this? It means that over the course of human history there have been moments of excellence in acts of kindness and the desire to be free of the entanglements born of fear and power and the desire to survive at any cost. There are those in your history that have defined the meaning of service, giving everything they’ve had without seeing the outcomes of the service.

Our service this evening is to unify these moments of greatness in consciousness and in deed into an ongoing and steady light to show humanity a better way. All of these contributions to life are imprinted in and on the Earth. All of these belong to all of humanity by the reality of oneness.

Let us honor these contributions and the light that they bring to human destiny. So be it. And namaste.
April 15, 2013 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The mirror of life

JANU: Exactitude has its merit, when a consciousness is completely free of judgement, as the phrase goes, returning tenfold that which you receive from another. It takes great enlightenment to see this as a blessing, and reaches the potential for illumination, but love must be the theme for this blessing. A mirror does not judge. Its reflection is as pure as the quality of the mirror.

Now then, the reverse is true as well. So, when observing others and experiencing their issues, whether destructive or benevolent, be a loving mirror. Not that they see you but see themselves, encouraging their journey of self-mastery.

Life is this kind of mirror. Choose wisely to see who you are in the mirror of life. Have courage and honesty to see what is revealed and its truth, grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow. Namaste.
June 13, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns and manifestations

JANU:    Enormous, then, is the opportunity to proceed along the lines of divergent esoteric technology. By this we mean the prolonged appearance of diverse creations that exist in a persistent manner. Witness the discovery of new species by science. There will always be new species, for this is life in motion, creating and re-creating. The realization of vast potential of these creations is not random, without foundation, principal influences and elements. And, as life evolves in its creations, these creations support new ones.

The discovery of large creatures does not mean they arrived from another location, but evolved where they are. As life coexists, so do the patterns. And the pattern in one location, in the right conditions, can be created in another. Understanding the source of discoveries should be seen in this way.

It is thought that a species, once thought so-called extinct, cannot re-create. Life patterns coexist. And they exist multi-dimensionally. Now, the conditions of existence change, and the opportunity for manifestation comes and goes. Repeating life patterns can be modified from one expression to another. Witness dinosaurs and birds. The parameters of existence are not fixed, but the patterns of life, whether the creations are extinct or not, are recorded and can be known.

Much to be discovered in this arena. Namaste.
June 13, 2019                                                               2019 by Joshua Ross


Freedom for dedicated servers

JANU:    Let this service begin as a gesture to encourage freedom to mount an effort by those who reach into the depths of their being for a life of service.

There are those in your world who, by the freedom of choice, have dedicated their lives to service. What we serve this evening is the freedom for them to not be entangled in conventional thinking by those whose lives are based upon collecting property and power. These who serve in this way contribute to the harmonious flow of life and service is their identity and their way of life.

These do exist around your world, an ancient tradition of the keepers of the peace. Not all know of each other, but it matters not, for they have a common theme and life knows them all. These truly understand service, its tradition, its range and depth, and its true meaning. Think well of them, for they do not discriminate or reject the opportunity.

Thank you and namaste.

Feb. 7, 2013 B                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.