New Journeys

Simultaneous and coexistent realities

JANU: ‘Being here now’ brings focus to memories, traditions, influences, and distractions. It is in keeping with being in step with the flow of life, meaning the changes and evolution in relationships, patterns of existence, and the realization of potential. ‘Being present’ forms this reality.

So let us look at being present in the Now. The next issue becomes scale, on what scale one observes anything. This varies, of course, depending upon the observation. Consciousness not being limited to time/space leaves the door open for unlimited excursions into possibilities, many of which are simultaneous. This is a fresh look upon the nature of existence and unlimited interactions and influences.

Can life paths be varied and simultaneous? Expanding consciousness to include larger realities reveals this possibility. In many ways, your own incarnate existence at this time exists this way. Simultaneous paths of awareness are more realistic in observing life than the linear ‘one thing going on after another’ approach. Simultaneous coexistence is reality unlimited by duality consciousness, seemingly isolated from the complex flows of life.

One of many new avenues we shall pursue. Namaste.
Apr. 8, 2019 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Rock formations in the Earth’s mantle

JANU: Addressing this evening that which we serve: subterranean rock formations in the Earth’s mantle and crust.

Now then, this area of concern has to do with re-alignments of configurations of those flows of magma on which Earth’s moving crust flows. Shifting temperature differential create currents of flow. The Earth is in the process of renewing itself, not just in surface arrangements but deep within itself as well. Humankind tends to perceive Earth changes as being focused on movements of surface configurations. It is not. That is only part of what is transpiring. The Earth has many internal systems of life in motion. What we serve this evening are the flows, temperature gradients, and pressure ridges that will allow Earth reconfiguration.

The Earth, by design, systematically relocates its resources, varying in mass, thermal transfer characteristics, volatility, and viscosity, forming structures that provide a balance and symmetry of motion before, during and after accelerated re-configuration. The south polar region is slightly behind and will be realigned. Many of the vortexes, activities around the world contribute to the regulation of these many influences and configurations. And, of course, they link the Earth energetically to other grid structures.

The Earth’s core is the balance point and source for equilibrium. It is the null point or zero point, as reference. The movement rates, balance of forces and manipulations are massive in scope and scale. For changes and reconfigurations to be accelerated, much has to be considered. This is the reason for this evening’s service. Many mis-alignments of small nature become significant. Namaste.
Dec. 15, 1998 C                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Service to the world’s aquifers

JANU: Let us focus our attention and our service to that which is in need of such, that being the underground aquifers of your world.

These huge repositories of still water are held in Earth’s crust as fluid stabilizers contributing equilibrium to crustal movements. These aquifers are vaster than you might imagine and exist at, in some locations, extreme depths. An aquifer is fed by many small replenishing flows. These aquifers are best left untapped, for their purpose is more for the needs of the planet than of supporting surface life. The cycles of water movement on your surface, energized by your sun, are adequate for your needs. These bodies of water are not stagnant. They do have their replenishments and flows. But they are Earth’s shock absorbers, helping to snub abrupt shifts you call earthquakes. The service at this time is to their stability and their mass.

We must conclude at this time, having addressed this focus to the limits of our connection today. We may visit this another time. Thank you, our brother, for the attempt. Namaste.
April 1, 1998 C                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Learning from a non-technical life

JANU:    Building blocks in understanding others’ and your own motivations. Let us speak of this in terms of more sophistication. Interaction with the Larger Life promotes expansion and knits the building blocks together into a larger foundation. The sophistication we speak of is the merging of these into larger understanding. So building blocks trigger more profound experience.

This one you ponder, bereft of technology, finds herself compensating in other ways. For many, technology is a distraction from Essential Nature. So she asks herself the deeper questions: “Who am I?” “What is real?” “What more is there?” She is aware of others judging her for seeming lack of interest in the technical life, but she has her reality to explore and find meaning. So learn from this one of her reality. Namaste.
Mar. 22, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Becoming ‘conscious as’

JANU: ‘Conscious of’ is founded in boundaries, isolated identities, limited perception. ‘Conscious as’ shares more than understanding, but a union as life itself. ‘Conscious as’ experiences being part of everything, and everything being part of you. Not just connection, but a more inclusive identity. Evolving together, benefiting from each other’s potential, discoveries, experiences. Yes, unique expressions of oneness, not just one or the other, you see. Coexisting realities. Not just being in the same room at the same time as someone else, but coexisting. Experiencing this is a teacher.

Experience is always a teacher. ‘Conscious as’—experiencing not only the reality of another but the reality of everything. Who and what you are is so much more. The veil no longer a thing but a perception that is changing, giving way to the freedom of universal being.

Much to explore here, and experience—becoming conscious as. Namaste.
Mar. 19, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Purifying the atmosphere

JANU:    Let us begin then this evening marshalling those forces needed to begin a salinating approach to cleansing and purifying the atmosphere of the Earth. As you have seen, much has been done by humanity to effect the equivalent of what you call breathing on a planetary scale. The ozone being one condition needing repair. Vegetation no longer universally supported by air that does not contaminate the cellular structures and reproduction. The conversion process this evening is to bring about a desalinization of the atmosphere. Now, conversion here means the collecting of these contaminants through manipulations of other elements to precipitate them from the atmosphere into the oceans where saline content can be managed more rapidly. The distilling of the atmosphere through this mechanism will help this planet endure the onslaught of human industrialization. Let us support this process at this time. (Extended Pause)

There is much yet to be accomplished. We will sustain this process and, in due course, achieve our goal. We thank you for this opportunity to serve once more. Good evening and namaste.
Sept. 23, 2002 B                                                                                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


Purification of Earth’s atmosphere

JANU: Above the clouds of your Earth there exists a medium of expression for those who portray the enriching or purification of the Earth’s atmosphere. This zone or layer of influence, protracted in its service, in its nature, long serves the Earth in stabilizing, bringing equilibrium to the elements of the atmosphere. This is a complex arrangement of atmospheric elements, both physical and non-physical in your common understanding; however, from the perspective of this strata, it is all one order of life.

What is accomplished here is the isotopic proliferation of atmospheric enrichment on atomic and molecular levels. Many of the conditions of the vegetation and animal life forms are related to your atmospheric impurities. This region of Earth’s atmosphere is a regulation point of Earth’s respiration. Your world does breathe and through this breath many processes are made possible. What we serve this evening is the stabilization or strengthening of this regulatory component of your atmosphere. We do so at this time.   (Extended pause)

Yes, thank you for this opportunity to share in the understanding of service. Namaste.
October 1, 2002 B                                                                                                      Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The magic and power of kindness

JANU: Kindness is the key when opening the door to communication. Empathy, understanding, lowers the human defense shields from each other. Trust ensues. Openness to follow. Honesty, for there is an innate desire in others to judge another’s understanding with their own, partly for validation, also for clarity and new insights. Patience, listening. Everything you value from others, they value from you.

When one feeds an animal, it is seen as kindness, safety, looking forward to the next encounter. Fear diminishes, replaced by trust. An innate desire to return the kindness.

Kindness speaks volumes. Do so without agenda, freely. Cherish it, for it is life speaking to life. It is magical in its power to communicate. There are always opportunities for this. It brings great peace to one’s own life. Everyone benefits. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2019 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


We are all part of each other

JANU:    It is true, we are indeed part of each other in the wholeness of life. The natural caring, one for another, is from this reality. The quality of that caring is developed through the raising of consciousness: being aware of more of life, what it includes, its potential, its relationships, its oneness. Being part of someone else’s life is enhanced through mastership of your own. The same applies to them, you see. So, as one evolves the opportunities for involvement are enhanced in others. Realizing the connection of this brings peace and purpose to one’s existence.

So, in a sense, we are all related, whether incarnate or not. We of the Brotherhood understand this and this is why we perceive everyone as part of us. Oneness, uniqueness, brotherhood, caring, coexistence, service, mutual realization of potential, and awakening to the larger life are included. Find peace in this, and purpose, and justification for your journey of awakening. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Universal consciousness

JANU:    Universal consciousness is the purview of the Family of Life, all that is known. No announcements needed. Attune to what already exists. Nothing to create. The human consciousness struggles to achieve what has always been. Allow memory. Memories of experience, of relationships, of understanding, many worlds, many realities, many sojourns. Whatever your attention is on, you are connected to, in both directions, you see. Yes, there is kindness everywhere. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross