Communicating beyond words

JANU: We are gathering then a portion of the understanding that precedes and is a catalyst for communication beyond words. Allow a growing sensitivity to the presence of others that is unspoken. Allow understanding to flow as awakening continues for all who are involved.

Sensing the presence of another is the beginning. The purity of truthful consciousness goes beyond even thinking in words. The communication we speak of is more instantaneous than words can accomplish. It is a kind of direct knowing without a process of translation. Connecting with someone, whether incarnate or not, in consciousness is natural. Be patient with yourself and with others. Part of the flow of awakening, you see.

Eventually the religions will change as such. Communication is beyond words. Words are and can be misinterpreted, which creates circles of misperception that continue. What we speak of here is less likely to be.

Even at this moment, our brother, allow awareness within your integrity, the integrity of your True Nature. Yes, you can sense people in pain, confusion, and isolation and others in service, even as you choose to be. The Family of the Larger Life is vast, present, and ongoing.   Continue with this, our brother. Namaste.
Apr. 18, 2017 B                                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows directly upon the preceding one. Be sure to check it out.

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 21 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Freedom and the flow of awakening

JANU: Exacting details of the evolution of consciousness are the quest of the human mind; however, this is not the nature of revelation. It’s more a flowing, evolving, a quick experience in understanding. To evolve in consciousness one needs to—shall we say, it is useful to—be more flexible in your perceptions, in your inquiries, in your pursuits. Grasping the many nuances of life, layers of reality, and ever-changing nature takes a tolerance for movement such as the wind. Being in the flow of awakening is a term that more describes reality.

These journeys of which we partake can be seen from different perspectives: the rational thinking human mind looking for details, structure, form or the super-conscious reality that is one with the flow of the nature of life. Living in the Now is sometimes expressed as movement in this direction. Human consciousness has a tendency to put timelines on things, looking for repetition, continuity, and continuation. The flow of awakening, our brother, has a theme of patience, openness, structure that does not limit or attempt to have tomorrow look like today. For in that scenario, our brother, where is the change, expansion, the evolving, the adaptability, renewal?

The nature of a journey, our brother, is in flow as well. Words are relied upon almost exclusively for communication. They are limiting and not experiential. “What then do you convey to another?” you ask. You convey the living presence of the flow of life, the flow of awakening. Not to dictate structure or confined purpose, but freedom to be, to create, to understand. Allow awakening. Allow perception and understanding. Allow communication beyond words. Radiate the Truth of Life, its peace, its true power, its eternal nature. Namaste, our brother.
Apr. 18, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 21 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: Enormous then, in reference, is the propensity for association in the lives of many. Association with each other takes many forms, as does association with the Larger Life. The hopes, dreams, and prayers of those who explore these larger associations are referenced or founded in incarnate associations, not realizing that, in each one, lives the Larger Life and the references for these longings must be lifted as well. Personal integrity is one key factor. A deepening clarity of purpose or motivation is another. Life seems complex, obscure, and its mysteries, magic, out of reach. Associating, then, more consciously with your True Nature and its many realities is the one association that serves you best. Or, should we say, more completely.

You ask then, “How does one associate with their True Nature?” Begin the process, you see, by loving yourself and, through this, identify with the source of your being, where the love, the understanding of love, exists and is reciprocated. Yes, you are one life, with many elements. Love yourself as a whole being, excluding nothing of what you truly are. Association with your True Nature includes insight, perspective, creativity, new understandings, well-being, clarity of purpose and its many phases.

Associate with the Larger Life and each other from this foundation. Find peace and strength, wonder and resolve, faith and commitment, and trust in life. The Family of Life includes your many facets of existence. The potential for associations is unlimited. Consciousness is not limited to the incarnate or discarnate, so wherever you find yourself in life’s scheme, the truth of who you are prevails. Namaste.
Apr. 14, 2017                            Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Memories and wisdom

JANU:    Memories show patterns of living, the building blocks of consciousness in the life. Always with you, coming to the surface, in droves at times. What do they serve you as? What to do with them? Many are episodes you prefer to forget. To do so, our brother, is to deny your existence. Yet they still keep coming, triggering emotions that are re-lived. Choose instead to absorb the wisdom they contain and cherish the wisdom. For that is their legacy, that you carry with you as you make choices in life and engage new experiences.

The wisdom we speak of is growing understanding of the dynamics of life. Cause and effects. Creativity. Redemptions. Merits. Seeds planted in the lives of others as well. They reflect the tapestry of life, interconnectedness and influence. Choose to seek and understand the wisdom of these. They reveal much. Be grateful that they linger with their opportunity to grow and evolve. They are part of the richness of living. No matter the memory, our brother, all of living has the gift of wisdom-gaining. Wisdom brings peace of mind and a growing sense of eternity, the flow of life. Namaste, our brother.
Apr. 13, 2017                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.

Owning memories is an earlier journey along these same lines.



JANU: Wholesome news, then, to be had from an engagement of a liberated consciousness that learns of love as Life loves all that it is. There are realities that co-exist with incarnate life, that many are unaware of as they ply their relationships and endeavors.

What we speak of this evening has to do with more harmonious living or life. Now, some people wander in and out of this reality, seldom understanding its existence or aware of it. When inquiring as to more of the nature of life and its realities, it is difficult to let go of the models of existence people have created for themselves in what is called social consciousness. The fears and concerns and entanglements of that model of existence are not harmonious with the realities we speak of. When exploring and seeking to experience the range of the reality of love, let go of, to some degree, more limited concepts or understandings and open to the co-existence of simpler and yet more profound presence of love. Allow all of your being to embrace and be embraced by simple, pure, accepting, without conditions, love. Loving yourself is easier to realize when your pattern for this is in harmony with the presence we speak of. See forgiveness and the love we speak of as one. Everything becomes clearer.

There are countless discarnate beings who see you and humanity in this way. Allow any sense of being “alone in life and on your own to survive” give way to the Family of Life, of which you’ve always been a part. It will change your model for living, your perceptions, and deepen your appreciation of life. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2017 B                               Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The symmetry of life

JANU:    We are enumerating again the climax of a belligerent attempt to control life. What does this mean, then, our brother? It has to do with self-determination in the face of the flow of life.

Quite often, the human consciousness, perspective, ego, sees its destiny, its purpose as exclusively self-determination. In the smaller view of life, this appears to be successful, but over time there is an accumulation of discord, disharmony, and misinterpretation of the symmetry of life that includes every individual. Peaceful attempts at harmonizing with life combined with purpose–the purpose being a piece of the puzzle of the picture of life–the balance between the picture and the puzzle piece working together to form something greater than the individual pieces, you see. Both needed. Working with life as an agent, so to speak, brings collective benefit to its elements.

We strongly urge consideration of this point of view. Working together as a whole composed of elements brings symmetry to the life. For the moment, not understanding the interactions of the elements of life into symmetry does not mean they don’t exist, but trusting this influences perceptions, choices. Even homosexual anomalies, our brother, as witnessed in others, is part of this. There are many more seeming anomalies that are part of the symmetry of life. Understand them in this way and much is revealed. Coming out of the shadow of limited thinking, unenlightened preferences, is challenging but rewarding. Namaste.
Apr. 12, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Living in the Now

JANU: We are addressing this morning the focus of your interest: living in the Now. The reality of this is the constant miracle of life, for in this focus of consciousness, this reality, you are actively at one with, even consciously, the miracle of the flow of life.

You ask, “What of the future?” The future is unmanifest, our brother, exists in your potential and that is where it is dealt with, embraced. When living in the Now, one focuses upon the state of being at that moment. In that reality, our brother, life is eternal, not subject to the whims of perception, misperceptions, conflicts of interest, mismanagement, hoping for the occasional miracle. The miracle of life is now. Its true power is now. Your True Nature is now. The truth is now. Its potential is unmanifest, but its reality, its life is in the potential of everything. Your physical well-being has the advantage of the purity of the moment, uncluttered with concerns and worries, negative anticipations, imagined calamity. It finds true peace in the moment.

The Now we speak of is not described by time. Time is a manifestation, fluid, changing. The potential of life, although evolving, is an eternal flow of the moment, of the Now. Thoughts become clear, perceptions more harmonious with each other. The imbalances in life experience are a departure from symmetry. Life is symmetrical, our brother. The unawakened consciousness, isolated to a degree from its nature, is a teachable reality. But where is the core foundation to perceive it from? Where is the reference for sanity, reason?

It will take some practice engaging the Now more fully, for the human experience is more rich with the patterns of uncertainty and confusion as a way of life. Namaste, our brother, and be at peace.
Apr. 11, 2017                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.

For a foundation on The NOW, you might consider The Now and premonition and The Now of the future.


Gaining wisdom in a diverse world

JANU: We are surveying with you the diversity of human behavior. You ask to see sanity through or behind all of it, ostensibly to see hope for its future. The manifestations of life in consciousness in the incarnate life are temporary when embracing the larger life, but in a sense, our brother, they are foundation building through experience in individual and collective will. Yes, many unpleasant and brutal experiences. What you hope for is that wisdom is gained, alternatives and foundations for future decisions. Creative consciousness is still present and viable. Humanity still has the option for a richer life.

So hold to this ideal, our brother. Be a gentle emissary for it. Others will be inspired in their own way. Find peace in the knowing of what humanity is capable of as it awakens. The timing for this, our brother, is not one sojourn. The larger view is the clearer vision. Be the evolution in consciousness that you long for. Enrich life as you may, even as we may. Namaste.
Apr. 7, 2017                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Self-forgiveness and self-love

JANU:    Many have within their consciousness memories, present and past, what they call regrettable conduct, interactions. Lingering, condemning oneself, to varying degrees, as unworthy of loving oneself.

Self-forgiveness is part of the art of self-loving. The larger, more powerful reality in everyone’s nature is self-love. Allow the compassion that Life has for you, which is eternal and all forgiving, to be your own. Emulate that reality. Be the channel of this quality of being that is your nature. Be the instrument of inspiration to others confused in this area. Be what they have within them that seems unattainable through self-forgiveness and self-loving. There is nothing in your memory that condemns you.

Awakening to the larger reality of who you are and why you are and your potential to create beauty is available to everyone. Self-forgiveness and self-love go hand in hand. Allow the experience. Own it. And feel renewed. A fresh start, if you will, that is valid. Some use the phrase “born again.”

Be a living example of the freedom of renewal through these two experiences. Let your inner sight reveal to you this model for living. Stand in the truth of this and encourage others by example. Love each other in a new and deeper way that brings true freedom to the consciousness. Namaste.
Apr.6, 2017 B                                          Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The art of peace

JANU:    Let us begin with making peace with oneself. Many tensions exist in the consciousness of some people: goals and ambitions, worries over well-being, financial challenges, concerns about time, loneliness, and a longing for something more. The fine art of peace is a foundation for all of these things and more, without reactions emotionally, physically, and mentally that drain you, creating disturbances in the flow of life of your being. Putting these concerns into perspective that is centered in a perception of timelessness, the larger life, and the presence of your True Nature, builds a pattern of living that finds solutions. Peace of mind is an art in itself and belongs to a group of parameters of existence that embraces possibilities and a flow of guidance from within to engage them.

You ask, “Can one have many involvements in life yet remain with peaceful mind?” Yes, our brother, but it takes practice and a sensitivity to the nature of your consciousness, learning to recognize the anxieties, frustrations, confusions. Peace of mind does not make dullness or inactivity, but a confidence in your own nature and the life you are part of.

Look at what humanity has endured so far, yet it is still here. Be aware of happy people. Choose to understand their peace of mind, their simple joys, their accomplishments in relationships with the ingredients of their lives. Change is natural, our brother. Flow with it, with peace of mind. No matter the change, life continues and so do you. Namaste.
Apr. 5, 2017 B                                       Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 20 contains all prior attunements in this series.