We are all part of each other

JANU:    It is true, we are indeed part of each other in the wholeness of life. The natural caring, one for another, is from this reality. The quality of that caring is developed through the raising of consciousness: being aware of more of life, what it includes, its potential, its relationships, its oneness. Being part of someone else’s life is enhanced through mastership of your own. The same applies to them, you see. So, as one evolves the opportunities for involvement are enhanced in others. Realizing the connection of this brings peace and purpose to one’s existence.

So, in a sense, we are all related, whether incarnate or not. We of the Brotherhood understand this and this is why we perceive everyone as part of us. Oneness, uniqueness, brotherhood, caring, coexistence, service, mutual realization of potential, and awakening to the larger life are included. Find peace in this, and purpose, and justification for your journey of awakening. Namaste.
Mar. 18, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Being life in motion

JANU: Assuming then that the popularity of insight, forecasting of the future and the nature of occurrences, is the best path for balanced awakening, the balance, our brother, occurs when insight matches creativity or creation and observed changes for evolution in life expression. Direct knowing suggests that what is being experienced is a stable reality, predictable in outcome. It is not. Life is possibilities super-imposed on each other, the choices of which, or selections, are not only possibilities but combinations of these. Opportunities are the same way. So success in awakening is founded in choices, choices based upon current perceptions and potentials of the moment, conscious awakening in a field of reality with many layers of coexistence, co-potentials, and ever changing and evolving outcomes.

So successful awakening is what works for you, and even that is changing as you evolve. So what you hang your hat upon is life in motion. The so-called successful or ‘right way’ as a path of awakening is what inspires and fulfills you in a limitless variety of choices and outcomes. If you are at peace, find happiness and joy, rich in love of life and its potential or future, you’re successfully awakening. Be at peace. Continue on. Explore. Evaluate. Observe and gain wisdom, whatever it may be. Be life in motion. Namaste.

Mar. 13, 2019                                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Service: Freedom

JANU:      Service this evening has to do with the freedom to be. Now, let us examine this closely, for what does this truly mean? Being, a reality, encompasses or embraces the Source of Life as an agent for expression, of manifestation, and to be whatever you choose. Now then, the path of discovery of awakening broadens your awareness of the possibilities of choice. Realize this, then, that those are possibilities you are free to be. So, while one is in the embrace of a current expression in their being, in time one must realize that this is only one possibility and to be another expression of life one must shift identity and embrace their freedom. One might consider that life has a finite number of possibilities for being. This is not so because life is evolving and realizing potentials yet unrealized, yet aware of, yet expressed. So the freedom we speak of is true freedom. So, as you explore your consciousness and these possibilities, do so without identifying as a human being, for that is only one possibility. Allow yourself to embrace freedom as a reality without limitation. And one expression of freedom need not resemble any other. What it has in common is the True Nature of life, and that is evolving.

So, our service this evening is a growing awareness of the presence of true freedom, unlimited possibilities, and allowing any one of them to be part of your consciousness and to flower. Now, when one observes the journey of the human being from this understanding, one can see the confinements that direct the consciousness into the framework of that reality. Freedom allows this but does not require it. One may engage any freedom for the duration they choose, and the elements of manifestation that give it structure. So, as you become more aware, your consciousness is capable of simultaneous levels of awareness and involvement and realization. No longer limited to one focus at a time. Multiple realities coexisting reveal possibilities not viewed from any one focus, you see, and, to some degree, synergism takes place.

So let us explore this reality of freedom and the role it plays in life and awakening. Namaste.
May 21, 2013 B                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.


The grail reality and experience

JANU: Enjoyable as it is, the path of awakening responds directly to the internal call of destiny. A large measure of the awakening experience is memory. The vistas to be experienced are part of memory that still lives in the consciousness of the True Nature.

The Holy Grail is the Mother Life that nurtures, reveals, creates through you. It is your True Nature, the union of polarities of the incarnate life, Earth and creativity, life in motion, bloodline as a symbol of the lifeline that exists within and for each one. It does not have a name, only the symbolic references have names, yet it is. Direct experience does not need a name. The names are limitations, obstacles to experience. Each one has, as their Nature, the grail experience that is nameless yet present and real. Let not symbolic words of meaning limit the experience. True Peace is the freedom to be. Be one with the truth of the grail reality that is you. Namaste.
Mar. 4, 2019 B                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Spontaneous awakening

JANU: We are organized to communicate and channel the larger life reality into the human experience. This portends the future of humanity, and other cultures as well. There will be observed more spontaneous openings amongst people. These capabilities, not always accompanied with profound understanding, that are examples of the bubbling up, if you will, of innate capabilities with understanding yet to come. Mysticism being revealed, occultism to follow. Ability first, to a degree, understanding compelled by experience. It is the natural order of things.

Humanity is awakening not just by desire but the flow of life and its larger timing, so to speak. Phenomenon is not the goal here, but it triggers interest in how life works, purpose of being, and the wisdom and maturity to make awakening practical. What we see here is the emerging of spontaneous awakening, much as a seed is planted and the first shoot breaks ground and everyone wonders, “What is this miracle? What does it mean and what will come of it? And if there is this miracle, is there one in my future?” Nothing unnatural about it, but the True Nature understands.

The incarnate life is evolving to outpicture more and more of the Larger Life, for they coexist and are one. The future is bright. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2019 B                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The beauty of the Larger Life

JANU: Realize the tradition of so many in and out of incarnation enriching life with unending diversity, layers of beauty beyond imagination, and always creating. A beautiful existence that is unlimited, ever-changing, always new, full of wonder and possibilities. A co-creative life limited only by imagination and desire. True freedom to be, to become, and to share, to be inspired by so many. Bringing this freedom to the incarnate experience on Earth is a grand service. Not an easy one, but one that requires patience, wisdom, and love.

The essential nature of any being is part of the Larger Life. The purpose of these journeys is to inspire each one to awaken more fully, getting to know who they are and the richness of their nature. This process is universal, not limited to humanity. As one awakens more fully, associations are renewed and developed and the incarnate journey is seen more clearly, along with its richness and creativity. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Exploring that you are not conscious of

JANU: We are relishing with you the path ahead, a culmination of sorts of the many journeys taken. In the beginning, the journey seems a lonely one, for those around you, incarnate, seem unaware much less understand you. But answering the call within, with commitment, patience, and a growing understanding builds momentum, which builds upon itself.

How does one explore that which they are unaware of? By exploring with their True Nature that is aware and connected with so many others. Journeying throughout the Larger Life is a prerogative of enlightened consciousness. Pay attention to your insights, your inspirations, no matter how fleeting. Acknowledge the divinity of your own True Nature. Let that be the authority for your evolution and your journeys. Your potential for integrity is larger than you know. Stand confidently in the truth of your own being. It is at one with the nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Partnering in awakening

JANU: We are raising issue again with the dynamics of human awakening. A continuous process, since the beginning of the human experience and not unique to human consciousness, by any means.

Partnering in awakening with others, not only incarnate as humans but others as well, is a vast opportunity, for consciousness is not limited to time/space nor is it predictable other than by its potential. We see opportunity here. Let it be known that we agree with partnership and that it be born of a sense of community in the Larger Family of Life. We recognize ‘treaties’ between groups to correspond, to relate, to aid the diversity of progression as it brings about insight into expansiveness of life.

Let us reach together—together meaning ‘unity of being’—returning to relationships that are ongoing and that have progressed, even while incarnate, whether conscious of these progressions or not. Life is in motion, always evolving, as are we. Namaste.
Jan. 18, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Human destiny

JANU: Speaking to the destiny of humanity, what an intriguing journey humanity has taken. Not just this world, but on others as well. Peace seems to be the theme eluding humanity the most, prolonged struggle, suffering, confusion, and conflict. But sprinkled throughout this destiny have been moments of joy-filled peace, gratitude, service to others, evolving love, the desire to awaken more fully, to know and understand, to discover and to create.

So where does all this leave the human destiny? Seemingly mired in traditional struggles and conflicts, but make no mistake: humanity is emerging. Peace is becoming more prevalent in the hearts of many. As the attention focuses more on this, collectively, this becomes the dominant reality and the struggles are revealed for their origin and their destinies. Striving for a more fulfilling life on every level need no longer seem illusive.

The message of the moment is commitment, clarity of vision, determination to experience. Confidence that beliefs become reality not dogma, not doctrines of the past, but belief and the beauty that life possesses and delivers. Each one is so imbued with the potential for such a destiny. Focus on one’s own potential, the richness from within. Open mind and heart to the reality of the True Nature and its relationship with the Larger Life. Allow your identity to blossom and be the light that it is. Namaste to all.
Jan.11, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


All of life is awakening

JANU:    This journey of life called awakening belongs to the history of all of evolving life. It is a partnership on so many levels. It agrees with the imperative of everything to continue, to evolve, to create, to mature. The journey into incarnate existence is part of this and focuses the intent, the process, by virtue of the veil. Isolating the consciousness, the awareness, to a more limited portion of life while still being motivated by the larger True Nature to experience and, through the experience, awaken, gaining the wisdom of the journey, adding to the wisdom of the True Nature, serving life on the way.

Awakening is a continuing process that had never ceased but went through changes in the process due to incarnation. The bigger picture here is inclusive of all of this. All of life is awakening, maturing, growing, becoming more and, as potential is realized, the process deepens and expands. Everything in motion. The only absolute is life itself. There is more to the reality of life than one can imagine. Individuality and oneness do not conflict in any way; they are one. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross