JANU: Service this evening has to do with the freedom to be. Now, let us examine this closely, for what does this truly mean? Being, a reality, encompasses or embraces the Source of Life as an agent for expression, of manifestation, and to be whatever you choose. Now then, the path of discovery of awakening broadens your awareness of the possibilities of choice. Realize this, then, that those are possibilities you are free to be. So, while one is in the embrace of a current expression in their being, in time one must realize that this is only one possibility and to be another expression of life one must shift identity and embrace their freedom. One might consider that life has a finite number of possibilities for being. This is not so because life is evolving and realizing potentials yet unrealized, yet aware of, yet expressed. So the freedom we speak of is true freedom. So, as you explore your consciousness and these possibilities, do so without identifying as a human being, for that is only one possibility. Allow yourself to embrace freedom as a reality without limitation. And one expression of freedom need not resemble any other. What it has in common is the True Nature of life, and that is evolving.
So, our service this evening is a growing awareness of the presence of true freedom, unlimited possibilities, and allowing any one of them to be part of your consciousness and to flower. Now, when one observes the journey of the human being from this understanding, one can see the confinements that direct the consciousness into the framework of that reality. Freedom allows this but does not require it. One may engage any freedom for the duration they choose, and the elements of manifestation that give it structure. So, as you become more aware, your consciousness is capable of simultaneous levels of awareness and involvement and realization. No longer limited to one focus at a time. Multiple realities coexisting reveal possibilities not viewed from any one focus, you see, and, to some degree, synergism takes place.
So let us explore this reality of freedom and the role it plays in life and awakening. Namaste.
May 21, 2013 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
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