Shining light on the unanticipated

JANU:   The Light is a revealer of the Truth of Life. It is not to be manipulated or colored in any way by bias or preference or condemnation. It is to be honored and respected for its nature. And each one’s observation based on their own powers of discernment is the result. So be it. Challenges and opportunities revealed. Solutions revealed. Outcomes owned. Wisdom gained. Experience is the teacher. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2024                                                       Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Finding meaning in challenges|

Editor’s Note: This was done shortly after the devastation Hurricane Helene caused near my home.

JANU:    A tsunami brings change. A hurricane brings change. The elements of existence are modified to embrace life and new opportunities in a better way. Change is unsettling, brings confusion, wonder about outcome and how to deal with it, the expense of resources, the recovery of peace of mind, compassion for the neighbor.

Ongoingness, continuation has two faces, at least. One is everything the same, again and again. The other is the letting go of patterns to embrace new ones, to explore and discover their potential, to understand, to make the most of it to gain wisdom. For more challenges and changes are coming, the method of evolution. Find peace and confidence that Life is alive and well and evolving.  Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2024                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life is an adventure. Enjoy it!

JANU: In the adventure of life, much more productive wondering and exploring about potential, in understanding, in consciousness, in creativity, in the elements of being and the vast range of the reality of living life. Much for humanity to consider and, with the considerations and the explorations, the generation of even newer and more beautiful opportunities. A nature of life yet explored by many. They sit and contemplate possibilities. Life is a platform, a foundation without limitations for exploration, manifestation, realization, and being. For some, documenting imaginations can help focus and continue into a far reality these wonderings.

Imagine life in new ways. See yourself overcoming limitations, what lies beyond them, and what is in your grasp in this moment. The past has its merits but don’t be limited by them. The future has its potential, but keep them as open possibilities, subject to change and evolution.

Life is joyful. Love the adventure. Allow it into your consciousness. Be an evolving co-creator. Allow understandings to build upon each other and so-called failures to find resolution. Be the resolver of challenges and open the door for more. Life is an adventure. Enjoy it! Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2024                                                                                              Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Freedom in the face of limited identity

JANU: The criteria for the realization of human potential is the freedom to be, based upon clarity of understanding, desire to live it. Processing, observation, and understanding are a constant challenge belonging to the list of objectives delving into the imagination.

These wonderings belong to a series of events rich in dialogue and contradictions. May we say at this time that there belongs to these ownership steeped in traditions that are in lockstep with the past, needing new footings rich in the freedom of adventure and choice. We would have you know at this time that potential for evolution and creativity has always existed, not always expressed. What we encourage at this time is introspection, understanding in depth the challenges to these wonderings and what holds them locked, to a degree, in life patterns. Rich are these in potential if allowed to be free to evolve.

So the tools and the promise of life are inherent in every moment and all of life’s patterns. Decide to be the wonderings that inspire you. Live the opportunities that Life presents. They are the answer to the call of humanity. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly upon the concepts in Helping Humanity to Evolve and Freedom.


Desires and solutions

JANU:    Enormous challenges met simply produce enormous results. Exploring the merits of size or importance, one returns to simplicity to gain perspective on the equality of life. Considering degrees of importance can distract from the power of any truth and its progeny. We would say this about that: that considering approaches and possibilities without end produces confusion, not creation. Recognize the power of understanding by the depth and breadth of its simplicity. Then, leave the ruler behind and get in motion. Do not confuse complexity perception with the power of simplicity. The answer to desire is in the desire. Namaste.
Aug. 7, 2024                                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Life challenges and solutions coexisting

JANU:     Solutions to challenges is the state of presence of mind. And what is ‘presence’ but an interface, a coexisting of consciousness reality and potential. With these in communication, in harmony, the Breath of Life speaks to challenges in a way that finds growth and benefit in that process. Challenges and solutions are elements of the one Life, along with many others. They have Life in common and Life is in constant motion and evolution. And Life evolves through all these processes, so evolve with Life and incorporate these elements into your process of living and awakening: challenges, solutions, open-mindedness, confidence, willingness, connection, and ownership through experience and understanding. Namaste.
May 20, 2024                                                    Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


What is Life?

JANU:    Pondering the imponderable: What is Life? What is not Life? What is real? What is unreal? What is true? What is false? What is and what isn’t? Nurturing these imponderables in one’s quest for understanding inspires one to examine their foundation of understanding of everything and their commitments of exploration and purpose. Do frustrations arise from these? Is there progress to be gained? Does this cause one to question assumptions, mutual assumptions of society? Does understanding of these have the potential to resolve cycles of dysfunction and limitation?

Each one of these investigations has cause for concern, for the solutions to these inquiries, challenges, understandings of time, potential, aggression, space, materiality, beginnings and endings…cycles. One benefit is open-mindedness, open to revelation, the application and experience on the journey of wisdom and contribution to the evolution of life. These solutions come not all at once, but here and there, now and then, giving time for the development of understanding, the process of understanding into life expression.

Continuing to inquire is healthy. The patience to perceive and accumulate consciousness is life in motion. Examine revelations as they inspire further inquiry and attract opportunities to explore. It is healthy and progressive to search and discover. Life is vast and ever changing and evolving. Find peace and joy that the journey exists. And that is Life.

A relationship through perception reveals much. Decisions to be made in perspective. Employ choice and the resulting experiences on those choices. It goes on and on, you see. And that is evolution. The realization of potential, Life in motion. So, be in motion. Discover. Contribute. Become. Namaste.
Apr. 4, 2024                                                                                         Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This is the latest in a series of similar journeys on the same theme. To investigate the progression of understanding and exploration,  see “What is Life?”  posted in 2023.


Bold decisions

JANU:    Happier, then, being at one with understanding and the freedom to choose balance in the pursuit of solutions to challenges. Reorganizing, from time to time, perspective brings about a change from fear of challenges to the love of solutions and the richness of life. Life is filled with answers, and challenges are part of evolution. Moving forward is the result of moving to gain understanding and clarity. Bold decisions and follow through are confidence builders. Life continues, on one level or another, no matter the result. Namaste.
Mar. 28, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross



JANU: Encumbered to one degree or another is a condition to be mastered. Feelings of regret, guilt, frustration, fault-finding whether with self or another, disappointment and fear best seen as results of living, engaging, exploring, discovering, overcoming challenges on the path of discoveries. Struggles in living are builders of strength and commitment. Follow through, proving to oneself, meeting them, committing to overcoming builds the framework for progression and discovering more of life and one’s own potential.

Take some time to explore a new element, a new framework for evaluation. Cherish victories of the path and each new one. Another’s approval is not as important as your own. Their approvals are based upon their own patterns of life and are their footsteps on their path of discovery. Allow them theirs. Allow you yours. Life knows the difference and cherishes them all.

Be grateful that challenges come. They tell you that you are part of Life and Life is part of you. Find peace in this, and strength. Let it build resolve that life is okay. This is how it grows, realizes potential, and moves on. Allow this perspective to deepen and broaden and reveal the True Nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


Choosing selfishness or giving can enlighten

JANU:    The model for living that you seek to understand does exist and not as rare as you might think. The Earth society is in its early stages. It is the choice of rapid evolution by comparison. It is by choice but the model society lives in, self-created, can obscure its alternative.

What does it take, then, to see through this fog of misunderstood survival motivations? Loving insight is a key. It is choice that needs confidence and transforming current challenges. Pain and suffering seem louder than true peace, joy and beauty. Different forms of power through choice. One seems easier than the other, but each other’s existence is challenged by each other.

Clear understanding of choice bears close examination. The simple exercise  at break of day: Choose either choice for that day. It takes focus, commitment, and dedication. Be attentive to every nuance and what it creates. Be attached to neither and learn through experience.

Choose. Be honest with the results. Life reveals itself. Little steps. Evolve through process. Namaste.
Jan. 6, 2024                                                                                             Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This journey follows closely on the ideas presented in Happiness, posted April 19th.