The balance between peace and struggle

JANU:   A summary of wisdom regarding the balance of peace and struggle in human civilization is focused upon the short and long term views of core beliefs and desires. It’s easy to be peaceful when all is well. But when all is well, motivations are calm. During struggle, motivations are renewed and introspection and creativity are reborn. The challenge is, in the midst of peace, to be motivated by a clear vision and commitment to potential and enrichment of integrity. So look upon the current balance of peace and struggle in human civilization and choose wisely your focus for investment of contribution. Namaste.
Mar. 8, 2022                                                        Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Mastering the veil through awakening

JANU:    Peace brings insights to deal with challenges as opportunities. Choosing to be free of worry, negative anticipation, is attainable. When choosing to enjoy life, the opportunities for adventure, discovery, creativity, healing, and upliftment are vast. Have a dream, a desire, fueled by imagination. The Larger Life is within you, around you, alive and in motion, full of vitality, unlimited layers coexisting as one. No secrets to the consciousness that has the wisdom to be one within. Do not identify with destructive challenges. Master them through the liberation of peace, insight, and the freedom of desire to enjoy living. You have never been alone in this. The veil is not permanent. Its existence is fluid. Master it through awakening. Be the creator you have always been. The Truth of Life is permanent and evolving. Namaste.
Feb. 23, 2022 B                                Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Subtle realities and service

JANU: Enormous powers exist more subtly. Such it is with your own Nature, for the more subtle your consciousness the less effort to initiate the motion of life.  The more complete the peace, the deeper the relationship with the forces of life, of expression, of creativity, of being.

Challenges in the veiled existence create the desire to reach deeper into solutions and the meaning of life, the meaning of existence. Challenges do not occur on their own. They are part of the movements of life, the connectivity, the interaction of life patterns, patterns of expression, intent and desires. Greater power and influence calls for greater maturity of wisdom. There are consequences to everything. Consequences are manageable, but they are a constant. Even wisdom exists in degrees that are changing.

Without guarantees, life is still lived. No need to condemn one’s self with what some would call mistakes, shortcomings. Life is like an experiment to see what works through application. We are all free to embrace change. A great service is to be kind, understanding, patient, and to inspire.  Namaste.
Feb.4, 2022 B                                                             Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Integrity and the Truth of Life

JANU: Enormous is the influence of the Truth of Life, sometimes called the Light. When conscious of, and at one with, that reality everything falls into place while in motion. The nature of your being an unlimited relationship with life, the purpose of expression on any scale. Varying degrees of connection. The maintenance of integrity, not just physically, but life itself. Even a void has integrity. Integrity throughout the being embraces change and its truth. So, let integrity be a mark of your presence. Be the Truth of Life, especially when meeting challenges. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2022                                                                      Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The larger reality of performance

JANU: Performance is mentioned from time to time. A more enlightened view of that reality speaks to natural evolution of being, for performance is in motion as well, as is that which receives it. The evolution of performance is as natural as attuning, as being, as identity expansion, as is service. Become your ideals. The evolution of performance liberates limitation. Embrace more of life. Be its potential, which is your own.

All of life evolves. Be an enricher. Meet challenges in this way. Simply choose to be. Namaste.
Feb. 3, 2022 B                                                                               Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


The breath of life

JANU:    The breath of life continues to be life’s love. As part of its nature, it sings through all of existence and harmonizes in the direction of continuing, evolving. The desire to know, to be, to serve comes from the vitality of life. Life challenges itself through its creations as a motivating pattern.

The breath of life has its parallels in the motivations and experience of breathing. Consciousness has these same patterns. It breathes with understanding, discovery, the quest to understand, to discover. This breath of life nourishes the soul, brings vitality, a kind of peace that gives confidence and a sense of well-being.

Challenge is motivation. Motivation calls upon the energy to continue. Namaste.
Dec. 17, 2021 B                                                     Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross



JANU:     Tolerance is a good beginning in the healing of human relations. Imbalances in the living experience of societies bring frustrations, fears, and anger. People are driven to extremes of behavior watching their families suffer in deprivation and abuse. Governments struggle with intolerance, lacking insight into wisdom. The pressures against peaceful survival, problem solving, and the lack of hope make the future seem dark. The challenges in living with environment, disease, and weather seem to pile upon each other and are out of control. Self-determination becomes lost and hides perception of the beauty of life. People become intolerant of each other, which is transferred from lack of control for environment into circumstances.

A life pattern of tolerance goes a long way towards perception of possibilities, solutions, and concern for each other. Tolerance is a beginning but much more is needed. The power to create solutions in life is within each one, to varying degrees. Encourage each other to experience that power, peacefully. It is deep within and ever present. Encourage people to love themselves. It is hard to give to another what you don’t own. Namaste.
Nov. 12, 2021 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Humanity’s playbook

JANU: Some see life as encumbering, a burden, an annoyance, an obstacle to happiness and freedom. Many create a niche in life, a safe haven, for their pleasure and limited freedom. Some embrace life as a challenge, an opportunity to gather riches and build power structures for control. Some an affinity for nature and its serenity and perseverance, as well as beauty. Some seek spirituality with ritual and passivity. Some seek security through repetition, sameness, predictability. And others, the demand of family. And some a life of research for escapism. Others a life of pleasure seeking.

A mixture of experiences describe humanity and its Dance of Life. But for many the Earth is a consumable that will always be there, an unlimited supply of resources, not a living being with sensitivity to influences. This is our field of exploration into humanity’s relationship with the Earth and all that it is. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2021
Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Procreation in society

JANU:    Supplemental understanding into the wisdom of participating in the procreation of the species. One would do well to understand the nature of birth and rebirth, physically and spiritually. It has to do with agreements, choices, experience, and wisdom gaining. One rule to cover all circumstance has no depth or breadth of wisdom.  It is arbitrary, judgemental, and lacks compassion or adaptability to the flow of life.

One gains wisdom through experience and women have unique experience in society. Intuitional challenges on this subject are best left to that part of society. The male population serves best when attempting to understand what is not their intimate experience and facilitate well-being without judgement, condemnation, or imposition. The male role in this circumstance is ‘care-giver,’ not to the unborn fetus but to the mother-to-be. Life continues with challenges and opportunities. Male dominated society is unbalanced. Much evidence to support this. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross


Equilibrium between desire and wisdom

JANU:    Equilibrium between desire and wisdom. Monitoring desire which can disturb balance is best accomplished by degree of peace. Uncontrolled desire is not peaceful and also is not listening. Our arrangement works when peace is not disturbed.

There is a difference between reaction and peaceful response. Being at peace in the presence of disturbances in society and the world is a challenge and an opportunity. Be not in despair when observing inequities. Focus on the alternatives and their possibilities.

Humanity would benefit from guidance and it is available from within. The self-created challenges put pressure upon the psyche to listen for an answer. Serve the awakening of humanity. Peace and balance, equilibrium, consistency, response and not reaction, monitor. Namaste.

Aug. 19, 2021                                                                 Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross