Procreation in society

JANU:    Supplemental understanding into the wisdom of participating in the procreation of the species. One would do well to understand the nature of birth and rebirth, physically and spiritually. It has to do with agreements, choices, experience, and wisdom gaining. One rule to cover all circumstance has no depth or breadth of wisdom.  It is arbitrary, judgemental, and lacks compassion or adaptability to the flow of life.

One gains wisdom through experience and women have unique experience in society. Intuitional challenges on this subject are best left to that part of society. The male population serves best when attempting to understand what is not their intimate experience and facilitate well-being without judgement, condemnation, or imposition. The male role in this circumstance is ‘care-giver,’ not to the unborn fetus but to the mother-to-be. Life continues with challenges and opportunities. Male dominated society is unbalanced. Much evidence to support this. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2021                                                   Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross