Understanding wise counsel

JANU:    Wise counsel is a service which you and we have benefited from many times. Wisdom in the presence of choices and challenges is an enhancement of prolonged consideration as to the truth and nature of consciousness. When called upon, let consideration prevail. Attuning to the needs of others is as much an attunement, our brother, as any other. Wisdom not only comes through you, but through the one being served as well. And that wisdom is the result of true service.

Be at peace in the quest for understanding. Response and not reaction serves well here. Inspiring another to find their truth, their power, their understanding and solutions liberates. Encourage them to own their choices and the results that come from them, and to explore choices. Wise counsel is an art to be developed and mastered. Consider the care and patience given to all you have gained in understanding and guidance. All will be well. Namaste, our brother.
Nov. 11, 2016 B                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The value of dichotomies

JANU: We are remembering our agreement to proceed with many projects, many collaborations, to bring balance to the dichotomies of life and those in the human experience. By ‘balance’ we mean equilibrium allowing for the dichotomies, the ranges of expression and experience to sustain each other for the purpose of providing opportunity for exploration, experience, and wisdom-gaining. These dichotomies, our brother, help maintain order, unity, and clarity of purpose. We see these challenges as a life force and the flow of life working together to provide a system of life with viability, endurance, and creativity.   Some call these dichotomies ‘good’ and ‘bad’ but they are all life and serve a larger purpose, larger than either one. What wisdom would you gain from a life with only one perspective, one direction, one course, one opportunity? Success is described by the outcome of your desires, your passions, and your choices.

All dichotomies are contained within the scope and breadth of life. The path you choose ultimately leads to a refinement of consciousness, depth of understanding, and creative genius. These discussions speak to the shadows of life cast by timeless reality. Being at peace opens the consciousness to the truth, the reality of being that can embrace everything. Walk gently through the fields of creation. Step gingerly to remain free to choose the next foothold, grateful always for the presence of life. Namaste, our brother. Walk with us as we walk with you.
Nov. 7, 2016                       Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Wisdom in understanding choices

JANU: We are Janu speaking, with attention fixed upon the natural course of human awakening and the recognition of its destiny. Destiny is known by potential, and the potential of humanity far exceeds its current evolution. “But how does one measure this,” you ask, “when not privy to the full range of consciousness of all of humanity?” While this understanding, our brother, exists, not so much by individual humans but the Life they are one with, remember that all is known, ultimately. Awakening is becoming more aware of the reality of knowing, and this we encourage and support, but there is a wisdom to the pace of this and the countless elements of existence as incarnate beings demonstrating your destiny through choices and achievements with each other and their environment.

There is a mixture and a balance in the flow of life that includes what some may call reversals, and achievements, misperceptions, revelation, choices, and engagements being modified and withdrawn and created. This is why one who professes to have the ‘ultimate truth’ at their disposal is deluded, for even that is evolving. Opportunities are not thrust upon you arbitrarily. They are created by the circumstances of existence, the many complexities of life that include choice. The phrase “parameters of existence” speaks to this. Awakening reveals the parameters of your existence and of everything else. Understanding these leads to understanding destiny as a product of potential and choices. Make choices as you perceive any opportunity and examine the results and the opportunities that arise from those choices. Other contributions to this flow of opportunities are your desires, what you value, what you long to experience.

Yes, you are a co-creator, but a creator in a partnership with, in harmony with Life itself, which includes everything. Use your growing wisdom to consider the merits of your choices, your understandings, and your perceptions. Thoughtful consideration instead of impulsive reaction brings you closer to the fulfillment of your desires and your potential. But you stay in motion, our brother, and avoid stagnation. Develop discernment along with inner reflection and then choose. Life holds great promise and reward. Peaceful journeying, our brother, and namaste.
Nov. 3, 2016 B                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A pendulum of choices and outcomes

JANU:    Let there be, then, known that the tumultuous times that consume so much interest, in the larger view are growing pains, with the dichotomy of human emotions, motivations, thoughts, and beliefs, an attempt to reach resolution, to reach something better. Dichotomies have their place in the nature of things, but they are steppingstones and at times reversals and by no means preferred outcomes. These are times valuable in assessing these elements of your existence and consciousness, emotions and thoughts, and their dichotomies, choosing ever more clearly the results of living the incarnate life you really prefer, and exploring your resources for reaching those goals.

Dichotomies speak to the pendulum of life and its excursions, the range of possibilities, but the pendulum measures the outcomes, you see, and its movements are your choice. Every part of your life has dichotomies and the opportunities for choosing where you want to be. Your choices swing the pendulum to explore, discover, and test what can be. Those around you are doing the same thing. Observe the results of their choices and learn from them.

Always be available to enrich each other’s perceptions, to enhance their experimentations, and understand their conclusions. But be the one consciously moving the pendulum, choosing, learning, absorbing, and understanding. The pendulum moves as quickly, as far, in the directions you choose. Be not afraid of this, but own the choices and the changes and the modifications of these movements.

No matter how dire the results may seem at the time, you are more than this. Life forgives. Life allows. Life supports and guides you. You are one with that Life and it is really who you are. Experiment, engage, process, contribute to, create, help each other, enrich life as you may. Namaste.
Nov. 1, 2016                                     Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This idea of the pendulum of life and awareness has been addressed previously in Being the Pendulum.
This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 9 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Repatterning your life

JANU: We are relating then to the story of mankind’s quest for gold. Not in the material sense, but in the sense of illumination, the golden light, or Truth of Life we speak often of. The differences between incarnate life and discarnate life. There is commonality here, our brother.

It is possible to be conscious as both, one being, one collective identity, one presence in the flow of life. The incarnate choices, desires, passions, goals while unconscious of your True Nature change greatly as you awaken to your fuller consciousness. You will relate differently to everything. Your thoughts no longer separate from the rest of life. Pieces of the puzzle of understanding come together more and more. Your perception of self is as a part of everything. You are conscious of connection and the presence of so much more. Your awareness no longer shackled by the limitation of others and conventions of society. Everything is perceived more deeply. You experience the adventure of incarnate life as never before in this sojourn.

How many limited thoughts in people’s lives are based on age? Eternity is more a reality in your being. Allow rejuvenation as a continuous reality. Few will understand this for they are owned by limitation that surrounds them in the lives of others as evidence. Age is not the only pattern that, for most, leads to leaving the body, you see. There are those who have experienced leaving the body by choice, at their own time in excellent health. A choice not owned by circumstance.

As the larger life and the incarnate life merge in your awareness, everything changes into a wholeness that is more natural to you. Choose wisely what you pattern yourself with. Life responds to the patterns you choose. Namaste.
Oct. 26, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A conscious path of awakening

JANU: Setting foot on the path of awakening as a conscious choice can be a bit demanding, depending upon your desires. This is why we encourage patience and peace, allowing for the assimilation of new experiences and understandings. The tendency to set time limits for goals and achievements is a time/space phenomenon based on limitations of one sojourn. But the journey we speak of, our brother, is larger than that but includes all of that. Making changes in your life by way of your choices is part of this path of intentional awakening.

Always be mindful of self-imposed pressures to achieve. Awakening is a liberating and peace filled journey. Every moment of every day has its connection to this. Awakening is a natural process, self-perpetuating by way of achievement in consciousness and life experience. The wisdom gained clears the way for confidence to achieve more. Awakening is a way of living and there is no timetable required for this process to continue, other than what you impose.

Life flows, our brother, and so does yours. Honor the life flows of others—and not just people. Judgments can be distracting and alter the journey. Grow in sensitivity to your energy patterns and their ease of movement. Many achievements are a continuation of past experience and wisdom gaining. Allow these as well. Hold on to your values and integrity but allow them to evolve as well. See the life flow or motion of life in everything.

All of existence, our brother, has its integrity. Gain your insights; make your choices; engage life as you choose; allow yourself the freedom to make course corrections, if you will, free of self-judgment or condemnation. Journey in peace, and namaste.
Oct. 25, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Destiny and the flow of life

JANU: Let us progress this scenario of the awakening of humanity to include the course of destiny.

Human destiny includes more than technology, but the transfer of power from the external to the within. The power to create. The power to know and understand. The power to communicate beyond language. The power to be. These powers exist for the benefit of life and those who use them with wisdom. Human destiny includes the forthright attempt toward universal consciousness and the mastering of simplicity.

What is nature, then, but a creation? And what is unnatural, if everything is creation? Anything humanity builds or creates is from the one Life, the essential nature. Destiny is the manifestation of potential, with outcomes that allow for continuation. One tends to use the nature of Earth as the foundation for understanding what is natural. The so-called “Laws” of manifest life are mutable. Nature evolves, changes, and self-creates. So, can the destiny of humanity be based upon that which constantly changes and evolves? It has to be, you see, for that is the nature of existence.

So, what does one obtain from these observations? One obtains a growing consciousness into reality, hanging on to nothing to be inevitable or permanent in any way, yet worthwhile, part of the flow of life. You ask, “Why does the flow exist?” The flow is the change of life, the movement, the creating and re-creating, repetition that is never the same.

Your existence is life in motion. Your destiny is whatever you choose. That is the nature of a co-creator. Creation does not stop with any creation, you see. Understand your existence in this way and so-called anomalies are in harmony with the eternal flow. See your day this way, your life and your relationships. Namaste.
Oct. 24, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Awakening, the great healer

JANU: The best antidote for fear and confusion, frustration, anger is understanding. The awakening process, the awakening experience is a growing healer for troublesome emotions, conditions of consciousness. Awakening is the great healer, not as a separate thing but personal experience, the lifting of consciousness, discovering the true nature of any part of life. Yes, even the healing of the physical conditions, so-called disease, disturbance, injury, physical, psychological, for all of these are a product of misperception, confusion, mis-creation, circumstantial involvements.

Awakening brings balance and harmony. In finance, one can see opportunities not seen before. Not only external ones but internal ones as well. Insights into capability, intelligence, inner strength. The lifting of crippling doubt and misperception. Communication with the body in diet and exercise. So many maladies of the human experience are the result of choices and engagements, unwise or preferred outcomes. The natural condition of the body is perfect health. The body returns to this when allowed to do so. So, what is healing, then, our brother, but the return to balanced order, function, symmetry, peace, coordination, connection, integration of consciousness, understanding and its application.

Everything you need to fulfill a desire is known and can be known. Even outcomes of decisions can be anticipated, for better choices. Potential outcomes are a reality. Be sensitive to insights, intuitions, hunches, if you will. Probe their meaning. Past, present, and future can be understood and explored. The reality of healing exists for everything, not just health, our brother, in the physical.

Awakening is the great revealer and healer. Your True Nature not only knows this, but understands it and will guide your progression. By ‘you,’ we mean the human you. Choose understanding and a larger and deeper relationship with life. Be who you already are. Enjoy life through discovery, realization, and a love for its magnificence. Discover the brilliance of true peace. Namaste.
Oct. 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Growing familiarity with your True Nature

JANU: We are encouraging familiarity with more of your True Nature, for familiarity is a natural path to trust, confidence, open communication, mutual respect, and a deepening love. Your True Nature has these qualities and many more. Walk through your incarnate life with a growing familiarity, conscious involvement, with your best partner in life; an incarnate journey no longer separate from any part of you.

Walking through life in your integrity, a growing understanding and wisdom at the root of your choices, heals if you will disturbances in consciousness, thoughts and emotions that interfere with your well-being, the performance of your body, and your vitality. Inspire others to find their truth by way of the integrity of your own. A life full of changes, evolution, new discoveries, yet steady in purpose, commitment, patience with yourself and with others, enduring wholeness in the moments of your life.

Awakening, our brother, is enriching. Share what you own, the gifts of living. Your True Nature possesses great wisdom, has access to life resources and their blessings. Being a channel of these allows them to move through your life and touch others and benefit from the blessings that move through theirs. Remember, receiving and giving are one, each as powerful as the other. They complete each other.

The path of awakening reveals you are never alone in life. It can seem that way, but only if you choose it. Listen to the life story of others. They benefit from expressing it. Listen with patience. The connection benefits you both. Namaste.
Oct. 11, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Aspects of awakening

JANU: We are encouraging then at this time the formation of a personal strategy of awakening. Now, by ‘strategy’ we mean an approach, a conditioning of acceptance, a willingness to engage the opportunities that arise and assimilate revelations. This is what we mean by “affecting change” rather than just waiting for it. Change is a function of desire and need and preparation.

You ask, “How then does one condition themselves to awaken more fully?” By incorporating the process as a model for living, by expecting it, and by honoring it with gratitude as it occurs. So, you see, our brother, awakening doesn’t just happen to you. You happen to it. Awakening is more a condition than a thing, the power of decision-making, deciding to understand, to experience, to know, to be capable of. Making decisions to proceed in life does not mean not making decisions to change those, to redirect, modify, to enhance, or replace completely. Change occurs when reflection upon outcomes reveals different points of views, different perspectives, different possibilities.

There will always be choices to be made, for life is filled with options which are revealed as engaged. Reach into your potential with your imagination, your inquiries. Know with a certainty that more is possible than you are aware of at any moment. Every part of your life is subject to this. Choose to see alternatives, possibilities, in any circumstance. Feel more alive today than yesterday. Breakthroughs in understanding, large or small, revitalize, bringing greater peace of mind and confidence.

Do not dread or fear change or revelation. They just mean you are growing. Your life is in motion. The details come and go as changes pass through you, through your life. Be mindful of the results of all of this. At times life appears stagnant, stuck if you will. Use those moments to reflect, to process, to assimilate, to be ready for the next change, the next insight, the next opportunity to enrich life. There will always be more, our brother. More peace, more love, more enrichment. Namaste.
Oct. 6, 2016                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.