Life is full of wonder

JANU: We are supporting the notion that life is full of wonder, forecast by its potential. For the time being, human consciousness is preoccupied with survival in the physical. When enlightened beyond this, it will realize that life is not temporary, just the physical is. And the wonder of life will always be there to explore, to expand your consciousness, to reveal to you so many understandings. And, yes, even you are part of the wonder for you are life exploring itself, manifesting itself, creating new discoveries. Individual and collective consciousness are one. So, as you explore the wonders of life, the discoveries and the understandings become a part of the collective human mind.

The current voyage to Pluto is one of the wonders. Notice how it stimulates imagination, excitement, a look into the future and a larger life by so many. It liberates consciousness from continuing mundane and somewhat pettiness of life, by comparison. Discoveries such as this bring the thought to humanity: “What else exists? What else awaits us? What are the possibilities of discovery?” And that quickens so many levels of reality within the human, including the physical. Everything prepares a little bit for the answer to the question.

So, wonder at this discovery. Absorb its revelations. And understand its role in life’s realities. Namaste.

July 14, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The inner call to awaken

JANU:    There is an inner call to awakening. For some, it sounds like the single peal of a bell. For others, it’s a welling up in the heart. For others, an emptiness that is filling. For others, a simple knowing. The source of this call is the True Nature itself, which is who you are, and the remembering begins.

As you respond to the call, the struggle to let go of old ways becomes a natural occurrence and effortless as the process continues.   This is not a manufactured experience on your part but one that is allowed, embraced, welcomed, and cherished. A natural occurrence occurring many times before. Remembering the true oneness of your being and sensing the right timing of the call.

Now, the call is not to leave incarnate life, but to embrace it, serve it, and understand it in a larger, deeper way. One does not convince another of this through speech, proclamations, but by example and the innate connection with others, for the Truth and Light within you exists in them as well. And truth always recognizes truth.

June 22, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Communication beyond words

JANU: We are summoning up that which pertains to your query on models of communication: the use of words, verbal speech, and the graphical representation of such. When relying upon one form of communication, or identification, the faculties for alternatives grow weaker, leaving one limited to the effectiveness of that communication or identifiers. A human being is a human being, no matter what it is identified with or as.

So how does one relate to and understand a part of life unnamed, but exists just the same? And how does one recognize or identify a part of life observed for the first time, and nameless? This speaks to the powers of perception and the range of consciousness that can appreciate a first encounter. So much of recognition is based upon memory, past experience, so much so that identification is compared to these and that which is recognized is similar.

So how does one observe that which is unique, for the first time? It comes through experiencing the nature of that observed, touching it with your consciousness, with no requirements for the character of performance. Such it is, our brother, when being exposed to a new understanding, such as we have accomplished, that is unique to the experience and the memory. When we begin each journey, the very beginning of the understanding and the path to be taken is like this. The words are secondary to this.

But what of unique experience that words do not describe? This is in the direction of ‘direct knowing,’ pure insight. Can you know a thing without words? And you ask, “Why would one care?” Because, our brother, there is so much to understand that words cannot describe. The source, the origination of a mother’s love for a child is beyond words. Many patterns of life are such. They are understood through intimacy of experience.

You ask, “How does one who understands this experience convey it to another?” Words are a beginning, but they are not the experience. There is a reality of touch between beings, not physical but in consciousness, not verbal or graphical but the intimacy of connection. When one looks at another in a caring moment and understands, they experience the life pattern of another and they understand. No words were needed. You observe an animal and its behavior, but more than this, you experience a moment of what is living within, what their experience is, and you get a glimpse of their life pattern. Words are useful, our brother, but don’t let them get in the way.

June 6, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding trust and bonding

JANU: We are homing in on the nature of a human identity. To create a bond with another species, or even another group of humans in the current climate of social consciousness, it would be based on trust developed through the beginnings of a history of shared ideals and understandings and trade and economies, partnerships, all subject to the vagaries of varying conditions, interpretations, misunderstandings, rumor and gossip, those things that exist today. However, the awakening of humanity employs capabilities beyond these. The inner connection to the true realities of others opens the doors to understanding them through their own personal histories of thoughts and performance. This principle is true even between human cultures on the Earth and why becoming one human consciousness, a united reality, has been so difficult.

How do you know the reality of another? What faculties are employed to accomplish this? What do you base trust upon? You suggest that this inner method invades privacy. Be it known, then, our brother, that there is no privacy, and never has been, from the oneness of life. All is known. The privacy you cherish is from each other, that the other might abuse the privilege, the knowing.

Many memories are hidden from your own consciousness, not wanting to deal with them or own them or be responsible. What about your trust and your bond with who you are, all you have been and done? Can you own all of this and find peace as well? This is the path, our brother, to inner freedom. Self-condemnation does not liberate or bring peace. If life allows all your choices, endeavors, relationships, thoughts and feelings, and still loves you, is it not worthwhile to understand this? And if this is difficult for you, can you love another in this same way and be honorable with everything you know about them?

Much to accomplish in this, preparing for unity in humanity as well as other beings, other realities. Bring the Light you seek, which is the Truth of Life, to every part of you. Shine Light on it, understand it, own it, and stand in your truth, in true freedom to move on. Namaste.
June 7, 2015                                   Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mother Earth

JANU:    We are considering the Earth as part of the human journey. Can there be any doubt that countless realities of the life of the Earth, including all of its creatures, vegetation, natural occurrences, so-called forces of nature, processes beyond number, have contributed to the evolution and content of the human journey, with many opportunities to gain wisdom and insight? More than just a platform of life to survive on, but a dynamic and long-lived reality. As we have said before, gratitude opens the channel of the flow of life and its blessings. This includes the Earth, our brother. It is part of the flow of life, with countless blessings for all of the life that it is and supports.

How many in humanity cherish and treasure the bounty of the Earth and strive to connect with and communicate, understand nature? The physical human body is very much part of that nature. Is it not made of the Earth? Explore then the links of the human physical existence to the planet it is made of. And think you that the Earth is only physical? It is not. It is many levels of consciousness, life if you will. And the Earth and the physical body respond to each other in so many ways. Hence the name Mother Earth.

This relationship and its potential have always been understood as part of the human experiment. Physical life and spiritual life are on the same page, our brother. The deity that humanity has created for itself is also part of the nature of the Earth.

The Wheeyah Code series is designed to awaken humanity to the life that the Earth is. Those that designed and created these globes understood this and knew that, in time, human consciousness would advance to the point of appreciating this reality. And these Codes, when experienced, enhance the process, you see. Humanity’s sciences,   researchers and explorers, have achieved a great deal of understanding, but there is so much more. Consumption and depletion of the Earth’s resources is only necessary when human consciousness is unaware of grander possibilities.

Becoming conscious of the Earth, and the full range of its existence, is an essential part of human awakening. Miraculous potentials are all around humanity and are of the Earth. Namaste.

Apr. 8, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Integrity and the True Nature

JANU: We are Janu speaking, succumbing then to the desire for the proliferation of integrity in human consciousness. Let us say then at this time that integrity is meant by that which is in harmony with the True Nature.

And you ask, “What is the nature of the True Nature?” The True Nature is a life expression that honors its commitment to the realization of the human potential to enrich life and become coherent as to the nature of life itself, across its spectrum. What this means is that human consciousness becomes a coherent partner in life with each other, the collective, and the journey of other consciousnesses not of the Earth.

It was never intended or designed that human consciousness would be essentially separate from the True Nature indefinitely. This is the awakening of humanity, our brother, becoming conscious as your True Nature. Life engagements are far more beautiful and of profound meaning when the perspective of the True Nature and all of its faculties are the conscious identity of an individual, for one can see in advance the consequences of possible choices in life. The choices become wiser. So ask yourself, “What do you base a choice on?”

We are not suggesting here that the True Nature plays no role in people’s lives. But for many, the ‘still small voice’ is very small indeed and sometimes, when heard, ignored, for it seems not to agree with choices based upon emotional and mental desire, preferences. So the choice still remains for the human consciousness to choose the larger life. A clearer look at the result of past choices can be illuminating.

So love the True Nature into your life, our brother, gently, patiently, and gratefully. Namaste.

Mar. 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the page, The True Nature.


You are loved no matter what

JANU: For this evening’s journey, may we encourage and support an interest in Divine Order and what that means. ‘Divine’ speaks to the nature of life in its manifestations that fulfills the destiny of life, all of life. The ‘Order’ we speak of is the equilibrium of the elements of life, their motion and their destinies, that fulfill life even when elements come and go. Divinity is the presence of life, universal life, eternal life, with a loving theme of unlimited acceptance of the being of life. Order speaks to life and all of its creations and realities continuing to find equilibrium, that the flow of creation, manifestation, and expansion continues unabated.

Consider your own physical vehicle and the seemingly countless systemic relationships, yet moment by moment, day after day, year after year, the process of life continues. Consciousness is raised. Wisdom is gained. Service is manifested and perfected. Your presence in life enriches it in so many ways. Divine Order is beautiful, a symphony of life and every part of life creating this symphony, you see. There is no time, our brother, when your presence is not contributing to life, even when you leave the body.
People perceive they’re living in misery, abandoned, alone, in despair and frustration. Yet they are loved for their presence in life, without exception. Who you really are is far greater than these limited perceptions. Life loves you, regardless of what you choose to explore. Find peace in this, beyond the challenges and struggles of the day. When you sleep at night, accept the love, the freedom of your True Nature. Namaste.
Sept. 3, 2014 B                                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A carnivorous or a giving life

JANU: The carnivorous elements of life speak profoundly to the evolutionary journey in the relationship between consciousness and incarnate life.

Now, what do we mean by ‘carnivorous’ in this approach, this understanding? We mean that which takes from another without advantage to the one being taken from. Of course, in the area of human diet and food, the correspondence is flesh foods for consumption. But this relationship has its counterpart in many other realities of life. In humanity, financially speaking, profiting from another which only advantages the profiteer. Lying about another with blame for your own misdeeds, compromising their freedom, if only in their own consciousness, to gain your own. The ‘eat or be eaten’ scenario speaks to this. What would life be like, then, in any reality, where one was concerned with the benefit to another?
You ask why so much of this carnivorous reality exists to such degree? It has to do with primal misconceptions about survival, without illumination, a foundation of understanding, a larger view of life. Once again, this speaks to the need for awakening to see the truth at the heart of more and more of life, and then making wiser choices. It is worthy to look at one’s own existence each day to see if there are elements of being carnivorous or being beneficial to another, individual or creature or the Earth, all of life.
This theme, this approach to relating to life is profound, for life supplies to those who give, those who lift life up, those who support, whatever is needed to continue and enhance that flow because it’s of service, life expansion and richness. Giving something to another for their benefit is never a loss to the giver. The giver always has more to give. Life finds a way.
Consider this carefully, our brother. Namaste.
Sept. 8, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Different perspectives do not mean we can’t walk the path to truth together

JANU: The Light that understanding brings is available to everyone. Many choose this consciously and many unconsciously, subtler levels of their being encouraging their journey to see more clearly and to come to know who they are, what they are. We would see at this time the attraction from within to a peaceful life more in harmony with new possibilities.

One of the greatest opportunities for advancing humanity is not that far away, our brother. And that is contact, on one level or another, with beings not of the Earth and, eventually, non-physical beings, which are even vaster. It is time for humanity to come out of its slumber and awaken to the world that has already been there but they have only seen, here and there, in dreams and imagination. Your science has even asked the question, “How did so many of ancient times know so much of the truth of Life, celestial reality, without the technology of today?” Enlightened individuals have always existed, our brother, here and there, with insight into the nature of life, and the truth of their existence.
Instead of marveling at these achievements, so unfathomable, why not open to and discover a few of your own? If one can accomplish these things, anyone can, if the desire is there and the mind is open. Never let frustrations, so-called mistakes, unforeseen obstacles, challenges, and the doubts of others interfere with pursuing your dream and your quest to know. The truth that matters, our brother, is your own truth, for your perception of life is yours. How you evolve it, refine it, utilize it, and share it is up to you.
Having our own perceptions does not mean we cannot walk these journeys together and learn from each other and strengthen our resolve. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 22, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

A Life of Oneness: Letting go of the lack of Light

JANU:    Oneness, then, to be served as a reality of origination, of consciousness. Oneness awareness, to be conscious of oneness, is your heritage of being and part of your being is oneness. Most have chosen to not be conscious of this for the purpose of exploring and gaining wisdom from the individuality, a sense of unique identity from the rest of manifest life. Individuality, then, taking on a more precise meaning, becoming the identity.

A life as one, of oneness, as suggested by this focus, is the realization that individuality, separation consciousness, and oneness have co-existed all of this time, with the denser reality seemingly isolated from the rest of life. The awakening and the resurgence of oneness is the maturing of the individual to the point of realization that they are more than this, although not understood. A sense within that there is a connection to the rest of life. Realizing in time the vitality of this, the essential nature.

In human terms, it has been a slow journey, the length of which is determined by the choices made as to what is important in a moment. It has always been available to human consciousness to choose any part of life to explore. And faculties exist to do just that, but with the focus on materiality and managing materiality to serve the perceived needs of living. Let there be, then, a deeper reflection upon what has always been known, on some level, to the individual being. And most of discovering, at this point, is remembering what has already been known in the fullness of consciousness and True Nature.

We speak of oneness as something to be achieved. It is more something to be returned to in consciousness, to be aware of, to engage and embrace, and move your identity to. The struggle is not to embrace the Light, but to let go of the lack of it. There is nothing to fear, our brother, only to be loved. Namaste.

May 3, 2014                    Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross