The transition of awakening

JANU: We are Janu speaking, clearly, as it seems, joining together that which belongs to the equality of the so-called Rapture and the release of the spirit from mortality, the ‘mortal coil’ if you will. What we describe here is the union or coming together of what some call ‘soul’ and the release from incarnate experience. What we really see here is the identity shift from humanity to spiritual being, the significant moment in the evolution of consciousness for it reveals the true freedom of being. And this experience triggers a flood of memories and awakening to the larger life.

So many of your world see only the current environment, societal norms, the vagaries of the physical condition, consumed with thoughts of longevity, and the thoughts of transition hanging over the life like the Grim Reaper. We are here to say, at this time, that this moment in experience is wondrous indeed, for it reveals so much of all you have been and known. So it is useful to let this event ‘rest in peace’ while engaging where you are in the moment, your tasks at hand. One does not have to wait for transition to live in joy and peace, fundamental happiness, and the richness of discovery and knowing. The transition that matters in the moment is the transition of awakening, whether incarnate or not, you see. Awakening is a transition, into the light of knowing and being who you are.

June 10, 2014 B                                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are two related posts: [p2p type=”slug” value=”transitional-migration-moment-to-moment-lifetime-to-lifetime”]Moment to Moment[/p2p] and [p2p type=”slug” value=”transitional-migration-a-life-process”]A Life Process[/p2p]


Linear and non-linear realities

This is part of larger topic:[p2p type=”slug” value=”the-dynamic-range-of-progressed-thought-and-understanding”] “The Dynamic Range of Progressed Thought and Understanding”[/p2p]

JANU: Understand this, our brother: that life, the reality of the universe in which you live, is not a linear progression. Life is a simultaneous reality. The dynamic range of thought and understanding represents this co-existence. So to employ or engage this dynamic range, one must let go of linear perceptions and engage the reality of simultaneous existence and all of the limited interactions and re-creations, adaptations, the cooperation that makes up life. Let us do so at this time, becoming unlimited in our identity as simultaneous existence.

All existence and all potential are one. They co-exist. You ask, “What sort of understanding does this relationship reveal?” It reveals the nature of life, our brother, which is the nature of your being, and all it can be through the patterns of its existence, which includes its potential. The human experience is but a single element of this all-inclusive reality. And one can walk the patterns of life, not just individually but collectively. The questions you raise, then, have a new foundation.

Now, the challenge here is: linear thinking, in reality, is not rejected but included in a simultaneous reality of perspectives. You ask, “How do my interests find a foothold in this simultaneous reality for revelation?” It isn’t one or the other in consciousness, our brother. It is both together, individual interest, collective awareness. That’s simultaneous existence on all levels. So entertain your concern or interest, but in the light of the light that is cast upon a non-linear, unlimited reality. This revelation is revealed for any interest to any degree. It becomes the doorway, if you will, to a far broader understanding and engagement for utilization of the revelation.

The questions of humanity, of life and death and what if, that seem unanswered move beyond understanding to a kind of experience that includes so much more, as far as you care to take it. Now, when one can perceive the life journey of the world upon which you reside, you do not see futility in continuing with that world, but the opportunity to experience so much more, without fear. If one moment in your life can be predicted to end, and another begin, does one fear the end of that moment? They do not because their consciousness includes a larger reality that includes that moment, and when that moment ceases, life continues unabated.

So include simultaneous consciousness and reality in your ponderings of the nature of life and its countless elements. Namaste our brother.

June 19, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The broader reality of mediumship

JANU: Now understand this, our brother: mediumship, a growing reality around your world, is not limited to humans. There are other consciousnesses that walk the Earth, and they too have instincts, sensitivities to impression and awareness. Humanity, of course, has the potential to apply insight for greater effectiveness. But humanity too long has considered their existence to be supreme and unique, understanding little of life’s communication with other lifeforms. Your world, as such, is a living consciousness. It has been at this far longer than human existence and is very sensitive to the influence of humanity upon the systems of life that are the Earth.

Now, mediumship from a human point of view is not only involved with beings of other worlds and realities, but with the natural influences of every other part of life. Understanding the sun and its cycles, the movements of nature, the star systems and their patterns, the disturbances in the bodies. This is part of mediumship, our brother. We have our contribution but so does every other part of life, to the one so attuned. Witness the gardener of your familiarity and her relationship with the world of plants and their relationship with the Earth. This is mediumship, our brother, reasonable, balanced, and a healthy form of living. One family member knowing the well-being of another family member at great distance is mediumship. And the prayers and well-wishes from one to another is another form of mediumship.

It is life communicating with life, on all levels, between all realities. It is not an activity unique to a few but enjoyed by everyone who chooses to engage life. So let us appreciate the many realities of communicating with life. Broaden the view and the appreciation. Namaste, our brother.

May 28, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


What does it mean to be Human?

JANU: We are Janu speaking on what it means to be human. What does it mean to be any species, our brother? Much is in common. Does one limit one’s perception to humanity being a particular lifeform, a kind of society with societal norms and values? Or as concept, born of life’s potential and the design of others? Humanity is all of these things, our brother, and more, as with any species.

It is useful to embrace the reality of life that all life is one, connected, interactive, and comprised of all of its elements, all of its creations. Humanity has a tendency to explore life based on a perception of its own longevity. There is so much of life that has existed outside of this. Humanity’s perceptions will modify as it becomes conscious of and interacts with many other worlds and species and realities, for its memory at this time is limited to its perception that it is unique and alone in the universe, and all that it has ever known. So to define humanity from the Earth point of view, in a manner that is relatable, is a challenge, you see.

Observe humanity, then, of the Earth from the perspective of another species from another world, and what do they perceive? They see an isolated existence, with limits that imposes. They see a species with potential they have yet to dream of. They see the potential for first contact, not the maturity for success. They see a species shaped entirely by its environment, even though it envisions travel to other worlds with different environments, not yet understanding adaptation that other species utilize. But they do see a species beginning to awaken to a life larger than they’ve known. They also see a sleeping giant with enormous potential, worthy of monitoring and understanding.

We do as well, our brother. And, in part, this is why we are here, serving humanity as a complete reality. Thank you and namaste.

June 7, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

For two previous journeys on this topic see [p2p type=”slug” value=”what-does-it-mean-to-be-human”]Feb. 7[/p2p] and [p2p type=”slug” value=”what-does-it-mean-to-be-human-is-explored”]Apr. 18[/p2p].


The New Peace

JANU: What lies before us, then, in this journey of life that bespeaks of a different kind of peace within the human journey? The peace that many consider is the absence of war and violent conflict. In the peace of the future there is no underlying turmoil to bring on the next war, you see. So this new peace is one of inner strength and knowing, deep profound compassion for each other, confidence in the future, at-one-ment with the natural forces of life. From this foundation of love for life and each other will be built a future embracing many other species and worlds, realities of life both gross and subtle, and possibilities of co-creation not dreamed of.
The new peace for humanity will be tailored to the needs of its journey, as it is to the needs of other worlds who have achieved the peace that has no place for war within its understanding. Most have considered violence powerful. The power that is True Peace renders war impotent and a distant memory. It brings worlds together for mutual benefit, prosperity, and journeys of grand discovery. War does none of these, and only leads to more war. Societies that possess vast weaponry do not see the world and themselves the same as those who no longer need them.
The new peace allows humanity profound insight and perception of the truth of each other, the inner agendas, motivations, and passions. It sees genius, which to some degree and in some form is within each one, as something to treasure, to cherish and nurture. The new peace attracts to humanity’s awareness so much more of life that it cannot see when living in fear and violent ways.
Would that humanity could enjoy some measure of happiness, optimism, and peace of mind each day, anticipating with relish the possibilities to come. And when does this arrive, our brother? Its arrival is the moment that you choose this. Choosing alone and embracing cleans up, so to speak, the messes of the past, the debris of destruction, the discord and confusion. These things dissolve through lack of attention that no longer gives them life and perpetuates them. Every day, choose your path and the future you prefer, for the future is now, our brother. Namaste.
June 6, 2014                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Human potential and destiny

JANU:   Humanity’s potential and destiny calls it to fulfill what it can be, for humanity and its potential and its destiny are as one reality. How it engages it is subject to its choices. The models it has engaged, built for itself, as an ordered structure for living and progressing, will go through many changes. The concepts of society, organization, religion, philosophy, government, health and well-being, and education will all change. For the current systems of living are limited, primarily from instincts for survival and the cherishing of so-called individuality, privacy, uniqueness, and separation from other elements of life. This will all change, our brother. The challenge for humanity will be the ability to perceive, to see and understand how these changes enhance life, enrich it, and bring greater prosperity, health and well-being, and insight into themselves and the rest of life.

Yes, the paradigm is shifting, as it must, for life is in motion, evolving. And humanity is part of that movement. Humanity will learn to perceive its collective being as a collective being, with a destiny, a future, and a living presence in the larger arena of life. Only in doing so will it see the merit in supporting other species’ movement in this direction, and other species who have already achieved it. The obsession with individual survival will give way to appreciation of collective survival and how all contribute to this. So as sojourns begin and end, life continues. Humanity continues and grows into its future because all have existed and contributed. The end of a sojourn is the changing of the form of expression, but the nature of that life continues on, still growing, still evolving, and still contributing. May humanity find peace in this truth of life, and be grateful for their service. Namaste.

June 8, 2014                       Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Alternatives to our current life of limitation

JANU:   For today’s focus let us pursue the interest in formulating a path of transformation of ignorance to enlightenment. We hear so many comment as to this or that, revealing much as to the state of consciousness of humanity. Many opportunities are on the horizon, our brother, that will challenge humanity to grow into a richer life.

Realizing who you are, and what you and life can be, is a grand journey. And so-called ‘outer life’ and ‘inner life’ must merge into oneness for both to flower. Wisdom comes from experience when knowledge is applied to opportunity. And wisdom brings a greater sense of the completion of life, the balance and potential, and the maturity to embrace successfully the choices that are made.

Envision a life where one can choose their form of life and change it at will, depending upon the reality that is embraced. Currently, humanity sees itself as limited to the human body, the human personality, and physical surroundings of form and their properties. Consider the freedom and ability to understand and experience whatever interests you, anywhere in life, even your own origins and your potential.

Consider a life where survival is not a concern and that needed can be manifested as needed. A life where one questions “What is next?” from an array of choices, not from confusion and emptiness. A life where peace and happiness and joy are by choice only, not requiring circumstance. Where one can observe and understand the present from the future or from the past. Observing life from any perspective, not limited to time or distance. Where one can attune to someone on another world as sheer Life.

The possibilities are endless, our brother, and they exist now. Namaste.

May 24, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Art of Oneness—a beginning grasp

JANU:   There is an art to oneness, the reality of it, the achievement of it, the implementation of it. Oneness comes under the category of harmonious peace and intimacy of relationship, an identity that includes the identity of others and the rest of life. How then does one select this sort of relationship with life, appropriate to the moment? Oneness already exists throughout life, but a conscious relationship with it, depending upon the consciousness, is selective through degrees of confidence one has in their own being, the openness of mind, the peace in one’s own consciousness and existence, and maturity in understanding life.

Now, curiosity is not the theme here, but an acceptance of the responsibility that comes with knowledge and experience and a respect for the integrity of the rest of life’s expression and realities. The primary reason for gaining understanding of more of life is to enhance one’s service to it, that that life benefit on its path of discovery, evolution, and potential. So, when one ponders oneness with anyone or anything or any reality, these qualities must be present.

One would do well to ask the question: Why does one seek oneness with anything or anyone and what does that mean? When asking from the point of view of individualization, it is difficult to perceive a larger view of the reality considered. So, as oneness is applied to the life experience and capability, one moves to that degree from just individual consciousness, single identity, to cosmic consciousness, a larger identity more at peace with all of life and more involved. So oneness, then, our brother, is intimacy, involvement, and harmonious peace with life, with respect for integrity and the life that it is.

The Art of Oneness is the art of harmonious at-one-ment with. Another process of life of return to what we all are. Namaste.

May 21, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Changing with the Earth changes (Service)

JANU:             Service then, this evening, is called for in the area of that which belongs to the Earth, Gaia if you will. The service this evening is in the nature of assisting and supporting the changes that are here, not to stop them but to support their integrity, their contribution to all that the Earth is. Everything about the Earth is changing in so many ways, and always has, our brother. But these changes run in cycles and these cycles can explain the changes.

Instead of perceiving changes as from one stable state to another, see them as a continuous movement of life, for the Earth is a very active world. Some movements humanity is aware of, understanding some of the cause. And other movements humanity is not aware of. Yet they are all connected, in a very dynamic world. Even the Earth will be destroyed by the Sun, eventually, for your sun is changing as well and always has.

Individually, human lifespan is very brief and tends to see ebbs and flows in the changes of the flow of life of the Earth as, at times, stable and quiet. And compared to human lifetimes, this is so. But humanity’s lifetime on this world is much longer and collective humanity would be wise to grasp the significance of a world that is living and changing as a destiny and will eventually move on to something else.

What we serve this evening is a large view for humanity to appreciate the world they live on, understand it, and adapt to it. The legacies of your lifetimes can contribute to the collective humanity’s consciousness and appreciation of changes in a larger way. Humanity is blessed with an opportunity to exist, enjoy life, and expand consciousness on a world very special, indeed. Be grateful for every day and an Earth that will support you for many generations to come. But it lives and it moves and it evolves always. So let your life live with its life and change with it.

May 19, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The purpose and function of the Structures of Life

JANU:   These Structures of Life that we speak of have a cadence and rhythm to them. There is a pulsing reality to life. It is like a pumping action, keeping life flexible, in motion, and capable of absorption and distribution of change and new fledging realities, as well. So the Structures of Life, you see, are not all rigid, solidly formed. They are in motion as well, as life pulses into its potential.

To understand these structures, one would do well to understand their own. Your thoughts, your emotions, your decisions, choices, and engagements of the various elements of life are structured. How often have you observed one thought leading to another, one feeling leading to another? The habits and programming of your consciousness, of your being, of your bodies, repetitive to the point of slight awareness of the repetition. These structures, these patterns of existence, support each other and are the pumping action that keep life in motion, flexible, and absorbent, and expressive. This is the nature of life, our brother, and we understand this well and take fuller advantage of what they afford.

From a certain point of view, this pulsing appears or seems to be continuous motion. From other points of view, one can observe the ebb and flow of life and what it carries with it. Even your sojourns, your many lives, have pattern that resembles these Structures of Life. The choices that are made to embody and the reasons for them. Structure of one form or another is everywhere, our brother.

As to life beyond these realities: they are the causal source of these pulsings, these Structures, but they do not use them in the same way, our brother, for the reality is different.

Now, you ask the question, “How does one take advantage of or full benefit of these Structures?” By placing your attention upon and attuning to what these Structures contain and the ebb and flow of experience that moves through them, by them. When one observes a pattern in their own life, their daily routine, of choice, of emotion, of thought process, examine what is taking place. How the patterns have evolved over time, along the rich path of experience. One will learn to anticipate these movements and make clearer choices with deeper understanding, for structures and patterns have much to speak to you and their memory, so to speak, is longstanding and revelatory.

Questions to ask oneself are:  Why do you do what you do? Why do you continue to feel a certain way? And why do you have attitudes that do not seem to change, or grow, or evolve? What parts of your life do you feel stuck in and not free to change?

The life you live in your world is not who you are, but it has patterns and structures that continue. The choices, the engagements, and the results you have made. Freedom to be does not mean your engagement or involvement with these Structures of Life, but the mastering of them through understanding and observation.

May 17, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross