
JANU:    Confidence once again is the theme for our journey. The object of this confidence, for understanding, is well-being, not just in the moment but in the future. Well-being promotes peace of mind, emotional stability, and the anticipation of success in adventures.

Confidence in your well-being does not mean ignoring that needed for good health, but it does mean the body is able to respond to proper care. Remember, the body is your partner in the adventures of incarnate life and experiences everything you do.

Confidence is like a precision tool that sculpts the experience of well-being into a harmonious system of achievements.

Confidence masters any task, any challenge, including these journeys. Apply this principle at every opportunity and confidence becomes a strong foundation for exploration and understanding. Namaste.
Feb. 27, 2018                                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring further aspects of awakening into the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening into the Larger Life-Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Your life path is your choice

These are questions received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only.

Q:        What is the next step in my spiritual development? Will hands-on healing be involved? Will I teach/share via workshops & seminars?

JANU: This one has a heart center that speaks much of the qualities of the higher orders of life. There are strong patterns of nurturing and compassion. This one would do well, then, to seek after this pattern of beingness that moves with her wherever she goes or journeys in interest or involvement.

A good beginning, dear one, for proceeding in your life quest would be to identify more fully with this living and vibrant heart center within your being. There is your strength, your clarity of right perception of choice and involvement. There is revealed the life at the heart of each choice and each engagement. The workshops and seminars you speak of may be on any subject of interest to you, but the life in them or behind them that will teach or lift or open another is the channeling of life through this center we speak of. Many such opportunities for service have layers or levels of opportunity for those attending, you see. What is advertised on the door is not always the deepest level or the most meaningful.

Discover your layers and levels. The outer interests or interfaces with others, society, circumstance, explorations has behind it the layers and levels of your more core reality, you see. These outer involvements are opportunities or vehicles for the sharing and development of your true being, your core nature. When aligned with or identified with this true reality the wisdom, the vision, the insight for best choices for involvements will become clear.

You speak of laying on of hands, hands-on healing, so to speak. Certainly a grand expression for someone so centered in the heart realities or patterns. Again, dear one, a choice not a requirement. There are no requirements but there are more harmonious opportunities for expression of natural gifts or talents. Identify with that that lives within you, that that is you, and from there perceive opportunities for expression. This is a good way to begin any adventure, you see. What gives you the most joy? What expression sparks a light within you and makes you glow and seems endless in its supply and thrust for expression? Everyone has a core dream, dear one. Some are closer to the surface than others. Live in your dream and express in your world that surrounds you. This is the true marriage of the inner and the outer life, each fulfilling the other.

Approach this not with impatience or frustration but with joy and anticipation for the nature of this assimilation or identification is profound peace, enthusiasm for expression and gratitude for being. You become more complete and steadfast in your knowingness and your resolve and your commitment to carry on that the outer experiences no longer confuse you or dissuade you from your knowingness. They are only challenges and opportunities to continue in your knowingness.

It is time, dear one, for you to embrace you and move into who you are and your opportunities for fullest expression. Remembering always these journeys are never alone and you will find support along the way. For all of life embraces the realization or expansion of the light within each aspect or attribute of life. Enjoy your journey. Allow it to be filled with surprise, delight, adventure, discovery and fulfillment. May your journey always bring these qualities into the lives of others as well. We rejoice in the life that lies before you and encourage your victory. Peace be with you, dear one. Namaste.
July 12, 1996                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

Live in the Now” is another longer personal attunement with a similar message.

More Personal Attunements


Kidney disease and past life impact

This is a request received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

JANU: We are examining this condition as described for this one in the location given.

What we see here at this time is one who has narrowly escaped a condition known as sclerosis of those ducts that describe kidney and liver function. We see some bladder distension and minor irritation. The polyps in the bladder you refer to are not well described at this time, although we see these formations on the horizon. The right kidney you refer to suffers from a green substance somewhat viscous, interfering with motility. Although not prevalent in the left kidney, that natural sympathetic response between these organs may contribute development, you see. This right kidney is under increased pressure and therefore painful. A back pressure, so to speak, needing relief. There is a hypertensive condition. We see some spasm in the ureters, in the linings, triggered by a cellular chemical imbalance or deficiencies. The word “neuroplasty” comes to mind.

The trauma you anticipate from the anesthesia for this procedure comes from a time when you barely hung on to life when under medical treatment in the late sixteenth century. The confusion at that time, and the perception of pain controlling measures, improperly placed blame for your traumatic experience, when in fact it was due to sepsis following the procedure. We would suggest at this time that reinforcing that fear could produce unwarranted negative outcome, causing you to feel that your fears were justified.

Now then, as to cause and remedy. We see a certain lactose intolerance and to that of sugar as well. We see a system unable to cope successfully with certain food substances. Whole milk products are particularly troublesome, causing a bilateral confusion to various systems that induce endocrine and immune system balance. Coffee one other such. And, of course, smoking byproducts constrict vessels, contributing to the hypertension. We see the need here for detoxifying regimens, electrolyte and blood chemistry rebalancing, mild exercise, and the practice of deep breathing exercises out of doors during early morning, some midday, and early evening hours with focused visualization. The rejuvenating effect of purging the lungs and a transference of vital energies brought into the system through the breathing, you see. Allow yourself to accept and feel this pranic energy bring heat and a tingling sensation indicating rejuvenating influence through vital life support throughout the body. See the body bathing in, from the inside out, detoxifying and purifying itself.

This systemic approach will bring more balance to the systems, where one does not detract from the other nearly as much, robbing vitality from each other and being in competition rather than cooperation. These eliminative systems suggest an overloaded response to a body not in harmony or cooperation.

We see also beneficial to you a repeated tone of a single tube from a windchime, approximately 18 centimeters long and 3\4 to 1 centimeter in diameter. Allow this tone to strike a chord within your energy fields. Gently strike this device and allow it to decay in its ring without striking again until ready to absorb the next striking, you see. This will cause a response as well in the pineal gland, which will allow more light into the systems, into the bodies. Allow your being to strike a responsive note as if it were behaving like this chime. See your chakras finding alignment, purifying themselves of disturbance, and the rod of life centered through them finds harmony, fuller vitality, and a greater ability to sustain the body.

We understand your question may well be “Should I engage in this procedure that has been scheduled?” We find no fault with this procedure, for its purpose is information gathering, but understand this with clarity that these procedures do not address cause. The decision is yours, as always. Make it from the wisest, most informed position possible. Seek wise counsel, not to exclude that of your own heart and inner knowingness. The more sterile procedures of this day render obsolete the sepsis of earlier times. The anesthesia of old was not the problem, dear one. But you are correct, this condition needs looking into. We see no pathology here that you cannot overcome. Take advantage of good medical opinion, but do so with the advantage of a larger, more holistic point of view. We wish you well on this journey, dear one, and have confidence in your physicians.

July 24, 1997 E                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

For other inquiries of a health nature, see Health Issues 

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Willingness to accept healing

This is a request made on behalf of an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, but may have bearing for others. It is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.

JANU: We have with us this evening that one whom you have honored with your request for service. His needs are apparent and we shall presume to deal with his request by announcing that he will receive that needed according to his desire and willingness to accept this offering. Let us proceed, then, with this and examine his condition, including the injury to his right knee, as you have requested.

There is, as we find, a certain or fair amount of personal discouragement or dissatisfaction with those conditions brought on by many years in your time of living. Aging, then, being a product of, among other things, attitude conditioned by the common experience of his peers. We treat this condition, so to speak, by encouraging an attitude of good health and the freedom to choose the condition of his existence at any time. Once this is established, then the healing process shall begin. Let us hold, then, at this time, such ideals for him.

December 18, 2002 A                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

More attunements on Health Issues

Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.


Instant healing

JANU: You inquire this morning as to the immune system and the nature of instantaneous healing, the forces involved. We would address this in this way, our brother.

First, understand, structure in nature, the existence of the physical body, all of its systems, and the life that supports all of this maintains its integrity and patterns of existence. Every part of the body, every cell, its entire structure exists in more than one reality. The physical part of this system of life is the least causal of its condition. The True Nature of the physical is more etheric, and beyond. The link between these patterns can guide the existence of the physical, can be interfered with or strengthened by consciousness, intent, behavior. The so-called miraculous or instant healing occurs when a loving consciousness embraces these patterns of existence and coordinates them, energizes them, harmonizes them, so that the link between the physical existence and the more subtle patterns of existence become strong, uninterrupted, and balanced. Some call this “the power of love” without understanding its nature.

The love that perpetuates life creates manifestation and your existence is always present, our brother, and can be focused, holding your systems of life in embrace, intensifying their communication with each other, and pattern matching. So, when it appears that one is healing another, it is the presence of love in the nature of your being that is the power that accomplishes this. Intellectual understanding of this reality is not enough but the presence of love is the so-called magic here. Loving yourself, our brother, is not selfish. It is enhancing who you are and your service to life, of which you are a part, can realize its potential, which includes instant healing.

Now, be aware that the beginning of healing is instantaneous. The manifestation of the healing can vary. The process of healing is miraculous, worthy of gratitude and patience. Live your life as if you were well. This opens the pathway for the process of healing and change. Focus your attention upon the victory and live accordingly. Namaste.

Jan. 20, 2016                                                                   Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


Choosing a better day

JANU: Observing the questions, the desires, and the interests of humanity, a large portion concerned with health, relying on others to provide the answers. When in pain or overwhelmed with symptoms, it is more difficult to reach within so we say “Practice this in advance of illness and it will be more natural and effective during it.” And in many cases the insight gained will forewarn you of lifestyle that predisposes one for imbalance.

Another common interest is finances, financial wealth, including shelter and basic needs. In many cases, overindulgence, ineffective money management, and a lack of a savings plan create these conditions. It is possible to enjoy life that brings balance to perspective without requiring financial resources. A growing ability to find peace within, explore life and consciousness, revisit many pleasant experiences and memories, and enjoying nature is a good beginning.

Many are consumed with trepidation as to their future, including their families, their children, the nation, the government, so many elements of life. Living more in the Now brings you vision and a release from limiting concerns and an openness to adaptability to meet change and understand the nature of all of these. Living in the present is far more peaceful and rewarding than anticipating the change of the future and allows you to perceive what lives in the moment and be in harmony with it.

All of this takes practice, including letting go of limiting emotions and thoughts. The burden of these can be a source of depression. In some ways, the source of the future is your choices today. Programming your day and your tomorrow with the media perpetuates limitation and fear and distrust, which feeds the very situations that are undesirable. People choose wars, power over others, and whether realized or not, they choose poverty and illness.

Look at your choices every day. Determine if they support your true desires. Clear thinking, and opening a listening heart and mind, and a love of self translate into a better day. Namaste.

Nov. 12, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


You are capable of more than you are aware of

JANU:    We are raising the awareness of humanity to a larger view of life and their own being, their own ability. We have talked of future capabilities of humanity, but the present holds miracles as well. Currently, humanity is capable of more than it is using. Individuals can heal themselves of illnesses by utilizing their own power of choice in lifestyle and attitude and emotions and creativity. When you ask an individual if they love themselves, are happy and at peace with who they are, they seem unsure of what that means. This is the lifestyle of a happy being, of healthy body, desiring to remember or discover a new understanding. The capability exists already. Exercising and developing current capabilities begins by being aware of such, of what possibilities exist.

The discoveries we speak of can come from within or the sensitivity to perceiving the abilities of others. Life around you and within is a grand resource. Life is alive, vibrant, and in motion day and night. Ponder from time to time what you are capable of but unaware of, exploring what you already have. Many see attributes in others they are unaware of in themselves. But what do they know of their own? Your potential to explore more of life and realize these things and develop them is already within you. But individuals limit themselves by patterning their lives after the limitations of others, rather than the potentials that exist everywhere.

Why not be the source of the new idea, a deeper understanding, a string of adventures in life? Today does not have to emulate yesterday. Stimulate your imagination by using it, acting upon it, as it guides decision-making and experiences. Visualize your life as a grand adventure, including this very moment. Consider what you would enjoy achieving.

We are not suggesting only one goal at a time, for life is a co-existence of many opportunities that can expand each other and deepen the experience. Remember, there is always synergism in life. Even repeated contributions to a goal can all have a freshness and a newness about them. Imagination, creativity, commitment, and manifestation, and resulting experiences enrich your life. What occurs tomorrow may be different than today but they are connected. Be the creator you are. Your future lives today. Namaste.

Oct. 13, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mastering disease

JANU: Events that pertain to remission of disease in the human journey, collectively and individually, must be mapped as a contingency for disease no longer being created by humanity. How thoroughly entrenched the experience and idea of disease is in the human psyche. It is feared deeply, seen as something unbeckoned, the cause of which is little understood. How many can imagine a life without it, no longer the cause for death or suffering? Some on one level deny it, but on another level expect it as a common and normal occurrence.

There are many who have passed on in your world that were healthy but chose to leave. Being comprised of many systems existing in cooperation to experience incarnate life, ending the sojourn is a coordinated experience as well. This pattern of life is also subject to unenlightened fears, unwise decisions, mismanagement of resources and expressions. Entertain, if you will, a life well managed, insightful, generous, and loving. Humanity has all of these choices to make. How well does anyone understand in each day their opportunities to choose?

Understanding the opportunities of each choice, choose to own each day and all that it contains. Your life is connected to everything. All the systems of your being are one. Your choices will be made in the best understanding available to you at any point in your awakening. Consider with some care what drives your decision-making, your relationship with life and each other. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 22, 2015 B                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



As this is very similar to the concept of Precipitation, they are being posted together.

JANU:    When seeking understanding of any part of life, including your own, allow it to be. Love it into being. Attempting to create what already exists gets in the way.

You ask, “Where does creativity come into this?” Creating an aspect of consciousness that allows manifestation to occur, allowing could help. Compared to drugs and surgery, it has no negative side effects. Your entire being is designed to perform in a healthy manner. Allowing peace and balance in the life allows good health, eliminating the stress which interferes, coming from a consciousness centered in self-control and individual manipulation of life.

Realize, our brother, that each one is an expression of a larger life, the intimacy of which is restricted by thoughts and emotions based upon a consciousness of isolated independence, which does not allow the natural gifts of life to walk with you on your path. Why not allow a sense of the larger life to enhance your human experience?

Your body knows the diet it needs at any given time, but it is not often listened to. Your emotional body knows instantly discordant feelings from harmonious ones. Every part of your being knows what is taking place.

Demanding from life is one thing. Choosing and allowing is another. Focus on your desires. Allow them to manifest in harmony with the flow of life and the truth that lives within you. Namaste, our brother.

Sept. 20, 2015                                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross