This is a request received from an individual, responded to by Janu and the Brotherhood of Light, and presented here to provide a more personal connection to these journeys. The response given is directed to that particular individual, and is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.
JANU: We are examining this condition as described for this one in the location given.
What we see here at this time is one who has narrowly escaped a condition known as sclerosis of those ducts that describe kidney and liver function. We see some bladder distension and minor irritation. The polyps in the bladder you refer to are not well described at this time, although we see these formations on the horizon. The right kidney you refer to suffers from a green substance somewhat viscous, interfering with motility. Although not prevalent in the left kidney, that natural sympathetic response between these organs may contribute development, you see. This right kidney is under increased pressure and therefore painful. A back pressure, so to speak, needing relief. There is a hypertensive condition. We see some spasm in the ureters, in the linings, triggered by a cellular chemical imbalance or deficiencies. The word “neuroplasty” comes to mind.
The trauma you anticipate from the anesthesia for this procedure comes from a time when you barely hung on to life when under medical treatment in the late sixteenth century. The confusion at that time, and the perception of pain controlling measures, improperly placed blame for your traumatic experience, when in fact it was due to sepsis following the procedure. We would suggest at this time that reinforcing that fear could produce unwarranted negative outcome, causing you to feel that your fears were justified.
Now then, as to cause and remedy. We see a certain lactose intolerance and to that of sugar as well. We see a system unable to cope successfully with certain food substances. Whole milk products are particularly troublesome, causing a bilateral confusion to various systems that induce endocrine and immune system balance. Coffee one other such. And, of course, smoking byproducts constrict vessels, contributing to the hypertension. We see the need here for detoxifying regimens, electrolyte and blood chemistry rebalancing, mild exercise, and the practice of deep breathing exercises out of doors during early morning, some midday, and early evening hours with focused visualization. The rejuvenating effect of purging the lungs and a transference of vital energies brought into the system through the breathing, you see. Allow yourself to accept and feel this pranic energy bring heat and a tingling sensation indicating rejuvenating influence through vital life support throughout the body. See the body bathing in, from the inside out, detoxifying and purifying itself.
This systemic approach will bring more balance to the systems, where one does not detract from the other nearly as much, robbing vitality from each other and being in competition rather than cooperation. These eliminative systems suggest an overloaded response to a body not in harmony or cooperation.
We see also beneficial to you a repeated tone of a single tube from a windchime, approximately 18 centimeters long and 3\4 to 1 centimeter in diameter. Allow this tone to strike a chord within your energy fields. Gently strike this device and allow it to decay in its ring without striking again until ready to absorb the next striking, you see. This will cause a response as well in the pineal gland, which will allow more light into the systems, into the bodies. Allow your being to strike a responsive note as if it were behaving like this chime. See your chakras finding alignment, purifying themselves of disturbance, and the rod of life centered through them finds harmony, fuller vitality, and a greater ability to sustain the body.
We understand your question may well be “Should I engage in this procedure that has been scheduled?” We find no fault with this procedure, for its purpose is information gathering, but understand this with clarity that these procedures do not address cause. The decision is yours, as always. Make it from the wisest, most informed position possible. Seek wise counsel, not to exclude that of your own heart and inner knowingness. The more sterile procedures of this day render obsolete the sepsis of earlier times. The anesthesia of old was not the problem, dear one. But you are correct, this condition needs looking into. We see no pathology here that you cannot overcome. Take advantage of good medical opinion, but do so with the advantage of a larger, more holistic point of view. We wish you well on this journey, dear one, and have confidence in your physicians.
July 24, 1997 E Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
For other inquiries of a health nature, see Health Issues
Please remember that all content is presented for research purposes only. All health concerns should be referred to a licensed healthcare professional.