Finding truth

JANU: Your request has been heard, to explore the reality of finding truth.  Interesting challenges that reveal much about the truth seeker. Recanting preferences, biases, prejudices, misperceptions, preferred outcomes, personal motives is not easy. For many, these conditions are natural and normal. Definitely common.

What is truth, then?” you ask. The ‘isness’ of reality. An accurate observation of life and its patterns, according to the limitations or strengths of individual consciousness, powers of perception, and discernment.

So, where does one begin on the quest? The continuing best response is a growing conscious relationship with the Divine within you, your True Nature, your true being, the source of your integrity. Truth always exists. Even the question asked has bias, unclear patterns of motive, that must be sifted through for a response as revealing as possible. But the beauty of life is, even though imperfect, and the questions can be asked repeatedly, allowing for processing, the evolution of consciousness, and the maturity of the questioner. For there is always another layer of truth to be sensed, to be understood and processed.

Truth is not a destination. It is a process of life in motion. One tends to define truth as absolute, unalterable, eternal. The Essential Nature is, but not its many manifestations and evolving reality, which must do so, for life itself is evolving, changing, maturing, deepening. So, finding truth is finding the level of truthful reality that works for you, that is understandable, that can be processed and applied to enhance understanding, to strengthen the foundation and purpose and meaning for your life.

Even in the midst of all these influences, finding truth is the path of conscious reunion with all that is, including who you are. Namaste.
July 24, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


What is truth and what is not?

JANU:    We are enumerating once more the value of truth. The question always remains: What is truth and what isn’t? For everyone, their truth is theirs, unique in its way, applicable to their circumstance and consciousness, to their exposure and ownership of their being and their experience. Truth evolves, because life evolves. The conditions and circumstance, content, the creations, everything changes. Truth is part of this, and must change with it.

So, how does one discern truth for themselves? It is accomplished through discernment, which is rooted in the wisdom of the True Nature, which has access to all the individual has known and experienced, as well as the rest of the Larger Life and an understanding and connection with the flow of life. The history of life, its potential, its trends and patterns. Innate in each one is this discernment; and, of course, every truth is proven through application, experience, observation, and what it creates. So, even understanding evolves, for what is being understood is changing. What is true for one may make no sense to another, yet each has their grasp of truth. All part of life, all combined into one life, one reality of being. This is how diverse life is.

What is true and what is not? Always a valid question, subject to perception. So let us approach sharing with others in this way. Each have their truth. Temporary though it may be, it is valid at that moment. Exposing truths to each other must be met with tolerance, as much understanding as possible, and respect for each other, for there is much to learn from each one. And, in an unlimited way, truth is explored. Thank you and namaste
July 22, 2019                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The blessing of challenges

JANU:    Challenges exist as opportunity to be understood, used in practice, demonstrated as inspiration to others. Every challenge coexists with the solution. The opportunity here is to experience the relationship, develop access to the solution, employ and gain wisdom from the experience of the resolution. Whether on a small personal scale or globally, humanity has that option. Life is balanced in that way. Creativity and destruction coexist. The solution in this is evolution. The byproduct is wisdom.

This is why the physical existence exists as it is. It is a bipolar opportunity for life to evolve. Yes, there are counterparts to this in the subtler realms of life with their own complexities, nuances, layers and levels of reality. But what you gain here in this area has its application in your approach to life, your engagement of life when discarnate. So see recycling of life, life’s expression, in this new way. The life path and destiny of individuals has this theme as well. Your own physical existence operates in this way.

Develop perception to understand this balance, witness its presence, and employ it. Life is more meaningful in this way, more productive, more understandable. Namaste.
July 16, 2019                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Life patterns and manifestations

JANU:    Enormous, then, is the opportunity to proceed along the lines of divergent esoteric technology. By this we mean the prolonged appearance of diverse creations that exist in a persistent manner. Witness the discovery of new species by science. There will always be new species, for this is life in motion, creating and re-creating. The realization of vast potential of these creations is not random, without foundation, principal influences and elements. And, as life evolves in its creations, these creations support new ones.

The discovery of large creatures does not mean they arrived from another location, but evolved where they are. As life coexists, so do the patterns. And the pattern in one location, in the right conditions, can be created in another. Understanding the source of discoveries should be seen in this way.

It is thought that a species, once thought so-called extinct, cannot re-create. Life patterns coexist. And they exist multi-dimensionally. Now, the conditions of existence change, and the opportunity for manifestation comes and goes. Repeating life patterns can be modified from one expression to another. Witness dinosaurs and birds. The parameters of existence are not fixed, but the patterns of life, whether the creations are extinct or not, are recorded and can be known.

Much to be discovered in this arena. Namaste.
June 13, 2019                                                               2019 by Joshua Ross


Honoring the so-called prophets

JANU: We are summarizing the focus and intent of Life to pursue expression. Part of the nature of this are the so-called prophets in human history. Each in their own way portending the different thrusts of life into realization, expansion, continuation. Each one has tapped into the nature of this, as do our journeys. Each of these share the nature of humanity and its purpose, its potential with a slightly larger view of life that includes the rest of humanity.

Setting each of these on a pedestal, so to speak, as unreachable or beyond the ken of their neighbors does a disservice to their core nature of service. Enlightenment being one of these. The evolution of humanity another. Realization of discoveries and the ownership of experience.

So see each of these in a new way, as a companion. Both journeying through life, serving in each one’s unique way and, of course, present as everyone is. United in the bond of True Natures. Time cannot separate you, only perception. They are emissaries of the Larger Life, as is everyone. Honor their service by fulfilling your own. Their truth that they lived is knowable. Namaste.
June 10, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The synergism of life

JANU: The intent for today’s journey comes from an abiding faith in the destiny of life. We, of course, are a part of this, as are you. Reach then into the abyss, so to speak, for the fundamental understanding that brings life together in awareness, in consciousness. Synergism is everywhere. Not always understood or appreciated but belongs to a generation of understanding that transcends time.

We would have you know this point to be made: that there exists within each one a fundamental essence of nature in consciousness that is connected to, and interacts with, the essence of everything. So, as we probe the mysteries of life and human evolution, let us be mindful that this exists within each one. So one achievement, one accomplishment is universally beneficial.

The oneness of life is omnipresent. Experience this reality when pondering the vastness of life. Namaste.
May 21, 2019                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The quintessential modality

JANU: We summarizing, even in these early stages of development, the quintessential modality of exploration, assimilation, and distribution of the nature of life and its expressions.

Yes, we are in the ‘peace business’ if you want to call it that, the harmonious flow of life in motion, which includes an endless array of coexisting elements. Being at peace allows the flow of these that are being explored to be absorbed in their natural way, through clarity of perception and assimilation of understanding and influence.

We perceive these things, our brother, as you requested by seeking to know the truth of the Larger Life and engage it in consciousness and in service. Trust that the unfoldment and evolution of this has intelligence and wisdom and is filled with an ancient yet evolving tradition of life in motion. Shine this light on any doubts that arise. The revelations will come. Namaste.
May 15, 2019
Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The process of being

JANU: We are summoning, then, the Powers that Be that bring about change. Change is nestled in opportunity, which is nestled in potential, which is nestled in the Larger Life. Much has been spoken of individual reality but not as much, so far, as to the reality of coexistence, the collective potential of Life itself, which includes all of individuality.

What we focus on at this time is a peace offering to those who struggle individually reaching for meaning, purpose, direction, and survival. Conflicts arise from this. Attempts to interpret spirituality, even document it, write books about it, and presume to speak for it. The agnostic is moving in the right direction, endeavoring once more to have a clearer perception of reality, what consciousness can be.

The forces summoned at this time address this, the forces of change and evolution. We speak this with clarity, to and through the True Nature of life expressions. All is well, for life is in motion, change is in motion, wisdom is in motion, love is in motion. Nothing is lost. This is the process of being. Namaste.
May 14, 2019 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Elements of awakening

JANU: We are continuing with our discourse and development of the elements of awakening. We are best suited for this, due to the fact that there exists within the human consciousness trace memories of the Larger Life and the reasons and choices involved in reincarnating at this time in human history. There is a growing need amongst humanity to more completely realize its potential, indicated by its achievements and growth in understanding and embracing life through service to each other, reinforced by the dichotomy of conflicts, human suffering, and ignorance to opportunities.

We of the Brotherhood of Light persist in integrity of consciousness, true nature, and life’s flow of opportunities to evolve and awaken. Let us restore, then, that which has been set aside as humanity moves towards the realization of its own potential by way of awakening and experience. Opportunities are created by the consciousness and the wisdom that is becoming increasingly ready for fulfillment of potential.

The adventure continues, rich in deed and ownership of integrity. Namaste.
May 14, 2019                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Change without chaos or collapse

JANU: What we serve here is the stability of the free markets of your time, for they serve the public and what we reach for here, during these times of change, is a modicum of stability.

Stability, then, does not fly in the face of change, but allows change to occur without loss of function. Otherwise, the theme becomes survival, desperate survival, and this can retard humanity’s evolution. We of the Brotherhood of Light enjoin you to serve the need for stability as humanity reaches for direction. It is not the intent here to disregard, or abandon, much of what humanity has achieved, even though profound changes are coming. What we seek here is to support that which will serve humanity in its new directions.

There is a tipping point to be considered and measured when it comes to that which must be left behind or that which must continue. Government, industry, religion, economics, culture, and decency are in the mix, you see. Science and technology, and the arts, as well.

So, what we serve this evening is transition without chaos or collapse. This is possible, not just in your nation, but worldwide. Remember, these are human choices in humanity’s society. Our path is to inspire. Namaste.
Dec. 10, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.