Awakening and evolving are co-existing realities

JANU: We are surveying, if you will, this tapestry we call evolution. What is evolution then, our brother, but the realization of potential as a process. The physical body, for some, only deteriorates over time. On the contrary, it is evolving. No need for cycles of birth to evolve. Of course, there is evolution, too.

The theme here is to evolve as a complete being. While incarnate, that’s part of it. But the patterns of incarnation evolve as well. The body is a living system responding moment by moment to the evolution of consciousness and the total being. See your incarnate life as part of the evolution of your being. And from a larger perspective, your potential is evolving as well. Everything in motion.

The path of discovery and realization is endless and part of the nature of your well-being. Much of the cause of disease and illness is a disconnect, to varying degrees, from this understanding and way of life. It isolates your human identity from the larger life with its resources, rejuvenation, and evolutionary influences. Once again, a reason for awakening.

Humanity tends to perceive itself as something separate from the rest of the creatures of the Earth. Unique, yes, our brother, but not separate. All of life is connected and can mutually benefit. There are those who experience and understand to a degree the consciousness of creatures and even communicate in certain ways, and through this they benefit from the calm, from the simple perspectives, the flow of perceptions and feelings of these creatures. Some have sojourns far longer than humans and there is a wisdom gained there, so well becomes attuned to the evolutionary consciousness of your entire being. Include the creatures as well in your experience, in your understanding, in your perspective. Yes, and you are one of the creatures of Light as well.   Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2016                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Realizing potential

JANU: During the beginning of each incarnation, there is an assessment of potential in the environment of opportunity to manifest it. Now, potential is not a single possibility, but can be a broad range of expressions and achievements and services. The question for many is: How do I become aware of this?

As with any true realization, our brother, there is an energetic and illumined response when the attention is placed upon a true possibility. We of the Brotherhood of Light recognize this and encourage it. There are many opportunities, as one walks through their lifetime, to observe that which becomes a catalyst for memory and inner awakening to potential, to desire, to passion for creating and becoming. When your attention is placed upon this, it heightens the sensitivity for discovery.

Now, this does not suggest the comparing of one’s potential to another’s for significance and demonstrative result, ego gratification, if you will. But the gift of potential and its realization brings a deep joy that cannot be measured. And that joy sustains the development of potential that is true.

Humanity mostly includes a wide range of choices in behavior, the conducting of one’s life. And not all these choices bring happiness or peace of mind. They are part of the package, if you will, of growing into the refinement of life through experimentation to discover the results of choices and make changes. The discovery of potential carries some of these qualities. For some it is a long path and for others there is an inner knowing that seems always to have been with them.

All true potentials, our brother, have merit and serve life. Even the choices of experimentation to discover potential serve the evolving consciousness into awakening. Life is filled with opportunities of refinement, the winnowing if you will, of choices into preferred results, bringing clarity and purpose. Encourage each other into self-realization, without condemnation or judgement. In many ways, life is an experiment into evolution, realization, creativity.

Be thoughtful in your choices. Be observant in the results of these. Carefully consider any changes. Learn from each other’s experimentation and continue on. To we who observe over the eons of time, humanity is evolving, awakening, and realizing its potential. As some would say, “Keep the faith” and continue. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The creation of a universe

JANU: We are exploring creation with you, hearing your inquiry as to the essential nature of the universe and its creations.

What we see here, our brother, are patterns of life generated during the moment of the first beginning. These patterns are the product of consciousness not understood by the incarnate mind, but a universe of time/space properties, parameters of existence, is created from consciousness beyond these parameters. The universe has time/space patterns of life, much as DNA in the body, initiating and continuously regulating the creation with patterns of unfoldment, evolution, development. There is intelligence behind this and it is not the deity of human creation or desire.

You reflect upon the experience of exploring a singularity. (Two other posts relating to this concept: Experiencing the Now and The scope of life.) This is not unlike the moment of truth of the so-called spark that creates a universe, or should we say the beginnings of one, and the inherent patterns. As you know, there are many such universes beyond your own and reality beyond universe. The patterns of life that build a universe and maintain it have an origin, but one must be conscious beyond time/space to perceive them. The singularity journey was such a one and, when taken, reveals new understanding and perception.

People are in awe of the power involved, the energy in creation of a universe. These patterns we speak of generate the power, or should we say allow the creation of, the patterns of which exist beyond time/space. Therefore, there must be an accumulation of principle pattern as a non-physical catalyst for the patterns of physical creation, a relationship that is continuous and co-exists. Even as you as a human being co-exist with subtler and non-physical realities of your own existence, your own being, so does the universe and everything in it.

Approach these revelations, our brother, with gentle allowing, assuming nothing but open to everything that is. Namaste.
Dec. 2, 2016 B                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Ponderables on the path of awakening

JANU: ‘Ponderables’ is the theme here, on the path of awakening. What is there to ponder, our brother, to consider, to attune to, to explore, to understand, and to apply? You ask questions such as the non-physical reality of the universe, singularities, perspectives beyond time/space, the nature of subtler realities, human consciousness in the presence of the True Nature’s consciousness, and then, of course, identity—more to the point: identities. These are only a few ‘ponderables’ on the path to awakening.

These elements of reality are not just born of the human consciousness but the True Nature asks these questions as well, such as: What is life? And the question “What is not life?” does it have any merit at all? So as you consider these ‘ponderables,’ consider them in the presence of your True Nature, that which can connect with these understandings and reveal them, at least to varying degrees. Steppingstones of understanding, our brother, that are evolving as is your consciousness. Revelations in these areas of interest spawn more ‘ponderables.’ Not to be overwhelmed but to embrace these and awaken to a larger life, or at least part of it.

Awakening, our brother, in its truth is a never-ending process of reality. Serving the awakening of humanity is a grand journey. The wisdom that accompanies this is a grand journey as well, you see. Remember: The understandings you achieve are not yours alone, but the legacy of life for everyone. Given to whet the appetite, so to speak.

The magic of journeying is revealed through the embrace of a ‘ponderable.’ Ask your questions. Open to the presence of your True Nature and its connection to the larger life. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2016 B                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Observations of the awakening of humanity

JANU: We are encouraged by the many commitments to awakening and the perspectives of so many to the meaning. What we see changing here, evolving and growing, is the collective human consciousness, its greater grasp and command of creativity, the energy and patterns that consciousness creates. This we see growing, and more and more individuals and groups will recognize the reality of this, which will bring encouragement to develop further. The byproduct of awakening, the enrichments, fulfillments, peace and joy from revelation, brings a kind of glow to the radiations of consciousness globally. It is working, our brother, but it is a process and is earned through commitment and engagement, insight and understanding, and a growing concern for each other. Many challenges to old patterns of consciousness, cherished beliefs, philosophies, and the so-called ‘laws of life.’

Yes, even the creatures of the Earth are evolving, becoming more conscious. Human consciousness has a history with the collective consciousness of the creatures of the Earth. There have been pockets of understanding in native cultures but these did not find harmony with the norms of society and took a back seat to the norms and pressures of economies. Humanity will evolve into a conscious cooperation, a partnership with the life of the Earth, and both will benefit.

Among the obstacles to achievement are fear. Fear of each other. Fear of nature, and disconnection. When the feeling of being alone or disconnected is established, it is difficult to return to connection because the nature of this is forgotten. But the instinct that it exists remains. When reaching for something more than society, let not society’s patterns control your perceptions, limit them, shape them. For true connection with the larger life, our brother, is so much more. What most people believe they cannot accomplish can be accomplished. The laws of nature, so to speak, do not control consciousness, the nature of the larger life. All things are possible, but not if you don’t accept them.

Understand your motives for any accomplishment, any desire, any creative impulse. The ability to ask a question and gain understanding that proves itself is one of many questions, each one a key to understanding and engagement. Revelation, our brother, leads to another and another. It is a privilege to observe the human consciousness awaken and evolve. Namaste.
Nov. 21, 2016 B                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The faces of love

JANU: We are initiating a follow up on the progressed dynamics of the featured events of human destiny, in the short term.

To begin with, let us share a moment of understanding in the essential nature of love, which in time will shape human destiny more and more. Love seems to have a different face depending upon circumstances and evolution in consciousness. The face we see at this time, for exploration, is inner peace and, through this, peace with each other, replacing anger with understanding, judgment with patience, fear with a faith and trust in life as a grander reality. A sense of well-being not limited to physical conditions. A love that lives in the True Nature, coming ever closer to a conscious presence.

What makes the face of love appear differently is determined by the sensitivity of the individual to its influence and manifestation. This is why the face of love can appear differently with the same individual from time to time. When an individual awakens and embraces the face of love that lives within them, their physical expression, countenance, radiation expresses this and is perceived by others. Not always understood, but noticed, for this expression touches the truth in them, which is difficult to ignore.

One does not create this condition. It is the product of awakening. Allow your True Nature to join you and become the face of love as you may. Namaste.
Oct. 28, 2016 B                                                                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Recognizing and evolving patterns

JANU: We are encouraging a departure from limiting patterns of consciousness and behavior impressed by social consciousness and experience. These many journeys are new patterns of being, to the incarnate journeyer, that enlarge and awaken the larger identity of being, making possible greater strides of achievement in time/space existence.

The patterns of limiting belief systems are not so much an adventure into the larger life but a sense of safety in the more limited life, choosing the known rather than the unknown and resting in that. There are patterns of life, unbeknownst to many, already created by others who have journeyed in the larger life. These are not required for you to adopt or assume, but are available as possibilities, to explore or not. Embracing your True Nature consciously as an integrated and unified experience reveals these, allowing for the reshaping of the adventures of life as you choose.

Life is incredibly rich with patterns of experience and understanding, available in consciousness without the need to travel physically anywhere, for consciousness does not have those limitations, nor does your True Nature which, we say again, is who you are. You never lost this ability. It was just hidden for a time, allowing for you to begin the experience of a new adventure called the incarnate life. As life is always in motion, so is your consciousness.

The question remains: Can you recognize a pattern, any pattern in your life, that may have purpose but is limited as well? And are you open to modifications or replacements? The sense of being stuck in a pattern is not an uncommon occurrence. What to do about it is the challenge and opportunity. Belief systems, best served when they are temporary, can lead to direct experience and knowledge; a pattern fulfilling its destiny but evolving.

Discover your patterns. Understand them. Allow them to evolve into new understandings and new experiences. Remember, your True Nature is evolving as well, aren’t you? Namaste.
Oct. 29, 2016                                                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Understanding limitations

JANU: We are Janu speaking, unencumbered by limitations that seem so routine for the incarnate life. So let us explore the merits of incarnate limitation.

Time is a constraint allowing process to unfold and fulfill itself. Breathing rate is a limitation. It matches the capacities of the physical absorption process, lungs if you will, oxygen uptake, the body processes. Weather is limiting. Solar radiation, gravity, emotions, light and color, and, yes, even understanding. Without these limitations, how would incarnate life function in its current state of evolution?

So it is for the awakening process. It has its limitations appropriate to the evolution of incarnate life, personality, ego, and understanding. Recognizing the need for limitations that are evolving is part of wisdom, our brother. Understanding the incarnate life includes this as well. Patience with each other, caring and understanding have their limitations as well, but these vary. The so-called great ones in your history had their limitations but they embraced them and evolved them with the greater wisdom, memories, and understanding of the larger life, the True Nature.

So, as you awaken, evolve your consciousness by embracing your True Nature, its capacity for love and understanding which is evolving. Your True Nature has always been your partner in your incarnate journeys. It understands the limitations you perceive in awakening, recognizes their merit, their safeguards for progressing sanely in balance.

All of life has protocols, so-called boundaries. Harmonious balances, yet at the same time co-existing; self-determination and choices. Limitations are feedback on your awakening, your maturity, your wisdom. They are not fixed; they are in motion. They are part of the life that you are. Understand their messages, mirrors of your consciousness as a co-creator. Life is a symphony, our brother, and everything plays its part. Be one with the music. Sing your song, always learning new melodies as you grow. Namaste.
Oct. 26, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.


A conscious path of awakening

JANU: Setting foot on the path of awakening as a conscious choice can be a bit demanding, depending upon your desires. This is why we encourage patience and peace, allowing for the assimilation of new experiences and understandings. The tendency to set time limits for goals and achievements is a time/space phenomenon based on limitations of one sojourn. But the journey we speak of, our brother, is larger than that but includes all of that. Making changes in your life by way of your choices is part of this path of intentional awakening.

Always be mindful of self-imposed pressures to achieve. Awakening is a liberating and peace filled journey. Every moment of every day has its connection to this. Awakening is a natural process, self-perpetuating by way of achievement in consciousness and life experience. The wisdom gained clears the way for confidence to achieve more. Awakening is a way of living and there is no timetable required for this process to continue, other than what you impose.

Life flows, our brother, and so does yours. Honor the life flows of others—and not just people. Judgments can be distracting and alter the journey. Grow in sensitivity to your energy patterns and their ease of movement. Many achievements are a continuation of past experience and wisdom gaining. Allow these as well. Hold on to your values and integrity but allow them to evolve as well. See the life flow or motion of life in everything.

All of existence, our brother, has its integrity. Gain your insights; make your choices; engage life as you choose; allow yourself the freedom to make course corrections, if you will, free of self-judgment or condemnation. Journey in peace, and namaste.
Oct. 25, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 8 contains all prior attunements in this series.



JANU: The discussion or reality of origins is a vast one, indeed. It relates to the origin of life itself. And what is life that has an origin, you see? In considering origins of unique consciousnesses, not only are these consciousnesses one but unique expressions of a more universal life, a more cosmic reality that co-exists completely with all expressions of life. Origins matter to a degree, for they speak of foundations of experience, wisdom, understanding, journeys of life, creating unique perspectives adding to the diversity of life, the multiplicity of existence and perspectives.

There are those of humanity who seek to know their origins physically for the same reasons, even though more limited in depth and scope, for that is a function of their current consciousness and understanding. But the motivation is there.

Your true lineage has more to do with your evolution in consciousness, not just what you are exploring at the moment but all of your explorations, encounters, observations, and experiences with countless life forms, not just humanity, you see. Your True Nature is a vast resource, with capabilities, accesses, perceptions, of which the human ones are but a small part but important nonetheless. What is the origin of a thought? Can a thought be original, and if so, to what sense, to what degree? The oneness, the connectedness of life makes this difficult to answer, for so much of thought is a product of the atmosphere of thought that co-exists with life, a collaboration of realities.

You ask, “Do origins matter in the scheme of things?” They do, our brother, for they help understanding the nature of creation and your own being. So, occasionally allow your consciousness, your inquiry to explore origin, which helps place the elements of life in perspective. The exploration of origins inevitably connects you with the origins of other life realities. Appreciate the beauty of life in journeys of this nature. Namaste.
Oct. 14, 2016 B                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 7 contains all prior attunements in this series.