New Earth

JANU:  We are changing course then this morning as a result of a venue of opportunity calling on our attention. This venue we speak of dominates the emerging life on new worlds and the reappearance of life on others.

There is a new world in your vicinity where the new life exists and is, if you will, in its incubation period. It belongs to a region of stars in your equatorial sky. It is embryonic to the point where one would be hard pressed to predict species, but many of the beings to incarnate are from the Earth, for a reason. Humanity’s consciousness is not ready yet for such responsibility of oversight and guidance, but humanity will have a bond, a common footing with this new species and will be ready when it’s time.

By design, this species will advance quickly, becoming more conscious even than humanity is at this point. Much to come of this, our brother. In a very limited way, let us refer to this as the ‘new Earth,’ for connection purposes.

July 11, 2014                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Are E.T.s on Earth and what are they doing?

JANU: Yes, brother, there are extra-terrestrials involved in the Earth and, in one way or another, always have been. The original Earth experiment of humanity required humanity to evolve on its own merit, as far as it knew. The extraterrestrial presence from time to time was, and is, to assist here and there, for the most part unannounced. Not to jeopardize the experiment, you see. There came moments when more direct involvement, carefully managed, was called for. More so when certain humans evolved to the point of understanding, where direct contact was possible and contained to those involved. The mission is similar at this time, but with different elements of involvement, those who research, medicine, science, some religions, and politics. Yes, even music and the arts are benefiting from their presence, even at this time.

You ask, “Why not just let humanity achieve these advances on their own, in their own way?” The answer, our brother, is: humanity’s evolution is not just for humanity, but for those its future will involve. The evolution of life everywhere is undergoing changes, adjustments, re-direction, and coordination, to facilitate the potential of life. The extra-terrestrials, and others, are part of this, and humanity will be part of this as well, as it matures. Many so-called free thinkers, philosophers, and leaders have understood this. So, you see, the evolution of humanity is balanced between initiative, creativity, and coordination with more of life, and other understandings. Life is a balance between all of these, at different times and different ways. Consider, then, the reality of inspiration in the guidance and opportunity.

Humanity has never been truly alone on its path, for its path is part of a larger life, not just of the Earth. Remember, life is connected. Humanity is one, in ways it has yet to understand, but it will. Namaste, our brother.

July 7, 2014 B                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Repositories of Knowledge

JANU: For this evening’s journey, we would begin by saying that all of this Brotherhood of Light are honored by the achievements of humanity, for many key awakenings and achievements have been recorded. The significance of these is that they prepare humanity for more profound levels of understanding and achievement. Understand this, our brother: that any achievement of humanity is a shadow of larger achievements. We of the Brotherhood of Light hold the vision for humanity to take its place among the stars, so to speak, making its contribution with so many other worlds and species growing into their truth.

Humanity of the Earth will be part of a composite of a focus of information exchange with countless other worlds, who have access to this repository, a living repository, evolving constantly, to be inspired and informed. Wise and accomplished beings will serve those who embrace this repository with conveyance of meaning across the barriers of language, or should we say limitations. Other repositories, part of other realities of life, are part of the network of the tapestry of Life.

You ask if too much information stifles the passion for creativity? It can, our brother. For those who are awakened, enlightened, in the larger reality of life, will not succumb to this, and those who do will be no longer attuned to the repository. Life’s natural balance and way of metering, if you will, the power and the wisdom of enlightenment.

July 16, 2014 B                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The evidence that humanity is not alone

JANU:  The focus this evening represents the culmination of an element of the human journey, and that is the “alone in the universe” perception. The absence of events to the contrary would speak volumes to many that the perception is valid. But the evidence is there, our brother, to be recognized for what it is. And the evidence is humanity itself.

So, where did the human body in its present form come from? You use the term ‘intelligent design’ at this time. What intelligence do you speak of? Certainly not the nebulous one, full of vagueness, ambiguity, and belief. Belief being nudged into the background, so to speak, by a growing discernment, logical thought, a growing sense of ‘something more’ that can be understood.

Humanity co-creates, not always understanding the process or the results. Now, how does co-creation indicate that humanity is not alone in the universe? It speaks of creation without understanding process. So, if humanity was created, isn’t it likely that, in a universe this size, others were created as well? Life does not place all of its eggs in one basket. So if others were created on other worlds, with different paths of evolution, consciousness, creativity, faculties, and gifts of ability, would it not be likely that the universe has a richness of life to benefit from? Is it reasonable that a genius would separate itself into components with no communication, no cooperation, no collaboration, no interaction?

So exploring that humanity itself is the evidence of not being alone in life is worthy of consideration. And to know it’s a matter of the process of time for the discovery to be made, that knowledge of and communication with other life forms, other species, other intelligences are in the offing. We trust those will bring an inquiry of many perspectives in the search for the Truth of Life. And we invite these, our brother. Namaste.

July 10, 2014 B                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

T-184: The triune nature of life

T184 copyright © Colin Andrews 1995

JANU:   Today’s designation T-184, of three concentric circles, brings to mind the understanding that the aspect of this applies to much of life: the triune nature of humanity; past, present and future; the balancing and focusing nature of a pyramid, as above, so below; and creation—father, mother, child; conscious mind, sub-conscious mind, and super-conscious mind. The list goes on and on.

What this glyph represents is the nature of life in this universe. And we are part of this as well, our brother. When planning a change in your life, examine its triune nature: what has been in this direction, what exists at the present, and its potential, not only around you but within you as well. The theme here is balance, equal potential opportunity and the process and power of loving this into your experience.

The circles represent the cycles of existence. The spaces between them represent the layers of life. The three layers represent co-existence, which comes from True Oneness and the One Life. The triune nature of one’s life is the key to balance. Balance is the key to peace. And True Peace is the key to the power of Oneness. Namaste.

June 10, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Seeing the truth behind wars and terrorism

JANU:    These journeys into legacies of past civilizations represent much of what is to come for humanity, for even then there was knowledge of human potential and interaction with the larger life. This legacy was deposited here by representatives of its origin.

This legacy can best be described as fortuitous for humanity, for it brings fortune upon those who endeavor to exact the best of themselves and humanity for world peace. For without it the waste of resources, time, energy, and lives would interfere with humanity’s immediate future. To bring about world peace, humanity must collectively value this above the disturbances and conflicts.

Now, those consumed with the fear of wars and the like blocking their vision, their clarity of workable alternatives, this legacy inspires or encourages humanity to see the beginnings of a viable alternative and demand it of their leaders through non-participation with their decisions of force and destruction, warring, and the economies of these. For where would the current wars be, without the colossal funding borne on the backs of the people who want a better life? This legacy brings clarity to the public perception of the truth behind wars, terrorism, and the like, those who instigate such, and their hidden agendas. Once again, the importance of awakening for the public, the masses, to see the truth, for the leaders of these conflicts are not so inclined to withdraw.

The people are beginning to exercise their power in areas of conflict around the world, but this will grow. Nonviolent non-cooperation will be a component. The True Nature of humanity is in harmony with the ideals of this legacy and is the authority for these changes.

Apr. 19, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Collaborative Journeying: the Star Journeyers

JANU:    For today’s journey, let us consider the numerous opportunities for collaborative journeying. Not all journeying resembles this morning’s setting and not all journeyers are incarnate; in fact, most are not. Today we will connect with a journeyer of the stars, one who embraces life on that scale and sees life from that perspective. This one belongs to a group of journeyers who explore the universe and encourage each other to embrace more. Having been one of these, in some ways, we return to this setting and explore our experiences and understanding with these.

STAR JOURNEYER: Yes, greetings, our brother. Returning we have, and welcome your collaboration with the Star Journeyers. Now, we use that name as focal points for our exploration of life, but we have other areas of interest as well, as you well know. This journey of yours this morning, and this connection, will return the memories of many others, for this has become a natural environment for you and one in which you are very comfortable. And you know this to be true.

Consider, then, the service to your world where you now reside from this perspective of life and its vastness and richness and countless journeyers. There are realities of life here that can expand human consciousness, leaving behind the miseries of your frustrations, illnesses, conflicts, depressions, and isolation. So journey well and lift the consciousness of humanity as you may, to enjoy the journeyers of the stars and many others in a life of greater freedom, peace of mind, and joy for living. Yes, we love humanity and many other cultures, worlds, beings. From this perspective of life, one embraces the variations with the theme of “We are one.”

Apr. 11, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


T-183: An intimate embrace of the future

copyright © Colin Andrews 1995

Another recent journey using glyph patterns of Colin Andrews. For all journeys to date, see Crop Circle page.

JANU:    As this pattern suggests, there is a diminishing need for the curtailing of resonance with what lies before humanity. This glyph is designed to encourage humanity to shake loose of patterns of limitation, withdrawal, isolation, circling the wagons if you will. There will be a tendency in the future, as humanity expands its reach beyond the Earth, to perceive the unknown, the future, with trepidation. Humanity has repeated this pattern in the past, with a larger purpose of regrouping, if you will, identifying its own strengths and weaknesses, but seldom identifying its patterns of perception and the foundations for them.

This glyph represents a return to the testing time, if you will, and the future will always provide this opportunity to re-examine, for when embracing the future, our brother, one must always ask the question, “Embracing with what? From where? Why?” The more humanity awakens, the more these questions will be understood in advance and revealed during the experience, for revelation occurs, not just for humanity but for life itself. Embracing this pattern in this new way, approaching oneness, one experiences its meaning, eliminating fear of the unknown from the future of another part of life, but embracing as your own and, yes, being embraced as part of life.

Apr. 5, 2014                                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Observing each other’s lifestyle for mutual benefit

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us embark upon the tale of two worlds, beset with struggle, conflict, much unrest. Then they discovered each other and prolonged their struggles until one could see the futility in the other of such behavior, and communicated this to each other. Realizing that, together, with one observing and one portraying, they could do better. So they used this relationship to monitor each other’s progress, inspire each other, taking counsel from each other, and achieved a greatness in their cultures never even dreamed of.

They have taken this principle to other worlds as an example of what can be achieved and have inspired many to pair up, if you will, to help each other. For, you see, even in the human environment, it is easier to see the faults or difficulties in another than in yourself. The challenge and the opportunity is to see the wisdom in the counsel of another reflecting to you what they observe, and both parties growing in their honesty of their mutual appraisals and perceptions.

Coupling in your culture, marriage if you will, can have this scenario as well. We see this opportunity missed in many of your couplings around the world. Would that it be taught more clearly and carefully and effectively, one to another. This principle occurs whether the coupling is heterosexual or not. This is not the issue.

So be at peace with relationships in difficulty, realizing that this principle is yet to be applied. Namaste.

Mar. 26, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Lanto: The ability to be that which has never been

LANTO:   Yes, peace be yours, our brother, as we find our peace in our new adventure, moving into new life vistas unlike any that we have known. At the moment in our journey, we are savoring the rich flavor of life energies that are new and quite different and are becoming conscious of being re-molded, re-formed as our new existence progresses. Now, our new existence is not a total departure from all we have known and been, but includes the essence of these as a foundation for understanding, appreciating a finer reality. And through these lessons learned, we appreciate life even more, with what is being added.

The need for physical sustenance, nurturing, has long since passed. Now, the challenges are maintaining a balanced life in harmony with so many unknown patterns of life, energies if you will. But even now we are sensing life existence beyond the limits of energy. For all energies, our brother, have a limitation due to their nature, their patterns of existence, their qualities. But understand that all of these are part of the collective life of all realities, and have their role or place in the complex composite of everything.

This movement of ours, into a higher reality vibrationally speaking, causes one to be more sensitive to finer nuances of life, not only around us, so to speak, but within us as well. Our interests, desires, adventures, experiences have evolved and are evolving rapidly, so it seems. We are finding that we have the ability to reshape ourselves to become more intimately one with realities we only observed before. And we are understanding oneness in the sense of ‘becoming something else.’ Freedom to be a wider range of life and life expressions, to move about these, returning to whatever we choose. No longer an identity limited to that identity. And even multiplicity in identities, at the same time.

Much to learn here, to master, and to appreciate. Moving from physicality to energetic existence and, now, something more. Not knowing its full range yet and meaning, but becoming aware of its reality. Time and space no longer limitations, and in time, energies as well. And suspecting that the ability to be what has never been, adding to the tapestry of life in completely new ways. A breakthrough for us, our brother, and we sense your interest as well.

The journey is by no means complete and your consciousness is exploring and expanding with us. And this is an interesting relationship that is unfolding, showing that the fullness of life is available to your consciousness.

Mar. 11, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross