Exploring the larger life

JANU: Sublimating curiosity to a more profound connection with life, let us command perspective on the human adventure as it pertains to its role in the scheme of things.

In some ways, humanity is just beginning its adventure, becoming more and more aware of life beyond the Earth. There are many schools of thought and experience as to the non-physical nature of human consciousness. A true adventure awaits when meeting another from another world and learning of each other’s psyche, understanding the capabilities. This can be what some would call ‘a tricky time,’ a delicate beginning of relationships, learning how strong and fragile your perceptions can be.

A question arises, again: What is real and what is not? Has something been imagined or observed?

Procreation has many faces. Humanity will explore the lives of other worlds looking for common ground and finding it difficult to find. What of life spans that vary greatly? Diversity is a strength of life. Many species will have evolved differently. Humans talk about the ‘last great frontier.’ There are frontiers they have not yet imagined.

Oct. 22, 2015 B                                                Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding a life form

JANU: The words used in this communication are sponsored by other life forms, as a result of your inquiry. Communication with other life forms for mutual benefit is not in English, our brother, or any other Earth language of humanity and must be translated, which is one of our services on these journeys.

There is a life form, that you are seeing at this moment, which is similar in shape to a caterpillar, but the hair is much longer. Color is like a light gray. This life form does not build edifices or engage in what you would call agriculture. There is procreation. But the intelligence and wisdom does not derive from these things. And, yes, this life form exists on the Earth. It exists in the jungles of tropical rainforests and is a transplant from another world. They have a very old consciousness and their understanding and vision of life is not like yours at all.

So, where does conversation or communication begin, our brother, when there seems to be nothing in common? It begins by valuing each other’s existence and being open to mutual service.
Their physical existence is there to survive on the Earth and to comfort each other. Their protection from predators is in the form of virtual invisibility, but can be seen in the mind. They live in the trees. And, no, they do not have a name. But co-exist with the trees and provide in return an enzyme that the tree makes use of for its protection. Their arrival from another world was arranged, this being one of their purposes. Their hair-like appendages contribute to a symbiotic relationship with the tree.

You ask what do they know that you could understand? They know long life, our brother. A kind of timelessness and an intimate sense of oneness. They understand connection, co-dependency of a beneficial nature.
This is but one example, our brother, of the diversity of life, and purpose, longevity, and oneness. Namaste.
July 1, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The push is on for awakening

JANU: There is a push to awaken humanity into a far more joyous relationship with life, and each other. Moments of insight, misunderstood, ignored, giving way to the pressures of living created by humanity, can be gently expanded to insights as requested at any time.

There is so much that life has to reveal, that means other beings as well, to the benefit of humanity. Many keep asking, “Why don’t these beings come out into the open, land their craft, if that’s the case, and meet the people?” The answer is: Is humanity ready for such an experience? How would these beings be received? Loving acceptance? Or with suspicion and a defensive attitude, mistrust, judged with old perceptions and concepts created by humanity? So the desire for others to relate to humanity, lift consciousness, and inspire joyous hearts is there but clearly the task is for humanity to grow in consciousness and understand their message and who they are. And this is supported by a reality that humanity understands who they themselves are

The path of awakening to True Nature is the journey we speak of. For understand this, our brethren, the True Nature is the link to the rest of life. Many of these other beings understand this and have achieved this oneness, this connection, and wish this for humanity as well. But they cannot force this upon humanity, only inspire. So, in a very real way, humanity’s journey into awakening is part of their journey as well. One way or another, the awakening of humanity benefits all of life. So the push is on, and, in our way, we are part of it.
May 13, 2015 Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Inspiring humanity to larger realities

JANU: We move into the long-term commitment to the preparation of humanity for an off-world encounter with someone not of the Earth, but on the Earth. The appearance is unremarkable. The identity, knowledge, and intelligence are not flaunted. The perception into the depth of the human experience grows constantly. Communication of understanding is more telepathic for the purpose of sharing information. This one comes and goes as well, but always through or by means of normal transportation, which is time consuming. This one lives in Ireland at the moment and has spent time in Wales, yet to visit America.

This one has been on the Earth for approximately seven years, and is scheduled to leave in two years, or be replaced. This next one will be female in appearance and will be here for ten years. The purpose here is to normalize a relationship with humanity, for better understanding when other worlds are discovered, which is already happening, leading to ‘first contact’ which will trigger deep introspections into the human identity by humanity.

This activity has been continuing for many years and is done for the benefit of humanity, as it discovers the larger family of life and its own nature. Our own journeys through the site you have created are designed to accomplish this as well, slowly, piece by piece. People who are ready for this information will find their way to these.

Jan. 13, 2015 B                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The foundation of humanity

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us embrace the foundation of humanity and its many struggles through thresholds of awakening. We are not speaking of individuals here but of the collective. Humanity’s path to awakening has not been one that is linear. There have been strides forward and reversals, collectively. There have been frequent times of a co-existence of advancements and reversals. Such is the case at this time. Some of those in their darkest period at this time were part of the advancements at other times.

Let us be mindful of the reality that humanity’s consciousness on other worlds, and this one, are connected. For the collective of humanity is not just of the Earth, you see, and the collective human consciousness of other worlds is wide-ranging in ability and maturity and, yes, advancements. And humans from other worlds have visited the Earth and are keenly aware of the human condition on Earth. By thoroughly understanding their own evolutionary path, they are very cautious with their influence, mainly here to observe and learn from the Earth’s journey. And there is much communication and observation with journeys such as ours.

There is a trinity of Earth worlds whose desire is to include the Earth, eventually. Yes, we are close to communicating directly with one or more of these worlds. Re-connecting with these worlds is a beginning step towards direct communication with non-human worlds. Much to learn along this path of discovery, from mutually beneficial connection and exchange.

As we have said before, life is coming together during a process you call ‘time.’ Many, many realms to explore, and Earth is being explored as well. Previously isolated enrichments of life are merging. Namaste, our brother.

Dec. 15, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Human self-perception seen from a larger perspective

 JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us partake of an exploration into the nature of life on another world. One purpose being to raise human consciousness on the Earth to life beyond it, putting its own life in a larger perspective. As you have requested, we choose the planet Mars for this morning’s journey.

Mars has a rich history, mostly unknown by humanity and science. Many cultures have come and gone, yet much remains to be seen and understood. The flow of water on Mars in earlier times was the object of much activity and culture. Water movements were explored for their usefulness. Irrigation of crops seems strange when viewing a world devoid of vegetation, but at that time it was not.

The vegetation that existed on Mars would look strange indeed, in some cases, compared to the Earth, for the source of these types of vegetation was not unlike the source for that of the Earth. The variations evolve on the scene. Mars’s vegetation was very colorful, yellows, reds, and greens, and of course others but these were dominant. The size and height of these vegetations was somewhat greater than on Earth due to the lower gravity.

Science and technology flowered as well. It eventually was turned towards understanding and controlling the slow demise of Mars as a viable world. And eventually the cultures left, but did not forget Mars and all that it had meant to them.

Three civilizations in particular were part of Mars’s history. One was beings of what you would call ‘gargantuan’ proportion, finding it suitable for its low gravity, allowing their great bulk to be comfortable. The second and the third existed on Mars at the same time, cultures from other worlds similar enough in physicality to work in harmony. These beings addressed themselves as the “Voyet” [Pronounced /voy-yette/], similar. Now, in their understanding of their language, this name meant “the united ones.” And in time it became difficult to tell one from the other. They had the greatest interest in preserving the viability of Mars. A few stayed behind when the others left, determined to survive; yet they perished. Some evidence of their existence remains at this time, but in underground structures built for survival. Others have visited Mars since their demise and discovered their remains, but left them entombed.

Humanity will eventually colonize Mars, but only to a small degree, discovering that the Martian resources that are practical to extract and support life are insufficient. But they will learn much in this endeavor and take what they have learned elsewhere. Mars will become what it’s best suited for in the future, and that is a jumping off place, so to speak, to other adventures. As more and more of the larger life is discovered by humanity, the opportunities will make that clear. Much in store yet for this so-called ‘red’ planet, but only as a part of humanity’s movement into a larger life.

Oct. 7, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Exploring Mars

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us pursue the nature of Mars as a world and experiencing its patterns of existence and its memories.

It is possible to know a world for what it is and has been and what it is becoming. The seeds and spoors of ancient vegetation still exist beneath the surface, especially under the ice caps in the polar regions. They hold the memory of what they have been, of their heritage and their innate potential, to grow once more. This will be cultivated by explorers attempting to survive on their own on Mars. There are significant underground reservoirs of water locked up in rock formations, not to mention the ice caps. Solar energy is a grand resource for power, even with current technologies, which are embryonic, if you will.

Mars has known civilizations that come and go. Humanity considers itself indigenous to the Earth. It is not. So it was with Mars in the past. When Mars was abandoned long ago, fairly large reserves were compiled for the future of Mars was understood, but Mars could be a platform of life again. The memories of the planet are stored in fields of subtle energy that are still part of the planet. And these memories reveal all of the realities of this world.

There were a number of underground communities, the remnants of which still offer the opportunity for habitation and survival from the extremes of the surface, you see. Past civilizations built these. Others have discovered that Mars is useful, or was useful, as a temporary waystation to further adventures and opportunities. Humanity will discover this as well. In time, Mars will be as your Moon, never to be as it was but still useful. Still rich with many of its past conditions, artifacts, remnants of other civilizations to be revealed.

Sept. 18, 2014                                               Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The Bermuda Triangle

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, let us delve into the mystery of the vanishing aircraft, people, and ships of the Bermuda Triangle, which is not the only place of these occurrences on the Earth, you see. This is a region of the ocean of the Earth where vortexes of complex energies appear and reappear and the weather changes that accompany. So-called disappearances can occur in the open, not hidden by oceans and other phenomena.

Some have attributed these accumulations of energy vortexes to Atlantis of old and the residual of that existence. Let us put that to rest at this time. There were patterns that involved Atlantis but not created by them. These are natural occurrences of Earth and a living system of complex energies, equilibriums and balances and movement. The sinkings and the loss of aircraft and people were not the target of these natural occurrences, but present during them.

As you know, certain spacecraft can disappear from view, but only from view. They still exist in a slightly different reality. And so it is with these disappearances, many of them, but not all for some still exist on the ocean floor but not found. It is possible for disappearances to be reversed, but unlikely.

There are numerous other anomalies around the Earth. Most do not occur on that scale. Remember, all matter is a form of energy, different patterns, configurations, combinations, demonstrating certain properties attributed to their reality. A human body is part of this. Remember, the Earth exists in a so-called sea of energies, not necessarily of the Earth, and certain configurations of these can trigger responses of the Earth’s natural subtle energies into configurations that one might call disturbances, turbulences, or storms of energy, with some alteration in their properties or patterns. And the Bermuda Triangle, among others, is somewhat susceptible to these, so they amass there and run their course.

The Earth is a very dynamic energetic reality, with currents and sub-currents and eddies and layers, always slightly in motion but capable of extremes, relieving pressures, so to speak, finding more equilibrium in between. Consider the turbulences and flows and motions in human consciousness, emotions, conduct, behavior, interactions. There are correspondences in the movements of life virtually everywhere. Not so mysterious, after all, but life on the move and evolving.

Aug. 27, 2014                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Human evolution on another planet benefits Earth humanity

JANU:     For this morning’s journey, let us pursue a discourse on the evolution or elevation, if you will, of a pronounced victory or achievement in the course of human development, not of the Earth but of another human type world, for the struggles are similar but the timings are different. Humanity has yet to realize how strong the links are between their consciousness and evolution to that of other human worlds. Profound achievements that we speak of are occurring. A brotherhood is forming between diverse cultures, races if you will, ideologies and cultures. Their challenges to universal theology have not been as strong as they are on Earth. One less hurdle. But they have theology based more upon an understanding of the nature of life than on faith and belief. Now, faith and belief exist, but not on a pedestal, as a final goal, but only as steppingstones to universal understanding.

All of these elements in their culture have a synergistic composite making the path to universal freedom and consciousness a smoother transition. Differences are truly understood more clearly as strengths collectively, and are taken advantage of in that way. Collective creativity and genius are blossoming.

There is merit in Earth humanity to become more aware of this reality, but not ready yet for contact. These embryonic changes in the other world are not firmly established enough to withstand the onslaught of the challenges of Earth humanity, but they will be. Once again, the need for the right timing of developments in an interconnected universe. Earth humanity still sees itself as alone in the universe. Not only that, but alone in their own cultures, their own communities, their own nations. And with some, their own tribes, you see. We are not saying that are not others on the Earth world who understand this.

Earth has yet to realize that other examples of humanity on other worlds, and their achievements, lift humanity. Subtly, of course, but it is there. For consciousness, our brother, is not limited by time and space but can enjoy connection with the focus of interest. A valid question to the seeker of truth: What are your interests?

Aug. 31, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The path to victories is of your own design and choosing

JANU:    We call upon at this time the energy of, the reality of, journeyers in life that travel time and space to bring about a richer experience and a knowledge base for those who seek it, for not everyone journeys in the same way or employs the same faculties in the same way. Each have their own gifts.

So the journeyers we speak of at this time resemble humanity in some ways. They travel in craft. They have a more advanced understanding and application of those forces humanity reaches for and, in many cases, is unaware of. Much of their communication is telepathic, across vast distances, while traveling at speed.

The ones we look in on today have a green energetic hue with a touch of yellow. They have mastered these journeys long ago. They are now looking forward to the possibilities to enhance their achievements. They exist on the edge or the cusp between physicality and subtler reality, less physical, you see. And the experience of this existence makes them aware that they are near thresholds of change but are uncertain as to their physical status when embracing these new realities. There are others who have achieved this change, and they search both physically and telepathically for contact of this nature. Their craft are spread far and wide and, at determined intervals, halt their travel and telepathically network for the sensitivity to attune to what they reach for. And in this way, all of these journeyers are aware of more than they can achieve individually.

In time they will realize that what they search for is within them and is achievable without the travel, you see. In time, their travels may reveal others who have achieved what they look for, but these others cannot gift them this experience. It is a journey within that puts you at one with everything. Traveling for answers is left over from the physical journeys of their history, their tradition. It is not a waste of time, for it will reveal the truth of what they seek, if for no other reason than hinting at the solution but not providing it. Many achievements in life are accomplished by understanding the truth of this.

They will achieve their victory and realize the path to victory is of their own design and choosing, as it is with so many victories in life, our brother. Consider this carefully. Namaste.

Aug. 30, 2014                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross